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"Not Quite Good Enough To Be Going On With..." Reviews/Comments [ 5 ]
 Reviewed By: RhineGold [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 19, 2004 22:12 CST
Thanks! See? I'm learning more German already!!
 Reviewed By: iso7  On: February 19, 2004 16:48 CST
No problem. If its a good story I like to help out when i can. Sorry to have to tell you this, but 'Schuldig' isn't a noun. The noun is 'Schuld'. 'schuldig' is an adjektive and only because ist is used as Name it is written with a capital letter. There is already a difference between the noun 'Schuld' and the adjektive 'schuldig'. The adjektive 'schuldig' has (don't know how to say it best) well it is for example used in court (guilty or not guilty) and the implied meaning is a bit different/stronger and leans more to guilt. 'Schuld' is more used with the meaning 'fault' or 'blame' like for example "Es ist deine Schuld" "It is your fault". It can also mean guilty but then it is often meant more as a 'moral guilt' and most of the time it means 'fault' 'blame' or 'dept'. And the noun 'der/die Schuldige' means guilty person. I hope this try at an explanation is helpful. oh and here is also the ß for Weiß
 Reviewed By: RhineGold [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 19, 2004 14:03 CST
+The reason I use "Schuldich" instead of "Schuldig" is because I am trying to display a difference between the name and the noun. I do write "Schuldig" in most stories, but there is a reason I chose "dich" for this one, which will be exlplianed at the end of part one. +Thank you so much for your help with my German. I'm really new at this, and my computer likes to remove all of the "ä ö ü like the ü " for some reason. I'll try copying and pasting, though. Thanks!
 Reviewed By: iso7  On: February 18, 2004 11:01 CST
Sorry that the text is a bit hard to read, i had spacing in it but MM.org somhow didn't want it.
 Reviewed By: iso7  On: February 18, 2004 10:59 CST
I like your story, but could you please write Schuldig with a 'g'? The 'ch' is wrong, the word doesn't exist with a 'ch' at the end. I know that many use it but it is wrong and it hurts my eyes when I see it. I hope to read more of your story. I know that the grammer of a foreigen language and translating into a foreigen language are hard, I only want to help you with the corrections as it will also make your story look better for thoes that know german. "You bastard. You drugged me" = Sie Bastard. Sie haben mir Drogen gegeben (Bastard is written with a capital B) This is how I would translate the 2nd scentence. "You amuse me" = Sie amüsieren mich. tote = töte ( perhaps it is difficult for you to get them. if you want to copie and paste them ä ö ü like the ü for Glühen and Gedankenübertragung) I want you to = (Thats a bit difficult to translate as it can't be translated word for word. I would use this:) Ich will dass sie es tun His name is = Sein Name ist / Er heißt eien = einen Won't you please sit down? = Würden sie sich bitte hinsetzten Bitte, nehmen sie platz. = Please, sit down. (this scentence isn't used as a question, it is more like offering s.o. to sit down. Wei gehts = Wie geht's = How are you Sei Kennenzulernen = Sie kennenzulernen Better haben Kein wahl = Bettler haben keine Wahl just switch nimmmt and gibt and it matches the english translation better what do you want? = was wollen sie (dafür)? thats what i would use Here is only a corrected version: Geöffnet ist die Tür… Ich höre die Mutter flehen… der Vater… schlägt auf mich ein… und, o… wie sie schreien! It slowly drives me to insanity = Es treibt mich langsam in den Wahnsinn Desinegen= Deswegen How do you know this = Wie können sie das wissen? or Woher wollen sie das wissen?

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