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"Space Hanyou" Reviews/Comments [ 29 ]
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 Reviewed By: MetsukiKaraTen [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 02, 2007 20:31 EDT
Ohhh! What a surprise! I am thrilled you picked this one up again, and of course you left us with a cliffie!! Is it me, or was Faye just a little too taken in with that kiss? Just like her to lure him in like that then clock him afterwards!! (just had me grinning, it was so...'Faye')So the Shikon is some kind of formulae and the code is hidden in Inu's DNA? Hmmm, If that's the case then blowing his head off won't prevent it from getting into the 'wrong hands'. All they'd need is a scrap of bio-matter splattered after the fact. I suppose that would still be a challenge though, sifting through EVERYTHING ELSE that would be blown up with him. Kagome really seemed awfully forthcoming with information, considering her obvious disdain for "cowboys". Somehow I get the feeling she's holding back something significant. I really enjoyed this update and am thrilled to see that you haven't put this story on perm. hiatus. This was on my girl's top 5 when she first made recs to me back when I initially began reading IY fic. I have since become a huge fan of your work. As long as you continue to write, I'll be back to read, like a moth to the flame. Thank you for sharing your talent!!
 Title: Great writing
Reviewed By: Amie (NSI)  On: January 05, 2006 23:48 EST
Who'da thunk that Inuyasha and Bebop could intertwine so seamlessly? Well, YOU, apparently! This is fab writing - technical enough to push the plot along without going into so much detail that it makes my eyeballs bleed. What's going on with Kags, I wonder? She seems like she's got a secret or two under her belt. I like how you integrated Kohaku, Kanna and Kagura into the plot, too. Enjoying it tremendously - your efforts are truly appreciated. Merci!
 Reviewed By: velvetarms77 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2005 11:16 EST
Not a whole lot happens in this chapter, but it's still awesome! I love how you incorporate the characters and adapt them to be science-fiction. Kohaku being a cyborg (if only inside his skull) is a really great idea! It'll be interesting to see how the Bebop crew's hare-brained plan pans out!
 Title: lovin'it!
Reviewed By: velvetarms77 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 22, 2005 11:26 EST
This fic is lots of fun! I love how dirty Inuyasha is (it's so much fun when he's a big ole slut) and I can't wait to see if Inutaisho makes an appearance! Inuyasha really puts a lot of faith in his sexual charms - it's interesting to see him use his sexuality as a weapon. Might be interesting to see if it would work on men too! ^__~ Kagome is a total bitch! I see her character in this story as being a bit more like Kikyou - she's so hard! The collar is a very nice touch. Looking forward to eventual updates (but no pressure, seriously. I hate pressure). I'm really enjoying your writing! Keeps me going when work is boring ^__^
 Reviewed By: foamyfan15010 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 17, 2005 04:16 EST
Ten reviews? Psh... What a load of shit... I hope you have more reviews over on FFnet. Anyway, excellent story! Not that I expected any less from the author of Possession, but still... I love the leacherous, pervert role you have Inuyasha playing. He's so deliciously naughty it makes me feel all warm and smushy inside... lol This is a crossover I never expected to read, but I'm extremely happy I decided to check it out. Fantastic job, and I hope to see an update soon.
 Title: Just wanted to say
Reviewed By: Kendraless [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 26, 2005 17:27 EDT
Another ps: It blows that your work is so unappreciated. It's almost like most people are afraid to want to try something different. Again love all your stories.
 Reviewed By: Kendraless [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 26, 2005 16:56 EDT
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
When I read my email this morning and saw that you updated I so hoped it would be 'Possessions' to be honest I was kind of disappointed it was a new fic. And as always you got me hooked. Normally I don't read crossovers but you even got me to do that. I'm not a Cowboy Bebop fan but you really nailed the relationship between the CB and Inu Yasha characters. Further, Inuyahsa was not only a bad ass, but a badass with so much sex appeal I wanted to jump into the story and make babies. I love the way you made Kagome a hard ass bitch she reminded me of the Peacekeeper Aeryn Sun from Farscape. She is ruff, acts tuff but has a big heart. I still can't believe you got me to read a crossover, you're the first author to introduce me to how fanfiction doesn't have to be like the original story itself. I loved it and can't wait for the next update. Ps: How do you commit lewd conduct with a duck?
 Title: ch 7
Reviewed By: lavie [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 26, 2005 07:20 EDT
I'm so naughty, I'm reading your story instead of sleeping as I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow. But anyway, you're on my favourites list, and I look forward to the next exciting episode! Ja ne!
 Title: inuyashaloverr
Reviewed By: inuyashaloverr [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 25, 2005 17:32 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ok, I gotta say, I really like this crossover, alot. When I first saw the title, I wondered how this was going to be pulled off. But pulled it off you did, and rather good I might add as well. I am a fan of Cowboy Bebop, though InuYasha is my main true love of all animes. But when I saw this one, I just had to read. And a very good read I might add. So I do hope hope this fic isnt abandoned, it would be such a shame. You've done a great job with all the characters on the Bebop, as well as InuYasha and the rest. I do hope you update soon, but if it is abadonded, can someone let the readers know? Thanx for a great story thus far.
 Title: Ch 1-6
Reviewed By: lavie [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 14, 2005 23:11 EDT
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Good. i found this story through IY Fanguild. At first i thought the criminal was miroku. I've only seen the 1st ep of bebop so i pretty much skip those parts. Also, in case you don't know, Shippou (7 treasures) is a pun on shippo (tail). tonikaku, hope to see an update, ja!
 Title: Say it ain't so!!!
Reviewed By: Amie  On: July 06, 2005 03:18 EDT
Please don't abandon this fic! You made me like a CROSSOVER! Oh, you think the pastfic is the most dreaded type of fic, do you? Well, I loathe crossovers. I've never read one yet that made any sense or one that caught my interest. Until now! You've stolen my crossover virginity! ::gnashes teeth:: I have to say I'm pleased to see a Kagome with some cojones, and InuYasha is too damned cute! You've got the Beboppers down pat, although it is a little strange not to have the story focused on Spike and his Issues (Julia). You've got a real feel for Faye, too. I know that you're working hard on "Possession," but please keep this fic in mind. I want to find out what happens! What will it take? Ice cream? Jewelry? Cold hard cash? The delighted thanks of a grateful fandom? As always, thanks for writing!
 Reviewed By: yuyu-inuyashaluva [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 01, 2005 15:42 EST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
only tree reviews! what the hell1 this story is very good and i love it. please update soon!
 Title: I love you
Reviewed By: Miss_Marilyn69 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 15, 2005 00:50 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I luv ya I luv ya I luv ya...I can't believe what a dimond in the rough I've found...I simply in love with your story's I hope this one is also updated soon, THE one and only bebop and Inuyasha crossover that I've ever seen work...oooooh please update this one soon too. Aleaha *new number one fan* Sisson
 Reviewed By: Leiko_Kane [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2005 23:55 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WOW... i totally love this fic. PLEASE UPDATE... i've got to see what's gunna happen with the whole Sesshoumaru thing, good luck with your writing.
 Title: Great idea
Reviewed By: VoidPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2004 21:22 EST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Freat idea very original keep up the great work ^_^
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