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"Purity 2: Defiance" Reviews/Comments [ 423 ]
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 Title: Stick to Your Guns
Reviewed By: planeshaper [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 13, 2005 20:15 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This makes two very good stories of yours that I have now read...and I'm certain that I'll manage to get to other parts of this series, too :) I was thoroughly impressed by the blood transfusion idea; while I apparently have different views about the marking concept than you, I love how you stuck to your ideals and made it work!!! The person that I really felt sorry for during the whole story though, was Toga. First it was his father and then his love that were trying to decide what he needed in his life...From my experiences, I would far rather lose my love by an uncontrollable force, than by her choice. But, it all worked out in the end. Again, another very good story.
 Title: FFARG Prologue
Reviewed By: LadyLark [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 13, 2005 13:28 CDT
Well you have me intrigued. Toga is a very interesting character, and I like how much he seems to fit in with the rest of the IY cast. He has a very strong voice that is distinctive and I can see the flaws in him that make him a well rounded character. I enjoy your unique descriptive style which is less clinical and more chatty. You have a storyteller's way of setting the scene without having to resort to a list. Also I will admit that I loved some of your dialogue. Some lines had me in stitches especially Toga's denial of InuYasha's influence. This is a great start to the series, you've done a good job of setting the scene, explaining one of the conflicts, and introducing one (if not more) of the major players. Well Done!
 Title: Ii desu.
Reviewed By: Darksquire [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 09, 2005 17:42 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I really liked this story as well. Quite spiffy. Toga is so adorable. It was rather depressing though, in the middle there. Oh well. It was all ok in the end. XD. Well I had better dash, once i finish the laundry I'm going to start Purity 3. Fun.
 Reviewed By: tinky  On: April 16, 2005 15:12 CDT
you cant just end it like that!!
 Reviewed By: Zirra Nova [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2005 01:00 CDT
wonderful fantastic great amazing damn i ran out of words...oh well, on to purity 3. Great story(look i found another word). Zirra
 Reviewed By: MarsMarmalade [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 03, 2005 23:27 CDT
Although i know there are many more chapters and you never dissapoint, i have this undying urge to kill you right about now..... loving the fic
 Reviewed By: trinigirl524 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2005 20:08 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow.....wut a BEAUTIFUL STORY!! *SOB* lol seriously this is a real comment when i say that i've NEVER read a fanfic with made up characters as the main ppl but this story is just...just...damn theres no words for it...it wuz really damn goooooooood!!!!! the love and humour got to me AGAIN *sigh* beautiful just beautiful....i told u that i would read ur other stories and i'm glad i did it certainly is worthwhile to read
 Reviewed By: Shadow_Within [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 11, 2005 17:52 CST
Sorry I haven't reviewed in forever. I just got home from vacation and I check my email only to find out you've finished the story! It was so awesome too! Toga is by far my favorite charactor ever, both canon and non-canon. Sierra is terrific too. I can't wait for you to start on working on Purity 3 as your main project! I've always loved those twins. They're so like their father yet so different! All of your Inuyasha stories are so amazing I could never chose one as my favorite or say that there is one I don't like as much as the others! I love how you've adopted the charactors as your own children. We can all see the dedication, commitment, and love you put into all of your stories. Don't let anyone cramp your style, because I've never met an author quite like you. You're the best! Your loyal fan forever, Caitlin. P.S. Jeez i sound like a weirdo stacker who's making up sappy song lyrics for there favorite band. oh well you just bring out the groupie in me. Way to look like a cool and composed fan of literature. Not. Anywho, until next time when you start updating Purity 3 as enthusiastically as your other works! Your such a dedicated author!
 Title: Pt 2
Reviewed By: Washuu Ogami  On: March 10, 2005 12:20 CST
Kichiro has grown up so--can he intern in oncology? Consider certification in that branch? I know an office hiring...again,love what you've done w/Kagome and Inuyasha's beloved children;they'd be proud! :)
 Reviewed By: Washuu Ogami  On: March 10, 2005 12:15 CST
*Sigh*...read both Chap.49+the epilogue in one sitting,and am still staring at the monitor, transfixed in the afterglow. Sweet-n-sour--Toga, Kichiro, then Sesshomaru's disgruntlement at the epilogue--LOLROTF!!! Calendar pin-up? Woof-woof, yeah, that world's a lucky place! ;) Sooooooooo glad Sienna emerged from the procedure/ritual intact; enjoyed immensely her actually awaking before he had. Heh, your description of her CBC draw, then EKG were quite authentic; I was ready to reach for gauze post the tubing! :P (my procedures,NOT your descrips,LOL)Re:markings--as they are youkai, the marks themselves could be imbued when they mate on a metaphysical level, mingling of auras; why should the violence be required? I've oft regarded that as borrowing from vampire lore. However, in this particular case, you certainly gave Sessh food--er, plasma for thought.;) Certainly answered my Q re: his reaction--I've always enjoyed how you write him as also being flexible with changing eras, new ideas. Ohhhh, yeah; thanks much for another immensely enjoyable and riveting work!! Looking fwd to both Purity 3's continuations and that next I/K fic being worked upon.
 Reviewed By: WoodShop2300 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2005 23:34 CST
OMG it's over!!! I so wasn't expecting an end for like half a dozen mor chapters!! A well It was still a great story!!
 Reviewed By: suzehowe [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2005 23:32 CST
::sigh:: Another happy ending...one of the many things I love about your writing, Sue. Heh heh heh...I'd actually almost forgotten about the calendar, but it's return was the perfect wrap-up for this fic. Thank you and onto P3!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Dragon Charm [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2005 22:31 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I loved every bit of this story. Gomen, I didn't review earlier...I get a bit sidetracked. I loved this! I loved all of it and it's an awesome fic! You're SOO MAJORLY talented. *sigh* I wish I could write as well as you...the ending was cute to the max! I'm going to read Purity 3 now and the first one too...hehe. Sayonara! ~Ja matte
 Reviewed By: Kyonarai(nsi)  On: March 09, 2005 18:48 CST
ROTFLMAO!!! I am laughing so hard right now, my mom is giving me wierd looks...I can't believe that sesshomaru found out about the calendar!!!!!!!!!!!!! And who's fault is it? INUYASHA! Oh lord....
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2005 15:41 CST
Okay, the ending was adorable. Woof, I just *knew* the beefcake would come back to haunt him. Oh, since I'm a nice person, I feel i should apologize over my personal preferences tooward the savagery of youkai rituals. I guess I've always been wont to put across that though some youkai may seem or act human, that the culture is completely different. But I understand your aversion to violence, although I really don't see such a ritual as "violence for the sake of violence." In any case, i love your stories and I love your creativity. Don't mind me if I can be a little...short-sighted. Can't wait for the new stuff.
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