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"All But One" Reviews/Comments [ 89 ]
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 Reviewed By: Cindyve13 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2004 13:58 CST
the story is pretty good and interesting enough, I hope to see an update soon so I can keep up with the story
 Title: woop woop
Reviewed By: paige89 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2004 15:52 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
it was a vote for sess/kag. but i would like more naraku TRYING to get kagome. ^_^
 Reviewed By: lovin_sesshomaru_isnteasy(offline)  On: January 31, 2004 20:42 CST
LOL, I do have a lot of ideas don't I? New vote: Inu/Fuji/Kag/Sess LOL THATS a mouthful! Update soon ^_^
 Title: oooo! me likey!
Reviewed By: makumba-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 31, 2004 18:16 CST
oooooooo u stopped at the good part! i really like fuji and i wouldn't mind a fuji/kag cause i like yaoi and yuri couples alot, but i REALLY like sess/kag! so my vote is sess/kag! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! hurry and update i'm leaving for four days and i will be deprived of fanfiction! keep going! it's really good ja ne!
 Reviewed By: diablos42069 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 31, 2004 17:44 CST
jakostu is in this! yay!!!!! i LOVE HIM!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Zaxlan  On: January 31, 2004 17:20 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ZAXLAN! Get the name right. It's not Zaxian...ugh. Sorry for writing that incorrectly let me fix it. "There's alot of Gay and Lez 'talk'." It gets sorta confusing for me. All these characters...do they play a main role in here? If not why'd you put 'em in? If I can vote more then once...Sess/Kag
 Title: lol!
Reviewed By: chevere  On: January 31, 2004 06:57 CST
what IS Fuji's middle name??? I'm curious! (Sub Concious: yeah, sure... it's just because you mentioned Tolkien. She gets an orgasm each time she hears his name) I do not! (SC: you do too!)... errr.. weird. Huh... I can´t think of a possible reaction for Kagome, though I can imagine Fuji breaking it up with a funny comment. Ack. I'm bad at this! She reminds me of my cousin when we were close. Anyways! I think your story is really refreshing. It makes me remember what campus was like in Venezuela (Europe is SO boring!) I miss it! Keep up with the great work!
 Reviewed By: Zaxlan  On: January 30, 2004 14:26 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
O.o Shock, just pure shock. But in a good way(If that's possible). Well there seems to be a lotta gay and lez people. It makes me wonder.....oh well I never had the imagination. To tell you the truth since Sesshoumaru sorta looked like a girl I thought you would make him gay too. ^_^ Ow...my friend just hit me over the head for typing that. (the truth is she has a thing for him) How is it possible for people to have crushes on cartoons? Anyways I guess my vote would be Sess/Kag
 Title: I loved it!
Reviewed By: chevere  On: January 30, 2004 09:12 CST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
lol! I had a nice laugh at this. I like your original character (and I like the fact that she's a lesbian, lol!) And I think that in my oppinion is either her or Sess with Kagome. Loved it, keep it up!
 Reviewed By: Starry Dragon Knights [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 30, 2004 04:45 CST
either have Fuji/Kagome or Sess/Kagome but I would prefer for it to be a Fuji/Kagome It just seems like and interesting couple ^_^ Great job on the story so far!
 Title: HILARIOUS!!!!!
Reviewed By: diablos42069 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 30, 2004 01:55 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this is sooooooooo fuckin funny!!!!! these guys sound like a bunch of MY friends! and fuji is JUST like me! well, not quite, i'm bi, and not as cheery and happy, but still, everything else, exacally the same! anyways, i stand by what i said before. I still think it should be inu/kikyo (which by the way, kikyo is fuckin cool in this fic!) and sessh/Kagome. ya, thats what i wanna read about. lol! but i'll like it no matter what you do with it, i'll just like it more if it goes like that lol. anyways update soon! arianna
 Reviewed By: diablos42069 (not signed in) [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 30, 2004 01:30 CST
ok normally, i'm a Inu/kag fan all the way. but I really want this one to be sessh/kag and Inu/kikyo . its amazing really, normally I hate inu/kikyo parings and normally i dont like seesh/kag either. but this is definatly something i want to be a sesh/kag. anyways imma keep reading arianna
 Reviewed By: White Tiger Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 29, 2004 22:14 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
great chap! they all practically spilled their guts out to each other in a very odd manner and now everybody now's how everybody feels!! ^^ now all we have to do is wait and find out what their gonna do about it! ^_~ well...update soon! =^-^= W.T.P.
 Title: woopy!
Reviewed By: Paige89 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 29, 2004 21:32 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
i was extremely confused, and some of the characters are REALLY OOC. now, while your reading this, you may be thinking this is a flame, or maybe even constructive critisism. BUT, NO IT IS NOT!!! in fact you story is rather refreshing, and i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Naraku!!! ^_^ (BTW my spelling TOTALLY sux i know >_
 Reviewed By: lovin_sesshomaru_isnteasy [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 29, 2004 17:23 CST
How bout everyone goes for Kagome... b/c I can't stand to see her with Sesshy. Maybe it should be a freindly fuck-around triangle between Inu Yasha, Fuki, and Kagome?? ^_^ I just can't imagine Kagome with anyone but Inu Yasha. Everything else is a sin. "o" Does Shippou like Kagome?? I always thought if she wasn't his "mother" she was his crush. Another snag for Kagome! I LOVED this chapter! ^_^ Update soon!
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