"Mind Games and Coffee" Reviews/Comments [ 48 ] |
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Reviewed By: darkephoenix-NSI On: January 12, 2008 20:23 CST Comment/Review: Finally! I was going to save the doll for later but maybe I'll put it to good use now that I have the right idea and direction. Heheeh. Anyway, lovely, just lovely. Hope to hear more from you SOON. Note: Soon does not mean another chapter per year, dear. Damn this thing is annoying.
Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member] On: November 26, 2006 13:05 CST Comment/Review: *starts training plot bunnies to attack* You give Schwarz a depth so few manage. *removes hat* I hope there is more soon.
Reviewed By: Cierzo (not logged in) On: November 08, 2006 13:33 CST Comment/Review: I truly loved this chapter. From the plausible explanation to Schuldig's bloodthirst to the conversation between him and Crawford. The direct question about the possibility of Schuldig being serious and the final answer of Brad really got me heartwrenched. Please, more!
Title: *wipes tears* Reviewed By: fullmetalguitar (nli) On: October 29, 2006 16:08 CST Comment/Review: *sniffle; hiccup* Braaaaaad! Schu!!!! Oh god... T_T Farfiiiiieee!! Noooo!
Reviewed By: darkephoenix [MediaMiner Member] On: October 28, 2006 23:15 CDT Comment/Review: Finally! Hmmm. Have to threaten you more often, dear. Excellent as always.
Reviewed By: Hanyou_rogue On: September 19, 2006 18:41 CDT Comment/Review: This story is really awesome!!! I cant wait for the next chapter!!!! Are you going to write it soon??? I cant wait!
Reviewed By: fullmetalguitar (nli) On: July 01, 2006 15:07 CDT Comment/Review: As I finished reading the last lines of this chaper, I was left with one (voiced) thought. FRIGGIN' COOL! It was totally awesomness on stick, as always. i love Farfie, and I'll joyfully await more Schu ^^
Reviewed By: Meandering [MediaMiner Member] On: June 28, 2006 17:49 CDT Comment/Review: I WISH you'd let those unsigned in members write reviews! Do you know how bloody irritating MM.org can be with it's weird technobabel? It hates me... Anyway. I loved the previous chapter, and this one is quite nice, though violence makes me woozy which is odd because I really like Farferrello. He's possibly my favorite character. (I ship Nagi/Farf, just a hint so's you know :P) *bangs on the keyboard* More, more, more!
Title: Oooh... Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member] On: June 28, 2006 11:52 CDT Comment/Review: It's frightening how well you do that. Fantastic chapter, gave me chills. YAY for weekly updates! Keep it up, please oh please??
Reviewed By: darkephoenix [MediaMiner Member] On: June 25, 2006 18:34 CDT Comment/Review: Fabulous as always. *sound of sharpening stone against metal* Now, the next one is where?
Reviewed By: Heta Noitio [MediaMiner Member] On: June 21, 2006 02:00 CDT Comment/Review: "Bastard precog extraordinaire". zomg lol, that's all I'm going to say. *huggles you* I'm so happy you're updating more often now. ^__^ And yes, a long, long ficcie from you would be enjoyable. I'd stick with you (I do now).
Reviewed By: Cierzo [MediaMiner Member] On: June 20, 2006 22:37 CDT Comment/Review: Hmmmm... I'm a plot-sucker, so I suppose that I vote for you listening to your muses and making it long. I like the way the epiphany is coming to Schuldig, I enjoy the little hints he gets from himself. Your Schuldig is adorable (in a bastardly sort of way).
Reviewed By: moimoi-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: June 20, 2006 21:42 CDT Comment/Review: oooh another chapter! yay!
Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member] On: June 20, 2006 20:35 CDT Comment/Review: weekly updates? *claps hands and squees* long and plotted? *jumps up and down* more, more, more!!!
Title: T_T Reviewed By: Nariel [MediaMiner Member] On: June 15, 2006 03:43 CDT Comment/Review: *bangs head against keyboard in frustration* ARGH!!!!! *melts into muddle* continue? Please?
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