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"chaotic halloween party!" Reviews/Comments [ 19 ]
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 Reviewed By: CiralFox [not logged in] [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 29, 2004 14:56 CDT
heya! I just read this story and I was wondering if I can join! ^^;; It\'s GREAT! ^_^ Name: Aya Hoshi Age: 15/250 Demon: wolf/ice Hair: black and a bit above her shoulders Eyes: silverly blue Demon traits: black inu ears with light blue tips and black tail with dark blue tip. Costume: her demon form! ^^ her neclace for her demon seal is a dragon with an ice gem. Pairing: um can she be with Hiei? (even though YYH isn\'t in the story? ^^;;) Relationships: can she be ur cousin? plzzzz ^^ email: CiralFox@newyork.com if u want to respond! ^^ thanks!!
 Reviewed By: Jidus [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2004 22:24 CDT
*Watches his pumpkin chase Bakura around with the other two* HA! Take that you fool! *Clears throat* Update soon.
 Reviewed By: peachgirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2004 19:53 CDT
lol lol lol lol lol *shoots shotgun at pumpkin* BLAM! BLAM! BANG! BANG! O.O I missed.
 Reviewed By: KyoKyo866 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2004 17:17 CDT
lets get cracking!
 Title: The pumpkins
Reviewed By: Jidus [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 24, 2004 23:01 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Both me and Kagura cuts our pumpkins with our powers. Mines is a demonic looking one that floats with a bloody red light coming from it and it has a will of its own plus it speaks. While Kagura's is carved with... *Looks over at Kagura to see a pumkin with his face on it* my face on it... 'Jeez I've never had a girlfriend that was THIS attached to me.'
 Reviewed By: KyoKyo866 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 24, 2004 01:10 CDT
O_O did shane jus call me his buddy? *is extremely happy (you can tell she's barely been called that)* anyways.. mines extrey scary.. well.. for me at least.. it.. is... MALIKS FACE!! *screams bloody murder (he SO scares me dammit.. *shivers in fear*) stops* but.. i think to marik its ehehehe.. offensive.. oh plz i hope it wins.. but its ok that i don't win.. i'll be good^^/ Miko: ...shes a sore loser.. don't listen tov her.. / kyokyo: *stressmarks* can't wait for chapter nine! LET THE CHAOS BEGIN!
 Reviewed By: Yamifanner [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2004 21:38 CDT
My pumpkin can have glowing green evil eyes and sharp fangs. Yami:his pumpkin is that it has scary eyes like the vampires,the mouth also has sharp fangs and the aurora is red and it floats in the air and it can scare Bakura!! Hope you update soon. Thanks for reviewing \"Tea Bashing Can Be So Much Fun\". Ja ne.
 Reviewed By: peachgirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2004 20:58 CDT
How I will carve my pumpkin is with a shotgun! It really works! It won't be that scary looking but the way I carve it will be scary since I have REALLY bad aim! For Ryou: His pumpkin will be a flaming head. litterally the pumpkin will be on FIRE. Well actually the top of the top of the pumpkin will have the flame shape and the face will have slitted eyes and a frowing face. then the above the flames will be an actual fire because inside the pumpkin is a pie plate with wadded up paper balls sprayed with lighter fluid. Ryou lights the match, tosses it in the pumpkin and the top of the pumpkin goes up in flames. That would be so awsome! Please update soon! Notes: ideas came from extremepumpkins.com--which i don't own. Also DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!
 Reviewed By: Shizuka Kaiba [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2004 14:17 CDT
I guess it's carved like the headless horseman's head. I can't really dead it though.
 Reviewed By: diablodude [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2004 14:11 CDT
i shall use your idea in chapter nine when we go out for carving supplies seeing as......i forgot them =__=; thanks for a chapter nine idea kyokyo/buddy.
 Title: hey shane.. u posted chapter 1 on chapter 2 and 1.. plz fix it.. NO LEMON DAMMIT!
Reviewed By: KyoKyo866 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2004 13:56 CDT
yami and bakura.. they're spending some time with.. my crystel card and the candy store.. You and Miko are the only ones not making trouble.. but trying to calm the people in the mall and trying to calm down the guest.. The jidus brothers are playing extreme tag (they use their powers to tag.. or dodge a tag) and sometimes striking others.. making them it.. kaori.. well.. shes in the toy store=_= miroku was asking 'the question' to unexpected ladys.. and me and arashi beat the crap outta him.. thats all i could think of.. u can think for something for the guests i missed.. but nevertheless.. plz consider my idea..
 Reviewed By: KyoKyo866 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2004 13:45 CDT
plz update soon.. something might give me an idea.. maybe.. maybe not.. and iof ur wondering bout how naraku knows kyokyo as oykik.. is because if you don't remember he wasn't there when the curse was placed.. so he knows kyokyo is oykik.. that will be revealed soon enough.. but i'm jus a spoiler^^ anyways.. i gots an idea for the next chapter.. my brillant ideas! *victory pose!* Miko: *sweatdrops* to tell the truth.. they ain't that brilant../ kyokyo: *stressmark* well.. HOW WOULD U KNOW! YOU NEVER MADE AN IDEA! /miko: oh yes i did.. remember the puppys death?? /kyokyo: oh yes.. ur idea.. good idea nonetheless.. anyways.. my idea is.. hehe.. this is in the morning.. after everyone has breckfast (we get in a food fight.. because i used my airhorn once more.. so everyone started throw food at me for revenge.. i threw food back.. so we ended up as a food war), and get dressed (coustumes i assume.. and i'm still a demon), we go... SHOPPING! and there will be hell at the mall. first. .theres a fight.. cuz someone is flirting with miko.. you get pissed of course.. everyone panics when i claw someone almost to death.. (cuz some pickpocket stole my brooch that i used for a bracelt *when i'm a demon.. and stay that way for a while.. i use my brooch for a bracelt*)..inuyasha and koga's having a eating contest..which people are kina scared.. cuz A. koga's tail is showing, B. Inuyasha ain't wearing his hat..Marik's Mind control people and animals..rest of my idea is in the next reveiw
 Reviewed By: peachgirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2004 10:35 CDT
I would not call the mm.org people damn. They can take their wrath on you in ways you cannot imagine.
 Title: Hmm...
Reviewed By: Jidus [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2004 10:14 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is indeed a time of idiotic mistakes and senseless mayhem. But we shouldn't let it get us down for these are only a one time thing. But if they deleted 'any' of your fics again there might be some problems. But enough of the negative and lets get to the positive *Puts his hand on Dark Chris's head* It seems my little bro wants to create a little mischeif as well, he wants to make everyone's life a living heck by...*Dark Chris whispers in his ear* Summoning the souls of Freeza and Cell to haunt the house until the party is over.*Looks at his younger brother and sighs*
 Reviewed By: KyoKyo866 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 22, 2004 20:10 CDT
I told you the deletion was beggining.. i don't know if you knew that or not.. but.. nevertheless.. i'm here for ya buddy. *has the word 'buddy' in her head.. and can't get it out*
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