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"Journey to Heaven" Reviews/Comments [ 373 ]
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 Title: yay!!
Reviewed By: Shadow of Light [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 22, 2005 16:24 CST
oh yeah i was wondering if isis was gonna appear but odion?? i love hte guy!! geez i hope i find a friend that loyal! ^^ besides, the scaring on his face jsut makes him look good *giggles* what can i say? i know that robbie and aten will have a joy to remember. the lemon was hot as always and i'm glad they have one another to pull through. i rather have an entier gay family than mine... *shakes head roughly* love your fic as always!!
 Reviewed By: Beysie (I swear, I'm a member!)  On: January 22, 2005 15:42 CST
Oh wow, what a lemon! I just love your lemons... nothing bitter about them! And Robbie is finally gonna ask Aten to marry him? *squeals* Yes! I can't wait to read that proposal, I just know Seto will help in every way! And what's with Isis and Odion showing up at the door? That always seems to portend doom... please update soon!
 Reviewed By: Tari Helyanwe (not logged in)  On: January 22, 2005 13:23 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What?! Those two have been missing from the picture for so long...know I KNOW that something big is going to happen! I can't wait for Aten and Robbie's wedding. It's gonna be sweet! Great chapter!!
 Title: Draza
Reviewed By: Draza [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 22, 2005 12:40 CST
good chappie!!! no offense but it felt kinda short to me. I don't know if it's just me, but it did. But it was still good, at least Robbie was able to talk to someone about his mariage to Aten. And i'm gonna bet 10$ that uhh...whatshisname....*looks* oh yeah! Vidello, will ever go for it, and probably even tell Robbie to regect it!! To let Aten go...or other crap like that! (scusie for the language there) Poor Aria's pregnant again isn't she? Poor sin-of-Bakuras-flesh. Will the curse that Yami put on Aria ever be lifted? And are we going to visite Hayden soon? Or have you chopped him mostly out of the current story plot?
 Title: You know what.. screw it, I won't log ina anymore -_-;
Reviewed By: Broken Time (NLI)  On: January 20, 2005 21:27 CST
... One moment please.. *Grabs coke, drinks some, and spits it out* Holy.. Poo on a stick! Robbie is gonna ask Aten to marry him??? *Dies* X________X
 Title: hello!
Reviewed By: tobusytologin  On: January 20, 2005 12:55 CST
I love your stories! I look forward to updates every week (much to my teachers annoyance)!
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: January 20, 2005 09:05 CST
Yay Robbie! It's so sad I can't believe Aten has such a short time to live! My poor baby! I want him to be a material ghost so I can still cuddles and compliments from him! And I know you;ll strech the story out jsut that long, oh I can't believe it! Robbie want so to mary aten its so sweet! Is Marik going to get all evil on him? That would be sad. And does Yami have Marik's powers now or something? And super sorry I havent been reviewing i really need to get back into the habit! *hugs* happiness! Hope things are going well with your job!
 Reviewed By: Nanx [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 20, 2005 03:19 CST
5 years? You're kidding! You can't kill one of my favorite characters that soon and easily! If you do so *grabs toaster* you're toast *glare of doom*. Must still finish my last review (little sister pulled me from the computer...) I really admire you're ability to make a Yamifreak (me) hate Yami and like Malik and Marik (though they look sexy, I never liked them) Hope my English is understandable (Dutch girl + writing English = lots of mistakes)
 Reviewed By: Sakiyama [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2005 20:06 CST
5 years?! Too little!! NOOOO!!!!!!!!! *cries* this can't happen! Aten is my favoriteeee..well Aria too. Aw I really want to see Robbie propose to Aten..that would be the cutest thing in the world! I'm glad Malik got away safely..wonder what Yami did to that rod >.> damn him. And Hooray to Robbie for beating Keith! I hate that guy so much. I can't wait until Saturday ^^'
 Title: cute!!
Reviewed By: Shadow of Light [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2005 19:40 CST
first way to go robbie!! keith wasn't much of a duelist even when he cheated. no respect for his monters whatsoever. yay robbie the machine king!! also, the ending where robbie says he watns aten to marry him, that is jsut so sweet!! i can't wait for that but i seriously can't wait for yami to get his just desserts. in the most painful, agonizing, humiliating pain possible. perfectable wiht all his 'loyal' monsters beating hte shit outta him and leave him there to suffer in pain alone like he should be doing now. okay good chapter!! lemons, up why not!! how you do it is all good!!
 Reviewed By: I_Is_Me [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2005 18:12 CST
 Reviewed By: Drazaria  On: January 19, 2005 16:24 CST
hey! Awww!!! *hugs Robbie* the boys are really growing up!!! and it's such a romantic way to shwo someone you love them...even when they're really sick...*sniff* it really brings a tear to your eye...excuse me...*walks off*
 Reviewed By: Beysie (*gasps* it's letting me review!)  On: January 19, 2005 15:31 CST
Hey, a little solo action never hurt anyone! I so feel for Aten and Robbie... but I do believe he should ask to marry Aten! If they have such a short time, I do believe that his father's will all approve... they all know without a doubt that he loves their son. I cheered when Keith had his ass kicked! That felt so satisfying to watch! Now for Umi to kick Eric's ass... and kick it soundly! I can't wait until saturday for the update! Ja ne!
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2005 11:10 CST
I love Robbie! The whole duel with Keith was wicked cool!! The poor chibi though, I wanna cry over his predicament. I know Aten will say yes, I just know it. Ryou won't care, but... Foursomes are wonderful, but, for Robbie, do what you will. That's your own call.
 Reviewed By: high priestess of sephiroth  On: January 19, 2005 09:17 CST
wah! there are no paragraphs in ur newest chapter. what happened???? i went cross-eyed reading it but it was worth it. u should fix that chap thou. its sooooooo kawaii that robbie wants to marry aten! kawaii chibis!!!! and maybe the pharoah will die soon ne???? that would be a good chap when or IF that ever happens. Love the story though keep it up and good luck on finishing this story. i can't wait for the next chapter.
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