Title: Angel of Anime and Demons and Crossovers Reviewed By: Angel of Anime and Demons and Crossovers [MediaMiner Member] On: August 27, 2005 08:47 CDT Comment/Review: I want Care Bears and Care Cousins AND My Little Ponys to fight in this tournament I love you Youve finally brought some laughter to this Angel
Title: Whee! Reviewed By: katiepatie [MediaMiner Member] On: January 26, 2005 17:19 CST Comment/Review: I want Bob the Builder and those thingies from Booba to go head to head "CAN WE KILL THEM???" "YES WE CAN!!!" ps: don't ask what the thingies are or even what they look like...my cousin watches the show and I go running eac and every time!
Title: Picky... Reviewed By: Dark Night*not logged in* On: November 18, 2004 07:20 CST Comment/Review: Madoa and Brittney Spears!!!!
Reviewed By: HieiTheBest [MediaMiner Member] On: August 14, 2004 20:45 CDT Comment/Review: This is funny XD You silly, silly person :P
Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: August 04, 2004 17:53 CDT Comment/Review: You're lucky. It's horrible! HORRIBLE!!!! ;;^^ I'm only overreacting a little bit. WEll, they look like big round balls, each one a different color,with little baby like heads feet and arms. They also have little blinking lights in their head. Yeah. Anyway, funny chapter! 0_0 Whoah, Barney transformed! And youkai are cheering him on! ...strange, but very funny. Please update soon!
Reviewed By: Inu-Hakusho Girl [MediaMiner Member] On: July 27, 2004 00:30 CDT Comment/Review: Whoa this great!Write more!
Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: July 26, 2004 23:40 CDT Comment/Review: Oh.my.lord. *begins laghing hysterically* This is hilarious! Die evil fuzzy creatures! Are ya gonna put those mutated baby things from that new show? (I have a baby brother who watches it) I think it's Puhbah or something? Cause they deserve to die, miserably and horribly. They have freaky powers, just like the tellitubbies. Update soon! Mwahahaha...DIE FRILLY PINK CHILDISH FREAKISH STUFF!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: animelove [MediaMiner Member] On: July 26, 2004 19:39 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review: I only give overall ratings...^^ MUAHAHAHHAHA DIE FRILLY- CUTE- PINK- OVERLY CHILDISH-THINGS!!! GO HIEI!! RIP EM TO SHREDS!