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"Kodomo ni Taisuru Haha no wa Totemo Fukai desu" Reviews/Comments [ 20 ]
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 Reviewed By: Shinna  On: January 19, 2005 14:52 CST
I happy to see that you wrote another chapter. Sesshoumaru was the last person I expected to come to Inuyasha's aid. please write more soon
 Title: Cool!
Reviewed By: hyper22 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2005 19:28 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Cool! I never would have thought of this! Of course if I did I'd be you... (thinks of switching bodies fic) Never mind! Anyway, I just wanted to say that this fic is so totally awesome! E-mail me at hyper22@rock.com
 Title: You Rule!!!!!
Reviewed By: Cherry-san  On: September 20, 2004 22:14 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is a greatUPDATE DAMMIT!! update.....*sobs*...update...Kouga? Poor INU!!!*sobs* male pregnancy??! Kawaii! ^_^...why does Naraku want Inu raped? to get pregnant? Does Naraku like Inu?? *giggles evilly*
 Reviewed By: Nekoinu  On: August 26, 2004 13:00 CDT
Can you write the next chapter as soon as you can?I wonder who the secret paring is?I'm not doing the rating cause ya already know what i think^_^!!!
 Reviewed By: blackat  On: August 19, 2004 19:35 CDT
Okay goooooooooooood story so far.Says me but my cuz says. What the F*%ck!! MALE PREGNATION tHAT S*#IT IS NOT EVEN POSSIBL. *sighs* Sury she new 2 fanfiction. she still pronouces InuYasha InuWasha update! -Out Blackat
 Reviewed By: Savara  On: August 19, 2004 05:09 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*sigh * I wish i owned Inu-yasha too. This story rocks! Please update soon.
 Reviewed By: essie [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2004 21:56 CDT
this is a great fanfic please update soon
 Title: Shinna
Reviewed By: shinna83 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2004 20:58 CDT
I can't to read Kagome's reaction when she learns that Inuyasha & Shippo left the group. Especially when they tell her that Inuyasha is pregnant. update soon
 Reviewed By: shanana-tolazy  On: August 18, 2004 20:51 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
im to lazy to log in! heh, this is an awsome story! i cant wait to see who is gona be with inuysha!~! and how the hell can he be pregnent?? well cant wait !! write more soon!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Dr. Yaoi  On: August 18, 2004 14:12 CDT
I really enjoy your story and hope you keep posting. It would be a shame for such a funny story to be taken away. I love this last chapter, I can't wait to see what Naraku has in store. Oh and it's so cute how Inu is all maternal to shippo. ^_^
 Reviewed By: yuikey  On: August 17, 2004 03:53 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
great story!!!!!!please don't stop posting
 Title: No don't quit writing!!!
Reviewed By: Nekoinu(catdog)  On: August 16, 2004 21:52 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
NOOOOOOOO!!!!Please don't quiet(sp?) writing!!This is a really good fic and i like it!I havn't seen a lot of fics like this out in the wide wrold of Inu fanfiction.There is to many kagome problems and not inuyasha problames.
 Reviewed By: Dr. Yaoi  On: August 16, 2004 20:02 CDT
I enjoyed reading this fic. I do hope that you update soon. I too write stories for a hobby and love to read others for inspirations. I can't wait until Kouga comes into contact with Inuyasha and has to face up with what he did.
 Reviewed By: Shinna  On: August 15, 2004 19:14 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
I wonder if Kouga will figure out that Naraku tricked him into raping Inuyasha? I wonder Inuyasha will react if they run into Kouga? Keep up the good work. update soon please
 Reviewed By: Shinna  On: August 14, 2004 17:27 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
Can't wait to read what happens next. update soon
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