"Ways to Kill Kikyo!" Reviews/Comments [ 97 ] |
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Reviewed By: SANGO! U HEAR ME SANGO! On: August 08, 2004 19:18 CDT Comment/Review: I LOVE IT! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE DIE KIKYO AGAIN & AGAIN HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE but there is one thing i hated the part in the poisenous fart where u MOCKED SANGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *grabs the 'i love u' knife* no kill auther she cool she kll kikyo ok i'm ok i'm ok *grabs knife again* NO!
Reviewed By: Venora Strikes Again! On: August 08, 2004 19:17 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: my idea got used!!! yay! i like JadeFighter's idea for the next installment... but with my own twist! all the characters get locked in a basement during a tornado and they dont have a can opener for their canned foods... then they all start eyeing kikyo and EAT HER!!!
Reviewed By: Jinx Saru On: August 08, 2004 19:07 CDT Comment/Review: Kikyo is ambushed by my monkey army and some random old lady with a cane! ^_^
Title: Another Idea Reviewed By: Foxy Kurama [MediaMiner Member] On: August 08, 2004 16:51 CDT Comment/Review: she could melt like the wicked witch in the wizard of oz
Reviewed By: killthetoaddemon ~NLI~ On: August 06, 2004 15:40 CDT Comment/Review: My idea got used again. Anyway, love the new chap. I'm out of ideas right now, though... ^____^ Kill her again soon!
Title: stupid idea Reviewed By: JadeFighter On: August 06, 2004 15:02 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: ok this is prolly a stupid idea but just bear with me think about.. survivor, fuedal japan... who will they eat first to save themselves? aha aha got me now? o well just a quick idea :P laterz JadeFighter
Reviewed By: kitkat2919 [MediaMiner Member] On: August 06, 2004 13:55 CDT Comment/Review: yeah! They are so cute and fuzzy! I luv the new chap!
Reviewed By: killthetoaddemon [MediaMiner Member] On: July 30, 2004 13:42 CDT Comment/Review: Chewed to death by squirrels? Eeheeheehee!!!! ^___^ I adore this fanfic. Anyway, have her sent to colonial New England and then BURNED at the stake for being a witch! (a.k.a. miko powers) DIE KIKYO!!!
Reviewed By: Venora Strikes Again [MediaMiner Member] On: July 30, 2004 13:10 CDT Comment/Review: somehow, that whole logging in thing never fails... mostly just when reading your story! how weird is that... anyway... oo! lets pretend she got drafted in the army and got sent to iraq and blown up? slightly contraversial, i know, but it could be funny ^^
Title: eh he he Reviewed By: kitkat2919 (nli) On: July 28, 2004 15:59 CDT Comment/Review: Use my idea! PLEEEEAAASE!!! I'll give you Inu-Yasha in '7 Minutes in Heaven' in my fanfic, 'Sleepover!!!'!! Have all the chipmunks and squirrels chew her to death!
Reviewed By: Venora Strikes Again [MediaMiner Member] On: July 28, 2004 15:16 CDT Comment/Review: somehow, whenever i want to review, im not logged in! frickin piss me off... anyway, this chapter was good too! next, i thikn we should give her to gladiators and she can fight man-eating lions with a stick! and manage to somehow impale herself with it before getting ripped to pieces by lions! and then gets all of her belongings stolen when the people who come to clean up clean up. bwahahaha ive watched too much life of brian (monty python, baby!)
Reviewed By: lone-puppy [MediaMiner Member] On: July 27, 2004 23:09 CDT Comment/Review: um... forget the other one... hehehehe i didn't notice till story 11 that u wrote the others.. hehehe i'm sooo stupid... i didn't even notice the authors name til i read it in the story... i knew Tache sounded farmillar on account i just read all of the crazy inuyasha storys like yesterday on ff.net hehehe.. i feel stupid...
Reviewed By: lone-puppy [MediaMiner Member] On: July 27, 2004 23:00 CDT Comment/Review: the one with kikyo dieing from sango's fart reminded me of a one-shot i read on ff.net and sango eat a can of korean farting beans, she keep farting for an hour and everybody died except for her and kagome...
Reviewed By: Foxy Kurama [MediaMiner Member] On: July 27, 2004 20:31 CDT Comment/Review: muahahahaha! Kikyo shall die! I liked chapters 4 and 10 the best. Kikyo doesnt deserve InuYasha. InuYasha shall have KAGOME! I didn;t like chapter 1 much becuse InuYasha says he loves Kikyo... Anyways I think Kikyo's soul stealers should turn on her.... and eat her alive! [insert evil laugh here]Muahahahaha!
Reviewed By: killthetoaddemon [MediaMiner Member] On: July 27, 2004 20:01 CDT Comment/Review: How many times can Kikyo die? >:) I like this, it's really amusing, and I still say tie her to the motorcycles and rip her to pieces! BWAHAHAHAHA! (I also like Alphonsine's idea of drowning in fluff, that sounds funny!) KILL HER AGAIN!
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