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"Music to My Ears" Reviews/Comments [ 37 ]
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 Reviewed By: NeoYami (>.>)  On: March 11, 2004 22:51 CST
DUDE! I was a DJ! SWEET! ^_^ Awwww, that's all??? No more?? Tha'ts IT? NOOOOO! It was all good though! Hope you write some more fics if this is truely the last chapter!
 Reviewed By: Raven haired saiyan  On: March 11, 2004 22:40 CST
It's okay, you had no way of knowing. Just ask next time okay? Don't want them to get ripped off.
 Reviewed By: Black B. Kirin  On: March 11, 2004 21:42 CST
*pulls back hand* Okay, sorry. Won't touch them, I swear. ^-^ Look mighty cute though. But for the "everyone HATES Kibaomaru" thing, well, I don't official hate him. I think he's very good at being the villian. After all, he ain't wimpy, no one knows what he looks like, and he's got a huge army of evil Musha's! What more can one ask in a bad guy? THough other people may disagree with me, I gotta say what I gotta say... Kiba's my main (bad) man! .... or main Musha... uh... lost my train of thought there.... Keep writing GD! I can't wait for the last chapter! And you say there's going to be a surprise? *wiggles with excitement* JOY!
 Reviewed By: May-VeggieGirl1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 11, 2004 13:51 CST
6_6 I think it's official. Kibaomaru is now THE most hated character.
 Reviewed By: May-VeggieGirl1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 11, 2004 13:48 CST
I liked this one much better. Woah, for a sececond everytime I wrote an e it turned into an o. Creepy...I'm liking it more but you could STILL be more original...9_9
 Reviewed By: Green Devil [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 11, 2004 12:31 CST
Glad you liked it Black! Yeah, I noticed that some other author's do that as well. I agree with you completly. Wow, I actually got you to do that Yami? Coo! I'm glad you like! You know Raven, I was actually gonna leave it as a cliffhanger when I was typing it, but then I thought better of it and decided to just finish the chap. And yup, the next is the last one. Plus, there's gonna be a surprise in it for all you who have reviewed. Well, two if you count what will happen in the end, but yeah. I'll get to it right away. ^_^!
 Reviewed By: Raven haired saiyan  On: March 10, 2004 23:37 CST
That was...wow, just wow... I got a little confused at some of the parts thinking it was a cliffhanger. Then I went like 'NNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!' and almost grabed a crowbar. So the next chapter will be the last one? To Black: ...Yeah I'm only half. No touching the ears or tail without permission. I'm very well thank you!
 Reviewed By: NeoYami (La laaa)  On: March 10, 2004 22:52 CST
Man, at a lot of the parts, I was---GASP! NO! ---Get him Zero!! NO! >_< LOL...I even rubbed my head ans did 'kush kush' out of nervousness at the part where Baku was with Kiba. x.x (And I dun do that often!) CONTINUEE!! ^_^_^_^_^
 Reviewed By: Black B. Kirin  On: March 10, 2004 22:31 CST
Whoops! Forgot to reply to Raven... half cat you say? Whoa. That's new. ^-^ *pets* Kittyyyy... okay, enough of that. *cough* Hmm... my first encounter with a coffee drinking half cat that reacts to pins and water. How do you do?
 Reviewed By: Black B. Kirin  On: March 10, 2004 22:29 CST
I cannot believe that just happened... *sniffs* My God! That was an intense chapter. What, with all the gut feelings... the Kibaomaru advances, and helpless Baku... then it's Zero to the rescue! Yeah, I know I'm not making much sense here, gimme a few seconds. *Takes a breather then sniffs again* Beautiful. Well written and very riveting with plenty of details. I liked how Baku at least tried to help... some authors just keep a character standing there in such scenerios. I find that really stupid. I mean, Hello! Two people are fighting, your love fighting for your sake, and the other is just... er, yeah. And you just STAND there? Pfft. Yes, like I was saying, I was very pleased with how you made an effort to show that Baku indeed wanted to help. Unlike some other authors... hey, I haven't mentioned any names yet, so don't give me that look... great story, enlightening chapter, and I hope to read more! YAY!
 Reviewed By: Raven haired saiyan  On: March 10, 2004 21:03 CST
*sweatdrops* It won't happen again I swear! It only happens when I get too close to the water or needles, it makes me do weird things! *sigh* It sucks to be a half cat.
 Reviewed By: Black B. Kirin  On: March 10, 2004 20:00 CST
Whatever you say, Raven! I'm just waiting for the next chapter. *sits down again FAR FAR away from any water* I'm watching you...
 Reviewed By: Raven haired saiyan  On: March 10, 2004 17:39 CST
And the cruelest of cruel.
 Reviewed By: Black B. Kirin  On: March 09, 2004 23:00 CST
Astounding, you sure know your Japanese! *still hugging and finally lets go and looks at GD with starry eyes* Tomorrow? Really?? Halleluiah! *throws confetti* Great, I'll be wired up all through school. Then, after school, I'm a'gonna run straight to my comp and see what happened. Poor Baku! Poor Zero! *dramatic sigh* XP Wow... Kibaomaru's just the evilest of the evil, ne? I guess it's pretty neat to have a faceless mastermind... ooohhh, spooky!
 Reviewed By: Raven haired saiyan  On: March 09, 2004 21:50 CST
*Blushes madly* Uh,do itashimashite. Glad you like it. You too GD. *hugs back* Yeah you spelled it right. If you're wondering what I said, I said 'you're welcome'.
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