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"Whispers In The Dark" Reviews/Comments [ 16 ]
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 Reviewed By: ~Gundam06serenity~  On: October 16, 2004 15:16 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
.... i liked it... i normally hate death fics, but this one seemed...justified.... write a sequal? with the pilots trapped there or something? please?
 Reviewed By: priscel--- @_@  On: October 16, 2004 04:39 CDT
OK.. it was a really good ending, sorry i forgot to say that in previous reviews lol and yes it was kinda understood to be the end but i just had to ask! Keep writing and thank you for sharing.
 Title: *shocked gasp*
Reviewed By: priscel ....  On: October 15, 2004 16:33 CDT
Nuh Uh!! not the end come on!!! I didn't see 'the end' or 'owari' or any thing of the sort *pouts, just realized in the summary it says complete* Hey, it was early morning and I'm not aware of everything at that time ya know *pouts again and makes puppy eyes* will there be anything more?
 Title: ch.6
Reviewed By: priscel *  On: October 15, 2004 05:58 CDT
Thank you Heero!! Ohhh... I figured when Heero became dead set on getting to Quat above all others but at the same time, there was this hint that He cared for Duo almost as strongly but it could be that his thoughts and voice only faultered on Duo's name because of the way his body was wronged, and his beautiful eyes... Ha so no one survived! my only fear is that Duo will be trapped there because Gruesome touched/killed him and defiled his body. This was great and I know this isn't quite the end either *jumps for joy* wonders what author has in mind...
 Title: ch.5
Reviewed By: priscel *appears in a wisp of smoke*  On: October 15, 2004 05:31 CDT
lol *sobbing too* WAA that's why you were laughing!! *pouts* can't be made at ya you're very good at torture. And poor Quat's all hysterical and wuffei was deemed a liability and put out of his misery... sheesh I guess we won't have too many pilots to accompany us in our dreams huh... And Duo was...*squeezes eyes shut* I hope heero exterminates Nigel's ass, Heero's in mission mode and there's noway Nigel can top him there. Onward!
 Reviewed By: priscel *sheepish laugh*  On: October 14, 2004 15:18 CDT
uh wow, i was balling... sorry about that, when i get into a story i really get into it. which is why *scratches her head feeling silly* i'm here checking for an update...uh yea, did i tell you i liked this story?! Well I do... a lot, i love reading/watch horror stuff. That's right I'm an action, drama, horror suspensy, adventuristic, violently explosive, sappy love kind of movie chik... I think I got them all? anyway, enough of my yapping ... take care!
 Reviewed By: priscel *  On: October 13, 2004 16:42 CDT
opps... it posted twice..sorry about that! Duo's so BRAVE WAAAAAAAAA.......
 Reviewed By: priscel---  On: October 13, 2004 16:41 CDT
*lets out a hysterical sobbing laugh of disbelief as her eyes itch with tears* NO!! I... *&sniffles* well damn! I had hoped ya know... *sniffs* oh GOD!!! and Quat saw the end of it when Duo fell and the Nigel stabbed him through the eye with the screw dri...WAAAHHH!!! *hysterical sobbing laughter again followed with a few coughs* In the beginning when said a few of them would die, I was so hoping that I read it wrong... DAMNIT!!! I wish I could call ghostbusters on Nigel's gruesome ghostly butt! And now Wu fei, just leaves the hall, leaving Duo's cooling body and pooling blood to keep Quat Company!! WAAA!!!!! I think that prehaps it was wu fei who eyed Duo with interest, when Trowa mentioned that he remember one of the other pilots secreted looks at another pilot as if interested but unwilling to speak of it. *sniffles* prehaps Duo is really Shinigami and although he no longer is living (which'll probably creep Quat way the hell out but Quat wouldn't panick since he's gotten aquinted with soo many ghosties already) he could guide the others to Quat and keep an eye on Quat?! He'd be a ghosty and his injuries wouldn't hinder him any longer so he could kick Nigel's bigotted ass!! *sniffles* I can't seem to stop doing that *sniffles and rubs at eyes* And you say there are only a few more chapters to go!? way to torture me yaknow? the ending is looking pretty bleak... I'm think i'm addicted to this fic... More please!!! And yes questions were answered and sobs came forth...
 Reviewed By: priscel---  On: October 13, 2004 16:41 CDT
*lets out a hysterical sobbing laugh of disbelief as her eyes itch with tears* NO!! I... *&sniffles* well damn! I had hoped ya know... *sniffs* oh GOD!!! and Quat saw the end of it when Duo fell and the Nigel stabbed him through the eye with the screw dri...WAAAHHH!!! *hysterical sobbing laughter again followed with a few coughs* In the beginning when said a few of them would die, I was so hoping that I read it wrong... DAMNIT!!! I wish I could call ghostbusters on Nigel's gruesome ghostly butt! And now Wu fei, just leaves the hall, leaving Duo's cooling body and pooling blood to keep Quat Company!! WAAA!!!!! I think that prehaps it was wu fei who eyed Duo with interest, when Trowa mentioned that he remember one of the other pilots secreted looks at another pilot as if interested but unwilling to speak of it. *sniffles* prehaps Duo is really Shinigami and although he no longer is living (which'll probably creep Quat way the hell out but Quat wouldn't panick since he's gotten aquinted with soo many ghosties already) he could guide the others to Quat and keep an eye on Quat?! He'd be a ghosty and his injuries wouldn't hinder him any longer so he could kick Nigel's bigotted ass!! *sniffles* I can't seem to stop doing that *sniffles and rubs at eyes* And you say there are only a few more chapters to go!? way to torture me yaknow? the ending is looking pretty bleak... I'm think i'm addicted to this fic... More please!!! And yes questions were answered and sobs came forth...
