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"Return To Hades" Reviews/Comments [ 345 ]
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 Reviewed By: Broken Time(NLI)  On: November 25, 2004 20:50 CST
*Blinks*... Incent-ish moment there.. WOAH... That's all I gotta say... WOAH...
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: November 25, 2004 16:17 CST
I'm so happy! You updated on Thanksgivign I was surpised that you id but very glad, it was heart warming! Super happy that Robbie told Aria about his feelings, and then who it all died when she threatned him, that was funny times. Dude I couldnt believe it! Aria lost! But I guess she has to loose soemtime. But next time,. she might have Aten to back her up. And Go Daddy Marik, saving the day yet again! Wonderful times. Man those white stains...I cant ebelieve they dont know what they are. I mean now they have like dired cum in their fingernails...icky! *giggles* Well have a happy day of thanks, I just gave my grandma a manicure....was very gross! lol. Hayden...he shall never return to us. *bows head*
 Reviewed By: I Is Me  On: November 25, 2004 15:45 CST
Just wondering, but whatever happened to Aria's dog? I don't remember having "seen" him in a while...
 Reviewed By: Crazy-kins [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 25, 2004 14:31 CST
Yeah! What a perfect chappie for Thanksgiving. I think it's great Robbie finally confesed to someone in Atens family that he likes him, and it's good Aria understands. But it's too bad Aria looosseseess to Yami!!!! Damn him and his evilnessness. Super good, and I hope Robbie's parents can except him, espeically his father. ^_^
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye (too busy to Log in)  On: November 25, 2004 12:03 CST
Wow! Thanks for the great chappie for Thanksgivin!! I'm loving it. *Snuggles with Aria* It's alright girl, you'll get him. You just wait. *snickers at white stains* Someone is going to be pissed when they find out what they are!! Take care!!
 Title: turkey day!!
Reviewed By: ShadowofLight from aff  On: November 25, 2004 11:25 CST
yeah one of hte best times of the year to pig out on food!! *giggles* i hope you havea good one. first, robbie and aten are a very cute couple. so are aria and umi! too bad she didn't kill yami but there's hope. i still wihs teh gods would realize there mistake. poor hayden... i don't know waht to say. a nice chapter and looking forward to sunday. you have a godlike gift ^^ and i hardly ever say that!
 Reviewed By: anubiset [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 25, 2004 09:59 CST
I am so glad that Robbie told Aria how he fells about her brother. That was a very good threat she made. I don`t think she`ll ever have to go through with it though. I loved Yami getting his butt kicked. Aria is really becoming a young woman. I hope that I get to see lemons soon. Here is a cute little plushie of Aten to cuddle for the next chapter. Hope that gets it out faster.
 Title: Here's my late review. ^_^
Reviewed By: Kura Magician Girl  On: November 25, 2004 01:24 CST
Triplets?! Wow, Seto's house is going to be crazy for awhile. *shakes head* lol. Poor Aten, hope he'll speak again. Maybe a visit from Robbie would help. Gotta love that pairing. ^_^ hehe. Happy Thanksgiving! See ya. ^_~
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: November 24, 2004 19:43 CST
Sorry I havent reviewed in a while, I've been busy and still reading though! And wow thats a lot of babies. And at first I didnt get it when you meant like she was eating for four but then like in reality three but then I saw you meant herself yeah got a tad confused there. And dude! It took me forever to remember the reason Aten wasnt talking. Is he rreally going to take this vow of silence and like is he going to write down thats what he's doing or is going to get out of it or what?! And also why is it like Hayden can think all crazy but the rest of him is just kinda there? But anywho, I was happy at the note it went off on, with Robbie, its so sad to see him and Aten apart! *cries* Make Robbie go visiti Aten!!!! yay! Happy thanksgiving!
 Reviewed By: Beysie (autolog isn't working again)  On: November 22, 2004 23:30 CST
Oohhhh, you just know what Robbie is doing this night! I do wish Aten would talk again... I hope he doesn't keep silent for long. And Jamien's baby comment? That was sooooo Anzu-ish! Please let Aten get well soon! Update soon please!
 Reviewed By: Broken Time(NLI)  On: November 22, 2004 18:38 CST
Triplets?? No Freakin' way! Poor Seto~ XD He's gonna need a lot of those pills from now on.. wonder if He'll be there for the birth of the baby.. or should I say babies~
 Title: kawaii
Reviewed By: ShadowofLight from aff  On: November 22, 2004 18:10 CST
aah that was so sweet! robbie and aten have to be one of hte cutest couples i have seen. i'm sorry aten had a nightmare but his deck cares about him deeply. doomed painter whee!! ow i want that card!! ^^ and katie is a sweetheart. serenity... may she be ridiculous for her scras of bigietry (i know i can't spell). I can't wait for thrusday to see what happens next. also... i wish the damn gods would see that they fucked up royally. and jeanie, wow triplets! best of luck to ehr and hte entire kaiba family. as well as the ishtars, ryou and bakura, and aria, and robbie's family, and so on and so on.
 Reviewed By: Drazaria  On: November 22, 2004 18:03 CST
*gaps at Bakurasgirl* you know, for you, that wasn't an evil cliffie.....I guess miracles do happen....*faints from shock*
 Reviewed By: I Is Me  On: November 22, 2004 17:40 CST
Teehee, whoops *is eaten by the typo monster* assuming. (cause ya know, it makes an ass out of u and me)
 Reviewed By: I Is Me  On: November 22, 2004 17:39 CST
ha! I was 2/3 right!! And I'm asuming when you wrote "blind father" that you meant "blond father", but when I first read it I was like O_o. *has a non-working brain today*
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