"Mind Games and Coffee" Reviews/Comments [ 48 ] |
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Reviewed By: moimoi-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: June 20, 2006 21:42 CDT Comment/Review: oooh another chapter! yay!
Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member] On: June 20, 2006 20:35 CDT Comment/Review: weekly updates? *claps hands and squees* long and plotted? *jumps up and down* more, more, more!!!
Title: T_T Reviewed By: Nariel [MediaMiner Member] On: June 15, 2006 03:43 CDT Comment/Review: *bangs head against keyboard in frustration* ARGH!!!!! *melts into muddle* continue? Please?
Reviewed By: moimoi-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: June 13, 2006 23:17 CDT Comment/Review: poor Schu!
Reviewed By: darkephoenix [MediaMiner Member] On: June 13, 2006 22:32 CDT Comment/Review: Whee! Finally! Though it does interrupt my plan to tie you to a chair in front of the computer until you finish this. I'm sure there will be ample opportunity in the weeks to come. Thoroughly enjoyable as usual.
Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member] On: June 13, 2006 19:29 CDT Comment/Review: *POUNCE* YAY! You're back! hee hee, poor Crawford doesn't know what to think, and Schu doesn't either! Great, great fun, I adore this story. BTW, when I upload to MM.org, I do it in RTF. I also put extra returns between paragraphs, because the double-spacing formatting doesn't come through, and neither do the indents.
Reviewed By: Cierzo [MediaMiner Member] On: June 09, 2006 18:14 CDT Comment/Review: I really hope you're not abandoning this story, I really like it and I've just added it to my favourites so that I can get the news when you next update it. I loved especially the dialogue between Schuldig and Farfarello when they were going for the car. Really good conversation. Midori is one of the few original characters in fanfiction that I like, too, and the teasing scene with Schuldig drunk was just perfect. So... more?
Reviewed By: Meandering [MediaMiner Member] On: March 24, 2006 03:20 CST Comment/Review: *jumps up and down on sugar-high* I actually prefer more Schu/Brad (as opposed to Brad/Schu) and you're right, you need to pay more attention to spelling and formatting etc, but I'm glad you updated! Midori-san is brilliant, she's like the voice of reason snaking through chaos.
Reviewed By: darkephoenix [MediaMiner Member] On: March 23, 2006 22:34 CST Comment/Review: Finally!!! Yes, you will be ganged up on and guilt tripped to the max if it makes you write faster. Speaking of which, write faster!
Title: Aww!! Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member] On: March 23, 2006 18:18 CST Comment/Review: Schuldig learning new things!! Brad doing little things for Schu! It's so sweet it's sickening! (not!!) Yay! you updated! *GLOMP* This is great, I really do love this story. But I can't nag you on LiveJournal *pout* LiveJournal hates me in every incarnation. *looks stern* Did you announce on the group that you posted?
Title: nag, continued. Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member] On: February 22, 2006 22:59 CST Comment/Review: will you please update?????
Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member] On: December 03, 2005 19:21 CST Comment/Review: blah blah blah, nag, nag, beg. come join us on Weiss_and_Schwarz_Lovers on Yahoo Groups, if you'd like to make it easier for us to nag you. ;)
Title: Can't Recall Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member] On: November 19, 2005 11:40 CST Comment/Review: Have I nagged you lately? I can't remember. Ah well, clearly if I did, I didn't get results. Nag, nag, nag. Nag some more. ::bats eyelashes and begs::
Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member] On: October 08, 2005 14:32 CDT Comment/Review: MORE!!!!
Title: YUMMY!! Reviewed By: MangaChild420 [MediaMiner Member] On: September 23, 2005 14:46 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: OH_SO_GOOD ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR ANOTHER CHAPTER TO BE WRITTEN. I LOVE THE WAY THE CHARACTERS ARE PLACED IN THE STORY. I ALSO LIKE THE WAY YOU MADE BRADLEY(SOUNDS SO SOPHISICATED!!). CAN'T WAIT FOR THE EMAIL SAYING YOU UPDATED!!! ^-^MangaChild420^-^
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