 Title: last bit
Reviewed By: priscel *sheepish smile*  On: October 11, 2004 23:05 CDT
I hope trowa over comes this akwardness between him and Quat because it's hurting the both of them, Quat more so. I hope he finds him and doesn't treat him weirdly because of decaying smellof dead things all over his body!!! hmm, is it because he's covered with the remains of the people who used to be alive that the mista Nigel can touch him so much more forcefully then he could before?! *probably not* So did the lights turn off because quat dropped the nightlight?! Maybe if he picks up something again mista nigel'll get sucked back into the illusion of what was and get his grimy hands off him! hmm *thinks about something and answers her own question from the other review* we Saw the mechanic looking bony and very much dead! So Quat just looks like him and the mechanic/quat lookalike's soul is trapped in that place and avoiding gruesome! Maybe he could help Quat?! It would mean that mista nigel would hurt the mechanic but mista mechanic wouldn't want an innocent to suffer because he looks like him would he? mista mechanic tried to warn Quat but scaring him wasn't the way to save him... Please more!!! I love this story and you write Well!!! And hey don't feel idiotic, it happens. I have to admit I feel that way sometimes when I a Prof. catches a particularly silly mistake in one of my papers. Thank you and i'm glad I could help!!
 Title: I can't get enough of this fic!!
Reviewed By: priscel *sighs*  On: October 11, 2004 22:54 CDT
NO! Quat Don't give up! *hugs he Quat plushy hoping to send encouragement through it* Don't give in! you're not a whimpy sissy! Fear is fear and you have a right to be scared *Sniffles* Ghosts are one thing and Poltergists, or one really hateful one, are another. They can influence time, space, and objects... and can become caporeal some only if fed enough of what it needs. And I think Nigel, the jackass, feeds off fear and the boys especially Duo and Quat are giving it in loads. So I'm very fearful for Quat's current situation, if mista Nigel Never got his way/jollys with older Quat lookalike (like he died/escaped before he could) then he will most likly carry out his intent! *shivers* Trowa ... Heero... find him soon!!! Damn wufei for being an unsympathetic bastard!! AN I kNEW I just KNEW that quat wasn't alone in the septic tank and the reason why all the ghostly hands stopped, I figured where else would a psycho put the bodies be if the guys hadn't seen one body! So... *speechless* thank you Duo for defending Quat, I only wish Duo could go to Quat and help him! From trowa's account he shot the majority of his rounds on the floor and Heero said he was at a wall next to him or somethimg like that so that lets me know that Heero wasn't shot!!! YeppiE!!! Just oh so freaked out by being felt up, poked and prodded by hands, ghostly ones *creepy music*. Wonders if the older quat lookalike is Quat's pops?! if not this guy was one of Quat's past lives?! one there's more... sorry
 Reviewed By: priscel *appears in a wisp of smoke*  On: October 10, 2004 17:03 CDT
typos/wording: Figuring no one would really him would miss it, ... " would really know he was missing it? I can't find the other I was so caught up in the story I overlooked it. *wonders if mister mechanic is stuck the there because of a lover's spat?
 Title: oh wait there's more!!
Reviewed By: priscel *scratches at the untamed jungle that is her hair*  On: October 10, 2004 16:51 CDT
... thing that belonged to dead 'mechanic' maybe he can't glipse what was happening on the ship, sort of like slipping into the past with the colony lively and vibrant??? And Creepy mechanic dead ghosty dude is trying really hard to kill\hurt Duo while it taunts quat??? why? It hasn't told Duo to leave... hurting Duo would force him to stay. Hmm so Wuffers and Tro-chan saw the mechanic ghosty, and I have to say that ther're reactions are very interesting!@!@! I talked way too much!!! can't wait for more!!
 Reviewed By: priscel *smiles*  On: October 10, 2004 16:50 CDT
*glomps author* Oh yea! I was sooo hoping they would find Quat by now... so i'm thinking if he fell down the shaft he as on the ground floor where Duo was about to fall to his doom! He took the steps and just ran up another set so he's on the third level and tro was on his way to the second!! Damn, if he could have stayed there a little longer and explored that floor they would have found each other. I can understand why Duo's all panicky but he's usually a selfless guy and if Quat, someone that he practically considers his brother, was near there he shouldn't have forgotten or left before the floor was thoroughly searched! despite his injuries, he knows that he's scared shitless so why leave quat alone in the dark!? hmm in the previous chapter when Quat said that he saw Duo move, *sheepish laugh* that's happen to me before it was pitch black in our home when the power when out and I could see things almost human like form, darker than the dark and I reached out for it but my sister called out to me and I turned around as the head lights from a car flashed by the window to see nothing there... *creepy music* It's possible that The entity is focusing a bit more on Quat because he's more receptive with his spaceheart and all. Plus he's holding the guy's hammer! Some guys don't like their tools touched. Oh the lights come on!!! I wonder what Quat sees? Walls covered in a rusty brown color? decomposing bodies (but there was no spell ne?)? Or because he's holding a material thing
 Reviewed By: priscel *eyes story then blinks* [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2004 00:53 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh I love it!!! Great start NEED moRE!!! 'take the seat next to Quatre. He reached out and tugged on the Arabian's hand. "Hold me!" "Ew, get away," Quatre chuckled, pushing his hand from him. " lol the banter between Q and Duo is wonderful, please tell there's more?! 8looks hopeful* AND oh no!!! Duo's unconscious not good at all!! Atleast Quat's still awake although the thing is tormenting him. But Duo?! Oh please continue!!! Oh and violence, I'm cool with it! it's horror gotta have it in a fic like this.
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