Title: Update, Please! Reviewed By: Crimsha1080 On: September 23, 2004 00:15 CDT Comment/Review: Yay!!! Yet another DBZ fic containing a martial arts anime character who don't take no shit from Cell! Not that I don't think that Cell cool at times, cause he is, but him and all the rest of the DBZ characters really need to be knocked down a peg or two. I mean just imagine the possibilities! Ryu shovin' a Shinkuu Hadoken down Cell's throat; Ranma Saotome delivering a Dokuja Tanketsu-Shou (Yama-Sen-Ken technique) into Cell's chest before unleashing a Hiryu Shoten Ha inside him, coincidentally tearing Cell's body apart from the inside; Terry Bogard vaporizing Cell's upper torso with a Buster Wolf, followed by his lower torso and legs with a Power Geyser; Iori Yagami tearing into and incinerating Cell with his Ya Tome Desperation Super Move; etc. Anyway, that last part was just pure evil, as in "Iori Yagami and Kyo Kusanagi locked in a room with no windows"-type evil Poor Kyo...^-^;;(or in this case poor Mei Lin)