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"Return To Hades" Reviews/Comments [ 345 ]
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 Reviewed By: Valea  On: November 07, 2004 00:52 CST
Aww, al the stuff! I'm happy that they got Chapman in there he was cool, and back to Robbie, man that priest running out on him was so not cool! I mean yeah you're a priest btu he needs to stop running out liek a punk and give Robbie some answers! *growls* Okay anyway, I know its a while from now but the sonner he gets to know that loving Aten is okay, the better. And lets see whats up with Aten, is his slike getting out of this weak state the reason why he's still speaking in Arabic or what? Yes let's get some answers onm that, is it possible for him to recover quicker? Like Aria helping him or does that all have to do with his heart, btu couldnt see heal him to get him to have hios heart back to its normal state? I'm confusing myself now but thats alright. And I agree with the lady above, if God didnt want us gay he wouldnt have made it an option so it should be all good and as for Aria, man, I never had PMS that bad, will it always be that way....? Probally will because its just so darn fun to see her sending random objects to the Shadow realm! anywho ill stop writing this long ass review its getting down to my last 300 characters! Well cant WAIT until next chappie, well I can cause i have too, but yeah its kick butt, I cant Hayden to be able to get back to normal but he wont! *pouts* hey I only have like 150 chars. left, cool! BYE!
 Reviewed By: Beysie [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 06, 2004 20:50 CST
Oh, the angst! Poor Robbie... he needs to know that loving Aten is ok... I feel so bad for Hayden! *sniffles* He needs help! And Aten... it's great that he's awake! But he hurts, make his pain stop! I don't like chibi Marik hurting! He's had enough! *glares* make it stop! Update soon girl, I need to know that they'll be better soon...
 Reviewed By: ShadowofLight from aff  On: November 06, 2004 15:30 CST
first, i really like Dr. Chapman and I hope to be a good shrink like him one day. second, poor aria. yeah periods suck but over time you get used to them. well, some people do. i know marik loves aten but, he shouldn't forget about the others like Malik and Aria and Bakura. they're family too. for robbie, the way i see it, if god didn't like for us to be gay, then why let have have free will and ability to love who we want? aye i better stop before i begin to rant. laterz! and yay anzu bashing!
 Reviewed By: Draza  On: November 06, 2004 14:23 CST
*cuddles Ryou plushie* lol nice ending, Aria really needs to take up a sport for her PMSing days...And for the priest guy (can't remember name) is he eventually going to be against Robbie and Aten? and what's going to happened to Yugi? Is he going to get back together with Yami or are you going to set him up with someone else? *huggles Yugi* poor little guy...he needs a little TLC....*eyes Millenium fork*... but don't worry my presssssioussssss, Yami won't bother you any more....
 Reviewed By: anubiset ( to lazy to log in)  On: November 06, 2004 13:42 CST
That was good. I love it when Aten speaks in Arabic. Marik needs to keep himself under control. He can`t go and do what he did last time, I don`t think Ryou could handle that now. Can`t wait to see what happened with mustard and ketchup. That is going to be good. I hope no one interfers with Robbie`s feelings for Aten, but it doesn`t look good so far. Sometimes the bible can be a pain when it comes to love, especially this kind. What else will Aria be sending to the Shadow Realm?
 Reviewed By: I Is Me  On: November 06, 2004 12:03 CST
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 06, 2004 12:01 CST
Oh my!! Aria is too funny!! *snuggles Aten and Robbie and Hayden!* Poor chibis!! Things gotta get better!!! Soon!! Wonderful chappie!! Poor birdies...my cat wants to know if he can have some fried birdie!!!
 Reviewed By: Seto Lover and Bakurasgirl worshiper  On: November 06, 2004 11:33 CST
"we do not fry nature with our Shadow Magic!".. HA!!! that was good.... *hands you some fried birdie* Poor Robbie... least he's better than Hayden... -.-Could you just have one measly chapter where horrible.. Nasty things don't happen to the chibis? Or am I going to have to call Social Security? ¬_¬
 Reviewed By: Tari Helyanwe (not logged in)  On: November 06, 2004 10:44 CST
Uh oh...I feel tension brewing. Well, hopefully Yami will be found out for what he did to Hayden. I loved the chapter. Hopefully my fics will turn out as good as yours. Keep up the fabulous work! Ja ne!
 Reviewed By: Broken Time(NLI)  On: November 06, 2004 10:14 CST
Alright ladies and gents! Grab your mallets, it's a dollar a whack at the 'Anzu Bashing Ranch'! See the hideous creature bounce around, but be careful! Don't get too close, she can grab from 2 meters outside the boxed in area! *Grabs mallet* Oh, how much us Anzu Bashed missed this!
 Reviewed By: Kura Magician Girl  On: November 06, 2004 00:06 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Coolio, Aten's awake, hope he'll feel better soon. *huggles chibi plushies* Hell yeah, Aria kicked Yami's butt from here to Siberia! Even though he deserved more than that, but I guess I'll settle. I don't like that priest's hastiness(sp?) toward Aten. *looks suspiciously at him* Can't wait for more, really great ch. Especially after such a long tiresome week. See ya. ^_~
 Reviewed By: Motje..  On: November 05, 2004 11:07 CST
miracles, though I wouldn't want yami back eihter, but I pity him in a way. (silly me). On with the story, once again I loved it ^^
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: November 04, 2004 00:29 CST
Oh hell yes, Aten is waking up! I am so juiced to see what happens next! And with the way this week has been going that is soemthing cool to hear about. Espcially wth the tad bit of drama with Joey, are we gonna see a withdrawl for him ot no? And anyhow, i loved it Aria, always stikcing up for her brother until the very end! Yami ran away to his sewer with his tail between his legs! Oh yes! *sighs* Hella good times! And why was that priest guy so hastey with Aten, shouldnt priests be all wonderful about trying to bless and save all the souls they can? Well anywho yeah. Anywho, really happy, Seto finally got to see what was right in front of him, ands they made love and they were togteher and it was happiness, things are looking up. *thumbs up* YEAH!
 Reviewed By: Broken Time [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 03, 2004 18:24 CST
THAT'S RIGHT YAMI!! YOU RUN!! Aten awakes? YEEEEEEES! *does a little dance* Poor kid struggling to survive... so much angst, so little Anzu bashing.. then again... I really would be happy if she DIDN'T appear in the storie ever again. But you never can get rid of her, can you??? Baku-chan was hurt? Buuuu!
 Title: I know how Aria feels, at this exact moment...
Reviewed By: Beysie (autolog isn't working again)  On: November 03, 2004 16:01 CST
Yay, he's awake! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! *does the dance of joy* I don't like hearing him in pain though, it hurts my heart too... I am glad to see pms is good for something though, go Aria! She kicked Yami's sorry ass! *does another dance of joy* It was good also to see Marik allow the christan blessing on Aten, even though he didn't look like he approved it... who knows, maybe the more Gods watching over him, the longer he'll live? I'm an open minded person... It's about time Joey's drinking was found out... especially before it got out of hand once again! We can't have that, they still have one more child to care for. Hayden... I don't want to say it, it hurts... He needs help... professional help! Maybe I can still convince you to someday let him recover? Well, I can only hope... Update soon babe, I need to see Aten get better, and give Marik the details on how he killed the bad guys! It would make father so proud... *evil grin, and snickers*
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