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"Metamorphosis." Reviews/Comments [ 1272 ]
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 Title: Jason C
Reviewed By: JasonC [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 16:29 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
God Dammit!!! You are two freakin evil. I mean really you left us on a freakin cliff hanger. Aurggg.... You are pure evil. The suspense is F**king pising me off. Ahhhhhhh. You must stop with this suspense. To much suspense from one chapter is just to much. I cant wait until tommarow. I mean realy I cant Dammit! Damit ALL! To hell with every thing else on my agenda Im staying awake all night and all day if I hafta until you put up the next chapter. Damit Sh*t F**k Holy crap. I cant even describe the anger, anxiety, and all out suspense that is flowing through my head right now. But I guess this does answer alot of my questions. Sorry for swearing as well.... and for yelling like that. Well the next chapter better come out better and by that I mean more details, more suspense (I just contridicted myself didnt I) and much more ........ well just much more. Hey is this a long review or is it just me? Happy future writigs and have a good day.... Damit!
 Reviewed By: angel0fs0rr0w666 ::nsi::  On: February 14, 2005 16:27 PST
why does she want a new shikon no tama when she can just use the other one? Oh, and I was wondering... while Ginta and Hakkaku were under the toxin too, did they fantasize about anyone? cause from what i realized, the wolf pack is made up of male... and... uh... who were they fantasizing about? LoL, go on with your story! I love it!
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 14:50 PST
*bangs forehead on keyboard* Holy god!!!! I can't beleive that! A new Shikon no Tama!!! *gasps* *chokes* Holy shit! I have no more words but a hundred thousand expletives so I'll leave you with my shock. Damn! I can't wait until tomorrow!
 Reviewed By: Lena17  On: February 14, 2005 14:37 PST
Holy...wow...this is amazing. Very good chapter...you had me hanging on the edge of my seat there..Oo;
 Reviewed By: Aitu-- not signed in  On: February 14, 2005 13:38 PST
Oh good god! What a climatic ending to that chapter! I think that I'm still holding my breath. I could just hear her at the end getting louder and louder with the little speech. Muy enjoyable! I think that you will enjoy mu dorkiness. So at the part where Inuyasha was fighting in the Samuri-- I was like, hmm, maybe you could kill them with the alive sword!! (Sexxhoumaru's) and then POOF! There he was. That was cool. It soooo made my day! hehe. Well Sue, once again your talents have been effectively been expressed through your writings.. I'm not going to lie to you-- you're pretty much the most talented writer I know. Happy Valentines Day!!! ---Aitu
 Reviewed By: fruitcake  On: February 14, 2005 13:12 PST
woo. oh man. so thats what she wants? for kagome to do the same thing naraku did and merge with a whole bunch of crazy ass demons? jeez. inuyasha REALLY needs to get his butt moving and kill hisadaicho. ch..
 Title: Grrrrr.....
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 10:35 PST
Hisadaicho want's a new & improved, more powerful Shikon no Tama to restore her 'Koishii'...and we still don't know who he is!! Sango gives us a clue when she remembers seeing Hisa at the castle where her world fell apart from Naraku's scheming. Was he the young lord Kagewaki? But if that was true...Naraku was the one who killed him and took his place, not the Inu-tachi. Her koishii could have been a very twisted human with acess to dark magicks. I never really believed that he was youkai, like many others speculated. I'm just all fired-up with curiosity. --- Hisa taunts Kagome with, "...You enjoyed what you did to him. You relished it." and that Kikyou also had a hand in his destruction. --- Darnit! Not enough! Need more input...or just the next chapter! LOL - Keep dangling that carrot!
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 10:01 PST
Oh my... now that is a surprise, but what a cliffhanger, not as bad as the last one, but still! I love the Inu-brothers fighting with one another rather than against, always loved that idea. And, I never would have guessed Hisa would want Kagome like that 0.o; In fact, that is just scary stuff, all your hints about "The Miko of Legend", the coming of ones power and the purest of the pure when coming together with true love... eee, amazing, just awe inspiring as an Inuyasha sub-plotline. Now we know who "koishii" is (though you do not say, it is pretty obvious now..) I can not wait for tomorrow chapter!
 Reviewed By: Kurisu no Ryuujin [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 09:50 PST
hmmmm. two jewels huh? a bit ambitious isn't she.
 Reviewed By: cjflutterbye [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 09:46 PST
Hurry InuYasha! Hurry!! Kagome, Purify the area!! or create a barrier-shield -
 Title: adamile
Reviewed By: adamile [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 08:28 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well I liked all of your fics but this is still the best one. I hope since Kag is out of school and Inu said he was going to marry her that you will have some sort of wedding and maybe a pup for inu's pride. Hey! I knew it right? right? It was Kagewaki Hitomi who is the koshii. Tricky tricky on your part oh magnificent writer. tee hee. The only thing is I liked Kagewaki Hitomi, In the anime he didn't seem that evil. In fact it seemed that he was fooled into trusting Naraku and that Kagewaki was an innocent pawn in Naraku's plans. I Anyway, I like how in your stories you show a bond between sesshy and inu. and I hope kag gives that wacko hadask bitch a definite thrashing or a verbal "what for" ... Okay get back in that corner and write Write WRITE!!! another chapter for your hungry desperate readers. Oh and yes the chapter was excellant!!! thanks again for some great writing. Joyce.
 Reviewed By: Corta  On: February 14, 2005 07:37 PST
Kagome doesn't really have that sort of experience. She'll have to rely on raw power alone if she can access it. But then, she's always been able to call on it in desperate situations, hasn't she? Kagome won't give up though, I don't think her character will let her. Now that she knows what Hisadiacho wants, she'll die fighting before she'll let that despair into her heart.
 Reviewed By: angel0fs0rr0w666 ::nsi::  On: February 13, 2005 23:06 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG, you MUST update! i'm going to dieee!! Uh... why was Kouga stupid enough to kiss her? wait, he kissed her, right? Ugh, is Ayame gonna come in and beat the bimbo's ass?
 Reviewed By: Lena17  On: February 13, 2005 21:06 PST
Wow...that's pretty good!!! Ver interesting..it makes it sound like her beloved is Naraku..but you said that it wasn't him, didn't you?
 Title: Oooo!!!!
Reviewed By: Hanyou_Miko_Higurashi (not signed in)  On: February 13, 2005 18:34 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
AAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! It's taken me 4 days to read this entire story of yours!!!! I can't tell you how many times I've laughed my ass off, cried like a baby and shook my first and sworn like a sailor at it. You're probably one of the very best writters out there in the fanfiction world. I commend you for such a vivid baddie. I wish this could be made into a movie/multi-part OVA for the series, Rumiko herself would be proud of this fic. I can't wait for what happens next, oh, and I do have a few questions for you. 1. Is "koiishi" Kagawaki? Because he's "sort" of still alive, he's canon in both the manga and anime, and since Kagome and Inuyasha destroyed Naraku, wouldn't that mean that they destroyed him as well? If she wanted to revive him, that's why she'd need Kagome's spirit. Anyways, that MY logic on it, I can't wait to see if I'm right. 2. Is something going to happen with Marisako? (can't remember her spelling at the moment) The whole cliffy thing with the last couple chapters with the violet eyes of hers gives me a feeling that this baby's going to be a key role in something in the storyline. 3. There is no three, I just want you to update *laughs* Anyways, I'll be reading and watching faithfully! My fave part is some of the interactions between Kagome and Inuyasha. "It's an eat-what-you-kill world out there Kagome, you're too slow!" "You didn't kill the cookie, now share!" That part STILL sends me into hysterical laughter.
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