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"So this is love" Reviews/Comments [ 26 ]
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 Reviewed By: Blonde_Chick2004 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2005 22:06 CST
hey u remind me of my friend. I'm sorry about him hurting u, but i know its hard but couldn't u have stuck with the signs u were recieving from him. I mean, "i don't want to label us" and him having sex and then yelling at u cause he needs space. i know it sucks and im probably being a bitch but im really sorry.
 Title: Hi!
Reviewed By: ang3lic_pl4ya [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 25, 2004 14:19 CDT
nice nice.... *sigh* everytime I'm trying to sign on mediaminer.org... they never work! *cries* this time, it actually works! yay! great story so far! Is it done? I hope not.... *sigh* "love to hatred and back to love" is on hold. That's why I've never updated... do you have an fanfiction.net account? that's where I've been since like..... the past 3 months. Mediaminer.org is so complicated so I went to ff.net. All my stories are there and there are good ones there to! You should go! the url is.... www.fanfiction.net Okay, update soon!
 Reviewed By: ~DemonandGoddess  On: September 12, 2004 12:44 CDT
Short, but leaving us in suspense. Looking forward to the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: seiya374 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2004 20:35 CDT
 Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2004 22:52 CDT
Yay, an update! ^-^ He doesn't want to get married? Hmm.... well, maybe he'll change his mind one day? Glad you're gonna use my idea. ^^ Ok, update when you can!
 Title: author
Reviewed By: dorina  On: June 16, 2004 16:04 CDT
we didnt "go all the" and with mynew job sorry but i prolly wont updae for a while
 Title: r u still there?
Reviewed By: Smittin Kittin [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 14, 2004 22:18 CDT
Hey girlie, I hope you didn't abandon this fic! I'm looking forward to your next chap. update soon! I'll check back later. Smooches Kittin
 Title: yo
Reviewed By: me  On: June 13, 2004 13:55 CDT
dude update
 Title: good job!
Reviewed By: smittin kittin [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 09, 2004 08:32 CDT
First off I'm sorrry it took so long for me to read your fic, I've been really buisy but that's no excuse! Now on with the review. Can I just say,how brave are you?! It takes a lot of courage to put your life out on display! I read all 6 chaps. strait through & think your doing a good job with the pace of the story. I hope your relationship works out. In the fic it seems like you & Chris are on the track to happiness, but we all know in real life past relationships & old bagage often get in the way. Just a side note about the lemons. Your such a horn ball you dirty girl! (lol) Your no kinkier than the rest of us. I feel weird asking this because this is a true story, but did you two go all the way & did you end up regeting it? Just curious because sex changes a relationship ya know! Once you've been truly intimate that person has the power to hurt you that much more & since you've already cried over him I wonder if you risked the pain. OK I'm shutting up now, I gotta go real life calls! I like this story & admire your bravery thanks for sharing & I will be recomending your story to my readers. Keep up the good work this story has real potential hope you write more! Hugs & Kisses Smittin Kittin!
 Title: author
Reviewed By: dorina  On: June 05, 2004 21:06 CDT
PERFECT!! thanks for the idea chica!
 Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess(not logged in)  On: June 05, 2004 20:35 CDT
How about what you think or want to happen, and then later what really happens? So we can compare fact and fiction. Just a thought. ^-^
 Reviewed By: ang3lic_pl4ya [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 05, 2004 11:36 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Heyy! Okay, if i sent you emails that had nothing in it...it was an accident!!! Just delete it cuz when i tried emailing you it wound't work and would just show something about email sending .... iono. But when i finally gave up, i just went to the review. Okay, thanks for your review! And i wold really appreciate the Kagome and Inuyasha ideas, you can just email them to me or anything you want. OH and I would love to be in your new fic 'War rages on'. Thanks! Anyways, thanks for the offer, and if you want i could also add you to my new fic 'What I Must Do' I have a really good part for you. lol, oh and update this fic too, I've been reading it over because its sooo good! Thanks bubhye!
 Title: author checkin reviews
Reviewed By: me  On: June 01, 2004 06:56 CDT
doo doo
 Reviewed By: Kagome-must-DIE [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 01, 2004 06:36 CDT
I updated my Lord Of The Rings story!!!
 Title: author note
Reviewed By: seiya374 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 29, 2004 21:30 CDT
guys...umm just so you know this is real life...so it may take a while...or i could just end it here...unless you think i should make it up? fake future? suggestions please^___^
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