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"Purity 2: Defiance" Reviews/Comments [ 423 ]
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 Reviewed By: DawnIllusion  On: February 18, 2005 18:28 CST
Ohhhh! When will the next chapter be ready? I really need to know what is going to happen next. Keep up the good work. I love your story. Update soon!!!
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2005 17:47 CST
:( Poor Toga. *screws up face with big wide sparkly eyes* Ah but love will find a way, will it not? I loved the final battle (except for...and I know I've never mentioned this before, your fixation with Sessy's energy whip. *grumbles* I hate that thing. I'm convinced they created for the anime to cut down on the bloodshed). Anyway, keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what happens with Purity III.
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2005 14:35 CST
Damn neko-youkai...great fight! A (s)mothering Kagura...her poor baby boy...LOL! -- I sure hope Sierra will listen to somebody soon. She's still hurt over the 'kissing Kari' incident. They have both been hurt enough. You know, I can never tell anyone too many times that 'communication' is one of the most important things for a healthy relationship...and with Sess not 'communicating' certain crucial information that may have prevented most of this has damaged his relationship with Toga. The good old 'ripple effect' is definately to blame. One small ommission, however it was intended, has snowballed and is now threatening the existance and happiness of two innocents. Toga didn't even know enough to ask questions that might have given him the information. *sigh* Sesshoumaru is learning a hard lesson here. He should have learned a long time ago with his mate's example about how important it is to be able to make your own decisions. Kagura lived under Naraku's heavy thumb for too long to ever want to see one of her children being controlled...even by her own mate. Freedom, I imagine, would be a major factor in Kagura's decisions. When you suffer something, you never wish it on someone else. I actually think that Sess is getting off easy here. But then again, when you love someone, forgivness is easier to give. -- Great chapter!!
 Reviewed By: blzzrd53 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2005 14:08 CST
Bout time fluffy came around. You had me worried for a bit there that he might not. It's nice to know that though it'll be a rough ride, it's all gonna work out now.
 Reviewed By: WoodShop2300 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2005 13:40 CST
Yea Yea Yea More More More.. ok enough repitition. I can think of only two ways her can get her to liston. 1) pin her to a wall and force her. 2) talk to her family and tell them who.what he is.. Personally i'm hopping for the 2nd.. but your probably cume up with a 3rd. Needless to say i can't wait till the next chapter
 Reviewed By: cj flutterbye  On: February 18, 2005 12:55 CST
Toga - you are gonna HAVE to book a trip back to America. Surprise her - she'll have to listen - especially if you have her pinned between you and a wall in her apartment.
 Reviewed By: Zatanna [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2005 20:21 CST
Please write more! I got hooked with Purity, and now that I'm waiting for Purity 2 it's slowly gnawing at me! Help!
 Reviewed By: MissNikki  On: February 14, 2005 09:09 CST
I'm taking a wild guess and saying that since your still updating this one Purity # isn't finishted either. Are you just updating or revising? I want to know before I start printing it out. Well anyway keep up the good work and Love MN
 Reviewed By: Miyumi [not signed in]  On: February 13, 2005 21:14 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
omg omg omg noooooooooooooooooooooooo toga~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope they find him!!!!! wah!!!!!!!!!!*tear* T.T ~ ur faithful reader~ Miyumi
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2005 18:45 CST
Ohhh...hell. This was sad! And surprising. God, just when i thought I could figure you out, you surprise me again! I didn't make the connection of Toga going out to die! Fuck! Ooohh...I actualI don't have to wait until next weekend to find out what happens!
 Reviewed By: chichiwvu(nsi)  On: February 13, 2005 16:17 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
ohh sue! you've really put these chapters together well. There is a lot going on at once, and it's so suspenseful, i can't stand it... yay! Sesshomaru is in action!
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion - not signed in  On: February 13, 2005 15:04 CST
I knew it. Living with pain and lonliness with no hope to temper it, is a heavy load to for anyone. Contemplating centuries of more endless emotional destitution must be unbearable. Toga is in a 'place' that is dangerous to himself because he doesn't see any reason to fight what is, to his reckoning, unsolveable. While he may not activly try to kill himself, he will also not try too hard at keeping someone else doing it for him. --- The angst that has built up in this story is phenominal. It's so thick, you'd have to cut it with a chainsaw! LOL (I hope your proud of yourself...you have everyone in tears! :P ) I will try to save some tissues for the next chapter. --- Splendid.
 Reviewed By: notzathros  On: February 13, 2005 12:55 CST
OK. Now you've got painful cliffies in both Purity 2 and Metamorphosis. You're trying to kill me, right? Heh. Thanks for the great stories!!
 Reviewed By: Aitu-- not signed in  On: February 13, 2005 10:49 CST
*Gasps for air!!!* Oh my oh my. Such revolations!!! My mind is just running circles around its self. I think if it could it would be making that sound when a computer is "thinking". Ya know what I'm talking about? That kind of a clicking noise when it's running something, hahaha. I wanted Kagome and Kagura to call Sierra this instant!! and then get her on the next plane to Tokyo! hehe. Wow. Very excited!!! Need to see what happens next!!! --Aitu
 Reviewed By: Maril  On: February 12, 2005 23:17 CST
Okay, love the story, it's wonderful, and I'm in awe as to how you can make so many great stories without some being better then others, and without them becoming to similar, you're truly gifted. But somethings just been bugging me since reading the end of chapter 33 when Kichiro mentions that mokomoko-sama is something your born with. I remember you mentioning that mokomoko-sama isn't attached when they're in human form, but becomes their tail when they transorm into their demon dog form. Wouldn't that mean that in order to be born with it they'd have to be born in that form? Sorry for the weird question, it's just bugging me...
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