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"White Noise" Reviews/Comments [ 25 ]
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 Title: white noise
Reviewed By: Lady_Lucifer [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2007 11:36 CST
Style of Writing: 5 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 5 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
hey i really liked your story and hope that you will continue it.
 Reviewed By: ShinigamiSeiji  On: August 29, 2006 00:05 CDT
::::picks up stick::: :::poke poke poke::: Not feeling better yet huh?
 Reviewed By: moimoi-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 27, 2005 19:20 CST
okay so i know you won't leave me hanging forever...
 Reviewed By: ShinigamiSeiji  On: March 16, 2005 00:39 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I just want you to know that your fic is the ONLY reason I still frequently check this website. Always hopeing to see a new chapter. So I hope you get better EXTREMLY fast!!!! (nervous break downs suck -.-; ) I just NEED to know what happens so please don't leave me hanging with this -.-; :::bows, and begs on knees:::
 Reviewed By: Abyssinian Diablo  On: February 11, 2005 12:41 CST
I just want you to know: Your fic is very very enticing. The smut is beautifully graphic. =P And I hope that you are well on your way to recovery, restore your health to its absolute best, so that we readers will get to enjoy your writing again. Take care! =)
 Reviewed By: Cierzo [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 06, 2005 18:34 CST
Hi! I've liked the fic very much (what is already written, that is), first because your style is really nice to read, with the humour and all, but mainly because your lemon scenes are reeeeeeeeeeally good (maybe I'm too kinky?) Aya behaves himself totally in Character, although his thoughts are completedly unexpected, Ken's first "fantasy" is toooooooo sappy for me, but it's truly like him to think so, Youji is exactly the one fourth gay that his appearance screams him to be and Schuldig is the cold bastard that I so deeply love; maybe too much of a bastard in the late chapter, but the first dream with Youji was just sooooooo good!! I just wanted to thank your linguistic classes and hope that you keep on writing
 Reviewed By: Yami no Pengu  On: November 17, 2004 17:33 CST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Holy crap, your fic rules. It's one of my favorites. Aya is the funniest character in it...Chapter ten had me on the floor giggling my tushy off....thank you for writing this ^-^
 Reviewed By: CC  On: October 22, 2004 13:45 CDT
You finally updated! Hooray! I was starting to wonder if you had abadoned this fic. I'm so glad that you didn't. Wow, I never noticed how much I ramble before this... ooh well, onto the review. I absolutely LOVE the way you write Aya. He has the same weird thoughts that I do. Kinda nice to know that I'm not alone in them. Yohji at a gay club... now that's something that I would pay to see. He seems to be having a (very) good time. I hope that you won't wait so long to update again now that you've had one of my stellar reviews... how I pity you. Keep writing, I know that there's at least one person out here who's still enjoying this story! Ja, CC
 Reviewed By: ~~*N*~~  On: October 21, 2004 22:48 CDT
Kick-ass! I am so very happy that you updated, and that you're really self-depricating. That's truly a gift. And this chapter (and the last; I'm such a moron for not putting in a review when that chapter went up) is yummy!! Make whatever assumptions about me that you will, but I'm very happy that Linguistics (what on earth constitutes a Linguistics class, anyway?) beat this chapter out of you. I love the confused-but-actually-very-sincerely-sweet Ken, and Yoji...well, Yoji's superb no matter what. And Aya-san has never been so much fun (his thoughts seem to me to fit him...maybe that's weird of me). So-o, anyway, well done, and please update again soon. I'd love to see what Schuldig is going to do to Yoji-kun next...
 Reviewed By: Black Kittens Dream [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 07, 2004 09:50 CDT
Well, that chapter explained Kenken's reactions to Yohji's terror, and now I can proudly say I just KNEW THE WHOLE TIME that they weren't his own!!! ... Um, at least to some extend. *cough* I never guessed Ken to be that kinky but the scene in the shower certainly is proof enough. Nice image by the way. =^__^= Ken had his little fantasy about Yohji while Schu was asleep so there aren't any manipulations... Or was it Schu again?! Poor Yohji is surrounded by hentais. Ah, Aya and his bellybutton-philosophy. *g* Love your Aya and his sarcasm. Oh, and I'm sorry for the terrible late review, your update clashed with my summer vacation. Please update soon!
 Reviewed By: Lamename  On: July 31, 2004 05:08 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
LOL Chp.7 LOL I LOVE chp.7 i Cant stop cryin' I ended up rollin' round on the floor laughin' my head off. I Thank U For Making Me Laugh. (first time i've laughed in at least 2 months)
 Reviewed By: ~~*N*~~  On: July 28, 2004 02:36 CDT
I had to leave you a review because I have been excessively truant recently and for that I apologize. I love your Aya-san! If he's based on you, then go Team You! His thoughts are alternately brilliant and hilarious...but he's still Captain Leader Guy on the outside. Joy! As always, I approve most happily of your Ken and Yoji (KY -- love that!) torture, since they're my favorite kitties. Maybe that's twisted, but I always want a happy, fluffy, citrusy ending for them as well, so maybe that balances it(?). And your bastardly Schu is most appealing...I love it when he's written as a manipulative, powerful bastard. But I am putting in my vote right now that he not get to keep the beloved Yoji! In any case, I'm in love with this story. Please don't leave it too long without an update. Ja ne.
 Reviewed By: CC  On: July 20, 2004 21:43 CDT
Well crap. now you have me contemplating bellybuttons. Oh well, I've had stranger thoughts. Anyway, back to...errr, starting the review. This looks like it's going to be a great story, you need to update though! Poor Yohji, all lusted after with no knowledge of it. Wish I was in that position. Keep writing, great fic so far. oh, and thanks for the KY comment. I had never thought of that before. Very funny and oh so true! Ja, CC
 Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578  On: May 26, 2004 11:20 CDT
Black Kitten, you're incredibly intelligent, or I'm incredibly predictable. Let's go with a mix of both. Anyway, so yes, you happen to be an oracle or a telepath, your choice, but still, go you! Not saying you got everything right, but still, most of it ^____^
 Reviewed By: Black Kittens Dream [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 26, 2004 07:07 CDT
*looool* Gods, that was so funny!!! I was grinning the whole time, your mixture of dark moments and humour is great! There's too much going on in this chapter to make quotes. I loved the sarcasm of Omi and Aya, the whole idea of showing the scene through two POVs is great. I wonder what Ken's POV would be, but then it would be a parody instead of drama/angst or whatever it is. *g* And Omi's plea to Aya to not kill Yohji was hilarious. Or Aya's thought that Yohji had committed seppuku... "Another Fujimiya joke that will go unnoticed." *lol* And Ken was aroused by the situation? Oi, I don't think that Ken's such a pervert so maybe it was Schu who was manipulating him, maybe even watched the whole thing through Ken's eyes and reflected so his own arousal into him? Nah, sorry, I just love to make theories about what's going on or what could happen next.--- And I can't believe it. Your Ken is just as helpless as mine in let's-call-it-a stress situation. Ah, I'm going to update tomorrow so you'll see what I mean.--- Loved the chapter!!! Two thumbs up!!! Black Kitten
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