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"Office Supplies" Reviews/Comments [ 49 ]
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 Reviewed By: StarWolf [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 05, 2004 16:18 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
^-^ Me likie lots! Bakura and sticky notes and Ice cream. O.O AHH! And Yami and pens, even worse. A pen collection. Unspeakable. Marik and Malik. Priceless plotters. ^-^ And Yugi's and other random people are stuck in the middle of everything! Muahahahahaha!!! I think that describles just about all of the people who are ALIVE. ^_^;; Lol. *starts chanting* UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!! I hope Bakura ends up in a hospital >:) Hehehehehehehe. Or Yugi ^__^!! Or, ALL OF THEM!!!! *insert more evil laughter* o.o;; I'm crazy Buahahahahahaha! etc... Did I mention that you should update? And this is kinda a long review. This is also kinda my only review for this story ^_^;; And I really have no idea why I'm so hyper. o_o Do I even have ideas? WHY AM I STILL TYPING?!?!? >_< Just update and put me out of my mysery please. --_--
 Title: YAOI LUVR FOREVER (it says this all over my binder reminder! Just DARE me to show you!)
Reviewed By: Danielle-chan!  On: October 27, 2004 22:23 CDT
1. A few spelling errors... eh. If you want I can print this out and circle them in red and make a huge deal out of it, like the melodramatist that I am... 2. I just realized... when did Bakura see The Wizard of Oz? And does he know that a guy committed suicide on the set? 3. ^^ Ryou's such a sweet person. You know, I think this has shounen-ai potential. ^_^ *suddenly wearing a slash forever shirt (March. You. Me. Kamikaze-con. We go and buy Yaoi shirts. There's TONS of them. There was a guy selling them, and he looked like he was REALLY enjoying himself... not.)* TENDERSHIPPING! WHEE! 4. Ok, which one is Malik and which one is Marik? Because if Malik is the yami... he knows what a chainsaw is, but not a stapler? ~_~ Typical. 5. ^_^ I updated Chapter 5 that we wrote! (We end up wearing scooby doo costumes. It's weird. o.o;;)
 Reviewed By: diablodude [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2004 02:56 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
HAHAHAHA!!!!! *has fallen of his chair and is on ground laughing* *in between gasps for air* that.....was........hialrious.....please....make...more.....soon *starts to laugh to hard and is soon unconcious* @__@ shane.
 Title: This is so funny
Reviewed By: Dark Sanctuary [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2004 00:28 CDT
this is so funny, and Ew roaches in the blender, thats just sick lol.
 Title: Girly scream
Reviewed By: Ryan-Kun  On: October 25, 2004 22:24 CDT
AAAAAAAH! Never thought Kaiba will do such a thing, I mean giddy school girl hehehehehehe nice one! Man, I sound like that green kid in teen titans *_* Don't watch it ehehehehe no one can make me!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Me Mom: You, watch that cartoon show called teen titans! Me: Yes ma'am -watches Teen Titans- -looks at you- Almost no one --_______-- Update Soon!
 Title: Mwehe
Reviewed By: Ryan-kun  On: October 18, 2004 22:11 CDT
That was a short cake ^_^ Anyway it's still good
 Reviewed By: unimportant bystander#12  On: October 18, 2004 16:37 CDT
That chapter was short but funny.I liked it.
 Title: HIYO!
Reviewed By: Callie1075 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 17, 2004 22:03 CDT
Ish short... but that's ok! You're next chapter will be longer! ......Right? o.o() 'TWAS FUNNY! Especially when Marik/Malik said, "We matured in a week" and then Marik/Malik replied "XP No!" I can't remember which. o.o()
 Title: No title!
Reviewed By: Dark Queen  On: September 30, 2004 14:46 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Ha-ha!!! luv it!!!!!
 Reviewed By: inuyashapup-no sign in  On: September 21, 2004 22:34 CDT
laughing so hard, head almoust flies off! thats too funny please update as soon as you can thanks~Storm / inuyashapup
 Title: -meep-
Reviewed By: XxWolf_GirlxX  On: September 05, 2004 18:56 CDT
I love how Bakura attacked Ryou with Sticky Notes XD That was priceless
 Title: LOL
Reviewed By: XxWolf_GirlxX  On: September 05, 2004 18:54 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is hilarious!!! Can't wait to read more!
 Reviewed By: joey's girl  On: September 05, 2004 11:29 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG it is so funny.Yami attacking clicky and yugi and yami having "the talk"and ryou liking scrapnbooking.i was laughing.tears came to my eyes.Kepp it up.:D
 Title: TYPO MAN! o o()
Reviewed By: Danielle!!!!!!  On: August 29, 2004 22:20 CDT
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
It's the return of... TYPOMAN!!!! (whoosh!) (Sorry, I wrote this tiny song called "Gerbil man" to describe Celeste's stalker. Kind of in a pepped up mood now.) Yami- Oh. SO I'VE BEEN HANING OUT WITH SOMETHING THAT'S ABOUT AS ALIVE AS A ROCK?! HANGING not HANING Bakura- Oh. FUN!!! *finds a random piece of paper and shreds it in the paper shreder* ^ ^ I love this thing! I've gotta find more paper! *searches Ryou's backpack* This'll work! *shreds it* shredder not shreder Bakura- Who cares? This is fun! ^^ Wail until I show Marik and Malik!! *unplugs the paper sheder and rushes over to Marik and Malik's house* sheder...? o o () Sounds like my cat. Marik- *sitting on the couch reading a magazine* Don't you ever knock? I know a way to improve this line by 100%! ^_^ Make him be reading a magazine, *boredly* ^^ Mewahaha! O O() Malik- *thoughtfully* But very affective…. effective Marik- *shrugs* Yeah, no one else knows this, but museums are very competitive. (A/N: I made that up. I don't think museums are competitive.) Nothing wrong here, I just wanted to point out that.... MY MUSEUM IS BETTER THAN YOURS!!!!! :P Ben-daaa! Marik- -twenty fiver percent. Bakura- *opens his mouth to protest* Malik- *holds up a hand to silence him* And if you don't except- twenty FIVE percent, and it's ACCEPT ^^;;;
 Title: Hehehe
Reviewed By: Ryan-Kun  On: August 26, 2004 22:22 CDT
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe well I like laughing like a maniac can you blame me? I'm laughing because your fic is funny hehehehe CLICKY IS A ZOMBIE? AAAAAAAH! Oh wait it doesn't affect me! I was planning on making a Frankentsein monster out of him anyway...hehehe okay keep it up!
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