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"A Saiyan For All Seasons" Reviews/Comments [ 209 ]
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 Reviewed By: Prophet WolfStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 19, 2005 19:43 EDT
Greatest damned Vegeta/Bulma story I've read in like...forever! XD I can't wait to read more! I found the link to this one on sheezy actually... On the pic of Bulma you posted! XD Write more? Soon?
 Title: Hurry!
Reviewed By: gokusgirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 28, 2005 09:20 EDT
I'm usually not in a rush for an update... but your story is like crack! Just joking, don't know a thing about that stuff. But I really need a update on this fic! I've had a shitty week and I could use the pick me up!! Type faster! Beta Read quicker LisaB! :D :sorry for sounding like an annoying fan: add me to your update list please, gg gokusgirl_2000@yahoo.com
 Reviewed By: Heiress2thethrone [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 23, 2005 01:30 EDT
i luv this story so much. i can only wonder how long you're going to keep going for. but epics are the best. so keep it up. great job
 Title: A Saiyan for all Seasons.
Reviewed By: bura400 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 22, 2005 23:33 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Aw, Lynn that was such heartwarming not to mention great interaction--*sniffles*. Pure genius--it really touched my heart and almost made me cry. Great tale spinning--*grins*. Tara-chan
 Reviewed By: VegetasLindalou  On: September 21, 2005 14:13 EDT
This is so great!!! I can feel Bulmas pain as Vegeta leaves. please update soon. Thanks.
 Title: another great one!
Reviewed By: gokusgirl(not signed in)  On: September 19, 2005 22:40 EDT
Super chapter, I could REALLY relate to the labor Bulma expericenced. Please add me to your update list! (gokusgirl_2000@yahoo.com) Thanks!
 Reviewed By: TT  On: September 18, 2005 22:50 EDT
This is so good! I love your bulma, vegeta even yamcha & bulma's parents. Your story made me believe that they are REAL
 Title: STUPID mm cut me off...
Reviewed By: debbiechan not logged in  On: September 18, 2005 19:55 EDT
I meant to write that the line was IC and yet so unexpected,revealing and touching. You manage to do that with Vegeta in this fic, keep him recognizable as the anime guy with the cold intense glare and yet put him into this relationship context! This is my favorite story--I'm going to reread it to get in a good BV mood... when you said the other day at the Salon that you were waiting for another chapter from me, I felt REALLY motivated--the BV love doesn't let go, does it? This couple is so endlessly fascinating....
 Reviewed By: debbiechan not logged in  On: September 18, 2005 19:51 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
!!!!!!!!!!! As always, the detail was... oh just delicious. I felt like I was licking the plate when I finished this chapter! (a new one ! a new one! I hadn't reviewed the last one!) This line killed me: >>"Like nothing I ever expected," he admitted.
 Reviewed By: pisq  On: September 18, 2005 19:35 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG! I love it!!! Sneaky vegeta with his hands on her! I wonder where you'll go from here!! Keep up the good work
 Reviewed By: dbz-fan-jess *not in*  On: September 18, 2005 18:59 EDT
That was great the convo's that veg had with bulma and yamacha were great. I like the depth you've given to his character. Fantastic job.
 Title: wowza!
Reviewed By: gokusgirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 17, 2005 08:36 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ember, you've done it again! I am totally loving this fic, no matter how many times its told! This rendition is very realistic, and Bulma's feelings are very... real? Did I mention your fic if very realistic? :D Great job girl, hope to see more, and SOON! Laters! gg
 Title: Perfection
Reviewed By: megan1202 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 10, 2005 22:55 EDT
I can't believe how great this is. I'm honestly speechless. I just started reading this yesterday and I've grown incredibly attached. I love the way you show Bulma as intelligent and in control. I've read too many fics where Bulma is shown as just some rich conceited airhead, which isn't how I picture her. I was wondering if you have a schedule for your updates? If so could you please let me know, because this is truly amazing. Thanks!
 Reviewed By: Janie_Johnson  On: September 07, 2005 18:35 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Excellent. I've actually read a lotta fanfiction about bulma/vegeta before (and i'm also very "picky" about fanfics concerning these characters), but it always seemed to me as though something was missing in most of them. By reading your fanfic I realised the difference between yours and the others. Fortunately you don't often write vegeta's thoughts, only is actions, and actually I think in the case of this specific character actions are 1000x better than words. Oftenly fanfiction writers fail by trying to express Vegeta's thoughts, which, let's face it, it's not an easy task, mostly when you are trying to take feelings out of a "rock". You proceeded very well in the story. Usually people say it's bizarre to make vegeta a sex addict in fanfictions, but I can't see no other chance of vegeta to get involved with bulma other than for that reason or maybe only for that "passion kinda thing". Congratulations for your dirty mind too! HAHAHA
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 04, 2005 19:01 EDT
I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of DBZ is regretfully limited. But I still enjoyed this story nonetheless and, from my bit of awareness, everyone seemed in character. I liked the fact that you don't try to force it into the box of typical romance and of course the lemons were delicious. The only thing that sort of bothered me was the somewhat abrupt ending, but I understand how that can be. If there's anything worse that writing the beginning of a story, it's trying to wrap it all neatly.
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