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"What Words Cannot Say" Reviews/Comments [ 25 ]
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 Title: Wo-ow! O___O
Reviewed By: yodaihiro [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 23, 2006 04:05 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
The last four chapters were...awesome!!! Heck this entire fic was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I will tell you some things that I liked best or touched me the most about the last chapters. I thought Touya was in the right for telling Aeka about her past and about Jin's feelings...I also liked how he told Jin off about Aeka not being weak because she's not. It irked me to see Kurama and Jin treat her like a possession, and I thought Yusuke was awesome to tell 'em off about it. I also loved how he sacrificed his own happiness so his sister could be happy with the demon she loved. I also loved the scene where you had Hiei protect Aeka...it was SOOOOO sweet! Brother instincts...always sweet...but at times can be overbearing. >.> and Akina... -squeals- I can't wait to read the sequel!!! That had to be my favorite scene from the whole fic...the father and daughter scene. ^_^ It was so touching. Like Touya said everyone got a happy ending. Excellent job, sis! This was a wonderful read! With love, Yo
 Reviewed By: yodaihiro [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 23, 2006 02:42 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Chapters 21 through 25 were filled with alot of tension. It was action packed and suspenseful. Definitely worth my while. ^_^ You already know what I think about your characterization, so I won't talk about that. It seems Aeka has a big decision to make...hope she chooses well. -nods- Let's see the fight between brother and lover was a very powerful scene in this fic...poor Aeka. And poor Touya! He just can't understand that Aeka cares for him as a friend! In a way it's kind of sweet...but I understand how hard it is for him to just be friends with someone. He doesn't know that kind of interaction with others, and like you had Touya say some chapters ago, he has a problem with intimacy. The most hilarious thing I found about these five chapters isn't really all that hilarious at all. I guess it was the tension...that made Aeka calling Kurama a cat thing funny. O_o Weird ne? Well, I shall go see what Touya has to say to Aeka...
 Reviewed By: yodaihiro [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 18, 2006 08:44 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Now for chapters 16-20! This time around had alot of action in it! Chapter 20 especially. Once again the characterization of the characters is quite accurate! And I could feel the overwhelming emotions flowing through Aeka. These were definitely some intense chapters. Jin and Aeka making love was a sweet scene, but my favorite part this time around was Aeka hugging a hesitant ice master. This scene was soooooooooooooo cute! Hm...this story is nothing short of amazing pure d awesomeness! I can't wait to finish the last few chapters up! With love, Yo
 Reviewed By: yodaihiro [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 18, 2006 06:58 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Tis Yo again! Gonna give ya my review over chapters 11-15. Ya had me on the edge of my seat this time around with the intense atmosphere you created! The emotions I felt were so bittersweet...and heartbreaking. Definitely a tear jerker. Poor Aeka...she's endured so much pain...and now that I really think about Aeka is an aspect of the one who created her...I feel the connection strongly between character and her creator...because Aeka seems to mirror alot of your emotions...among many other things. Aeka Urameshi is a character that will stick in my mind for a long time...she's just so...memorable! Everyone's characterization is down pact! You're very good at that. There are three things that stick in my mind when it comes to these five chapters. First was the promise that Jin'd come back and he gave Botan his flute as a physical representation of his promise to give Aeka the hope she needed to survive long enough to be with him. This scene had such a powerful affect on me. Second was Kurama and his unrequited love for Aeka. I didn't really care for him in the first 10 chapters, but in these five chapters, I felt sorry for him...my heart hurt with his for not being able to have Aeka. I can tell how much he really loves Aeka, but I know things will turn out for the best...well I feel like they will. Aeka's meant for Jin. ^_^ The scene that was the most heart breaking was in chapter 15 when Aeka was reaching out for Jin...she wanted so badly to hold him. It must have been so hard on the Wind Master to turn his back on his love so her life would be spared. -sigh- I really hope they'll end up together...they deserve it after all the pain they've endured. I still hate Risho! And Touya's my favorite character in this! He's gotta a sarcastic humor bout him...that I could actually see him having. And Hiei...well he's just Hiei. ^_~ I was very impressed this time around, Oreana. Definitely amazing! I look forward to reading more! With love, Yo
