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"Return To Hades" Reviews/Comments [ 345 ]
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 Reviewed By: Beysie [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2004 13:46 CDT
NOOOOOO! You hurt them all! *Evil Death Glare* How could you? Marik had better be alright, He had better have been able to get into his rod in time! Please update soon, and you had better have them all be alright, or I'll... I'll... think of something!
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2004 11:12 CDT
Why you little....*grumbles loudly and fingers the hilt of her Dragon Dagger* So not cool. Totally not cool. Aria will save them though. I know it. Hmm.. I liked the insane asylum part. Wow. Someone's gonna loose it when they see that site!! I gotta title for the chappie where Yami Aten makes his apperance..."All Hell's Breaking Loose". After my fav KISS song!! And the title just fits too!!
 Reviewed By: Tari Helyanwe (not logged in)  On: October 21, 2004 10:56 CDT
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!...too...much...suspense...*faints*
 Reviewed By: anubiset [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2004 09:46 CDT
What the hell are you doin? Trying to give me a heart attack. You better not hurt Marik and Ryou. I`ll light a flame under your butt. How mean can you be? Wait, I read your other fics, things can get worse. Update soon. You can`t leave us hanging like that. I think I started hyperventilating, okay, calming down. Hurry with the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: ShadowofLight from aff  On: October 21, 2004 09:26 CDT
omg... okay the lemons were good but the crashes... i think they are one of the most terrifying things out there and i should know. i've been in three. plz tell me they're gonna be okay? plz plz plz!! and about anzu, too small a brain... *sighs* chapter is deep and great.
 Reviewed By: Mariku182  On: October 20, 2004 16:55 CDT
*Wails*whaaaaaa!!!! I wanna see Yami Aten on the scene... I hope there's gore like when Aria goes Yami... For the pet thing I thing a cobra would be nice. (especially if it is a king cobra. Angry King cobra + Dumb-head friendship Queen A.K.A. Le Devil erm Anzu = Instant poisoning bite = Anzu dying and coming back more air headed yet... Evil Idea... Mwahahahaha) Anyways you win the prize for the Dyxlexic Joke... "Get of On me." hahahaha anyways please update ASAP. ~JA-ne!~ (I talk like Gabby...)
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 20, 2004 10:04 CDT
"I am dyslexic, you know." LOL!! What a little shit!! Man oh man!! What a chappie!! Lovin' It!! *cuddles Seto plushie* Good boy! Man, I hope Seto can come thru all this without losing it. All of them really. I know Joey especially is having a very hard time dealing, but I'd hate to see Seto or say Bakura or Marik having a nervous breakdown!!
 Reviewed By: Beysie [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 20, 2004 00:03 CDT
Yay! *Jumps up and down, doing a little dance* Yami Aten shows his face... now those kidnappers are DOOMED! Mwaaahahahahaha Time to go yami, time to go yami *sing song voice* Please update this soon, I can't wait until they get their just deserts! Marik will be so proud of his son!
 Reviewed By: ShadowofLight from aff  On: October 19, 2004 23:36 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
what can i say? go joey!! *hugs him* i stil think he should have done it soon and seto is right. his mother doesn't give adamn about him (no offense) and here his own sister is acting like a bigiot! okay i know she's family but i wouldn't take that lying down! okay, i can't wait to see waht punishment the sick asses get. and seto, one problem right on top of the other. aye... a snake? well i know it's hars but i see a pattern ehre. u can always give her a diamond back rattlesnake but plz no pythons! my uncle ahs a python (very sweet snake it even cureld around my neck) and i couldn't bear to see such a lovely creature being int eh grips of that maniac. what else, aria is still cute i loke that i'ma chibi yami not a chibi mommy! so cute. and hte mafia, heh i like them too ^^ one more thing, is brain dead anzu can spill that she saw the kids or no good? i love your story so yay! can't wait for thrusdays *flases double victory signs*
 Reviewed By: anubiset(to lazy to log in)  On: October 19, 2004 22:51 CDT
Oh my Ra, Aten`s Yami? Well this puts a new twist on things. I didn`t realize that this would happen.
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 19, 2004 22:26 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awww yay! Seto and Mokuba made up! *skips* Such happy goodness! so yes, you convinced me to take a break away from my studies and read your ficcy which I am very happy I did. I needed a slight moment of chibi tickling to brighten my spirits. Now, this Yami Aten, we never saw this before...is this somehow gonna end up like Aku? Please NO! Then itll be lies, and videotape..blah! But anyways, it was good to read the reminisicing of the old times with the kids, cant wait for them to get back to where they belong. Nice work my dear.
 Reviewed By: Broken Time(NLI)  On: October 19, 2004 21:40 CDT
Boo on you, Serenity! You evil homophob! Joey's back on the bottle.. bad.. poor Joey~ Yami Aten? Is he a.. good yami? Like Bakura and Marik? So many questions, so little time to answer
 Reviewed By: I_Is_Me (too lazy to log on =^_^=)  On: October 19, 2004 21:23 CDT
EEEEEEEEEEE!!! Yami Aten!!!!!!!!! *glomps*
 Title: ^_^
Reviewed By: YoukoMia  On: October 18, 2004 18:55 CDT
Sorry i haven't been reveiwing as of late i've been busy ::Cringes from Anzu sweetness:: I got a toothache from that section of the fic poor Aten he has to suffer more the longer he goes without his medicine. I kinda feel for Aria and i don't think Umi is a bad person but if those two don't want to end up like Mokuba and his girl its best Bakura keeps them apart. Shame on seto for going off on poor Mokuba like that can't say i don't blame him though keep up the good work i look foward to the next chapter.
 Title: Jupitor Knight
Reviewed By: Jupitor Knight [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 16, 2004 21:27 CDT
Hey I finally figured out how to read when you update, i'm so dumb sometimes it's not even funny, that and i'm so busy it's just frightening. Hopefully tonight I'll be posting my stuff here we'll just have to wait and see. GREAT JOB KEEP IT UP
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