"Timeless Obsession" Reviews/Comments [ 19 ] |
Reviewed By: Kix [MediaMiner Member] On: October 30, 2005 01:25 CST Comment/Review: please do continue..i've just discoverd this..and i love Night Walker and Gundam Wing...please please please continue
Reviewed By: kourutuaunie (not logged in) On: September 28, 2005 22:35 CDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: ooooooooooooOOOooOOooooOooo! I like it. Can we see more in the NEAR future?
Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member] On: September 28, 2005 21:31 CDT Comment/Review: *huggle you* I've missed this story and I'm glad that you still find time to write on it!! And believe me I completely understand about the mayham going on daily basis, shoooot i have to tackle stuff like that myself. *big smile* now the story *glares* i so wish i could get my hands on Clarence and strangle him then run for help since he's a weird ghosty, tentacle vamp *shivers*. But come on Quat Has feel that something happen to Duo just now! or is it that his empathy is distance limited? i don't think it should be considering how close he is to Duo and the others. Man i'm speechless really and just wanna read some more to see how the strange 'dream' influences his behaviour around Heero when he gets away from Clarence. Update as soon as you can!!!
Reviewed By: SMO [MediaMiner Member] On: April 20, 2005 05:28 CDT Comment/Review: I just found this story and I love it. Please update soon.
Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member] On: April 10, 2005 19:45 CDT Comment/Review: *screams* zi like the edit/update and I can't wait for more!!! Wuffers hurry that cute dragon butt up and get heero to go with you to follow Duo! Clarence is getting way too personal and if i was Duo, I'd avoid him as much as possible or atleast tell Quat about how uncomfortable i feel around him!!! please update soon!
Reviewed By: Destinys Lot On: January 29, 2005 02:04 CST Comment/Review: You updated, yeah!! Keep it up!
Reviewed By: camillian On: January 23, 2005 15:20 CST Comment/Review: hehe...life is never easy when there's something supernatural after you. update again soon!
Reviewed By: Beysie (*gasps* it's letting me review!) On: January 22, 2005 14:38 CST Comment/Review: Wow, what a chapter, and worth the wait! Now I'm even more worried about Duo... The attacker was Clarence's little friend no doubt! I just hope that the rest of the protecters can take care of Duo, he's gonna need it! Update soon please!
Reviewed By: Beysie (autolog isn't working again) On: November 30, 2004 12:18 CST Comment/Review: No, poor Stevens! this is going to hurt Duo... he's such the sensitive type, ya know? And that Clarence is giving me more than just the creeps... I wish Duo would realize that something was seriously wrong with the guy! Please let Heero let him see the error of his ways! Please update soon, I'm on the edge of my seat!
Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member] On: November 29, 2004 22:34 CST Comment/Review: *squeals and glomps nightbloom* an update yay!!! oh man Winters has issues, but i love the tension between the two Duo in the middle oblivious to their death glares to each other. But man why did Winters have to used and kill stevens? Prehaps as practice for Duo *shivers, hopes the best for Duo* I'm sure Duo is probably at the hospital and caught the tail end of the nurse's scream... Man i hope Duo doesn't get all depressy, then Winters will probably used that to his advantage. i'm so happy you updated. this is a very interesting story, there were a few typos and missing words at the end of ch2 but that didn't take away from the story. more pleazeee!
Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: November 29, 2004 21:37 CST Comment/Review: Ahh, ahhh *runs in tight, useless little circles* more more more!! See, okay, you have amazing writing, and you have such awesome plot and skill, thus, it is obvious that you need to write more, and soon!! well, as soon as real life and all will allow. Please update soon, as you rock a lot. Moo. ^_^
Reviewed By: Beysie [MediaMiner Member] On: November 12, 2004 02:36 CST Comment/Review: Well, you have my attention with this fic! You seem to have a penchant for gore... different, I must say! Actually, it isn't the gore that surprised me, but the details of it... Well, you need to update this soon, I'm getting very curious! Will Heero and Duo get together? (I love that pairing!) Will Clarence/Keith be caught by Shido? How much more gore will spread before everyone of my questions will be answered? Please update soon!
Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member] On: November 01, 2004 07:38 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: WA! I love it!!! gotta have more!! so update soon!!
Reviewed By: camillian On: October 31, 2004 20:50 CST Comment/Review: well now, let's see some what happens next! update again soon!
Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: October 31, 2004 18:54 CST Comment/Review: Thank you thank you thank you so much for continuing this! It's cool and creative and gory and amazing!! Thank you!!!
Reviewed By: hikari_enzeru On: October 31, 2004 00:47 CDT Comment/Review: WOW i love this story BEST i've read yet, pleaseeeeeeee right more sooooon ^_^
Reviewed By: Darkness Fire Angel On: October 26, 2004 15:43 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: i really love love love the relationship that you are starting between Duo and Heero. This story is kind of scary too, because I can imagine you being an evil writer and writing that Duo gets raped. not too much scary stuff okay? KEEP WRITING!!!
Reviewed By: Doshirei On: October 16, 2004 02:09 CDT Comment/Review: Nice story. Too little of these "freaky obsession" things in this site. Glad to know someone else is a fan of the "horror stuff". Keep it up. I wanna read what happens next. ;)
Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: October 14, 2004 14:41 CDT Comment/Review: This better damn well be continued cause it's fantastically awesome! So there. Now that that motion has been decreed, let's all get sticky buns. Yey! Okay, so, yeah, please do continue. This fic is really interesting and so fun and cool to read. ^_^