 Reviewed By: yodaihiro [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 16, 2006 03:05 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It's Yo again. Just made it to chapter 10! The ficcie keeps getting better and better!!! The chapter where Jin, Aeka, and Touya went to the bar made me laugh. I thought it was hilarious to read about Jin being that plastered. In these past five chapters, I've come to dislike Kurama even more as a character for this fic! It's all his fault...that Jin and Touya had to go back! But I guess I can understand with him being so overprotective and nosy... >.< I'll forgive him just 'cause I have a feeling everthing's gonna be alright for Aeka and Jin. I thought it was real cute when Aeka got onto Jin for being so thin and he told her it a fat wind master couldn't fly very well. Them making love was a bittersweet scene...I can't imagine having to leave the one I love like that...it must be so hard for Jin and Aeka. And poor Touya...he's such a loyal friend...to go against his code and go into the human world...because Jin loved Aeka so much. I can only admire him more. I HATE Risho...I hated him in the anime...and I hate him even more after I got done reading the 10th chapter. ESPECIALLY after he hurt Jin so badly. The 10th chapter made me cry...made me heart hurt. You've done such a wonderful job with characterization and just writing this. I wish I had reviewed sooner...and I pray everything's going to be alright for Aeka! I will continue reveiwing later, ok? It's three in the morning and as much as I hate to leave this story...I need to try and get some sleep. Take care, Yo
 Reviewed By: yodaihiro [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 16, 2006 01:19 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Hiya! It's xbravemountainx from deviant art. I figured I'd review every five chapters or so. Anyway, I loved how you started off the fic with immediate conflict, seeing as how that is one way to hook the reader at the beginning. It was rather sweet how you portrayed Jin and Touya with a young girl such as Aeka, especially with the Ice Master. I think it would be hard for him to handle children, too. I also loved how you portrayed Yusuke as the brotherly, overprotective type...and I was just as annoyed with Kurama as Aeka was. >.< He doesn't have the right to tell her how to live, as you made Aeka say. But I still like Kurama as YYH character. ^_^ I can definitely see him as the nagging type...definitely a male version of Keiko! Perhaps they could be a match made in heaven, hm? The characterization is great so far, especially on Aeka! She's a great OC! Definitely one worth remembering. I can't even imagine how hard it is for her being deaf and all. Well, I'm off to read more of this ficcie! It's pure awesomeness so far! ~Yo
 Reviewed By: Koorime2000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 08, 2006 13:47 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow, i liked that one, it was so good, it had humor in it, emotional, and everything, i loved it. touya is one of my fav characters so is jin.
 Reviewed By: inuyasha-lover [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 23, 2005 13:16 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i liked this story douse it have a sequal?
 Reviewed By: Raistlin Windblade [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 21, 2005 17:00 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Since you gave me the first 11 chapters, I picked up with 12 and read through 27 before finsihing up today x3 This was very well written and the plotline flows evenly with the storyboard you have set out to create. The emotions captured in each chara and what each is fighting for creates a tense atmosphere between Kurama and Jin, but in the end they figure out who Aeka is best for--in which I love Yuske hollering and pointing fingers at them to tell them Aeka isn't property XP Aeka had a hard way to go and it is great to see her fall in love and be with someone she would have never imagine possible, especially since Jin WOULD have been her daddy and not lover if it hadn't of been for Touya. *gives him credit for that one* XD I've read the sequal so I know how Akina ends up being, however, I have yet to see her adult side when you write about it. *won't give spoilers so hushes* BUt you know what I am referring to XP Keep up the great work--even if this was written last year and reconstructed, I loved it X3 -=Raist=-
 Reviewed By: lolop  On: July 11, 2005 03:50 CDT
awww...please write a sequal!!! i feel so bad for kurama, and no offense or anything, but i think he wouldn't like sumone like Aeka.
 Reviewed By: Oreana Date [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2004 00:39 CST
I will make a sequel when I can gather ideas for it and I am not swamped by so many fics. :D
 Reviewed By: LunaGoddessOf Foxes [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 24, 2004 21:53 CST
sorry to review you again but are you going to make a Sequel or not I'm confusedbut if you are thats great if not that would suck
 Title: OMG!
Reviewed By: Aira  On: December 10, 2004 14:02 CST
OMG! Thatwas the most awesome chapter ever!!!! She's pregnant! But that was a shocker! I really didn't see that one coming! Anyway please write more soon!
 Title: carbuncleruby
Reviewed By: Carbuncle_Ruby [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 10, 2004 11:49 CST
Ahhh! Not cool! One side of me is like GO JIN! and the other is like Awww Kurama! >
 Reviewed By: morwen re  On: November 20, 2004 00:22 CST
good job. please hurry up and end the conflict! i don't like cliffies!
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