"It Was All Just a Dream..." Reviews/Comments [ 4 ] |
Title: Gah! Reviewed By: EdwardWongHau On: June 30, 2005 16:48 CDT Comment/Review: I'm sorry about the detail mishaps, I haven't posted in forever either...so yeah, I really need to do that. Yet College and such have hoisted their flags of war and I'm having trouble, so yeah. Sorry about the detail screw-ups and such, it's just like I said, it was just some rambled down scrap I decided to post...later.
Reviewed By: soupcan58 [MediaMiner Member] On: June 12, 2005 00:09 CDT Comment/Review: I do like the story you're starting to develop, but I have a quarrel with the details on one thing. Gyanamde is a moon orbiting Mars, and from what this sounds like, you're trying to put both Tharsus City and Gyanamede both on Mars. I hate to say that, but I'm just a nit-pic for those things...
Reviewed By: grissom500 [MediaMiner Member] On: March 15, 2005 14:38 CST Comment/Review: this might have promise, if you have plans of a plot. These kind of stories are my favorites, because I was always curious as to what would have happened if spike didn't die at the end of bebop (which he very well may not have). But I'm glad you saw fit to continue it...hopefully some edward soon ne?
Reviewed By: sadaboxter83 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 09, 2005 13:50 CST Comment/Review: ummm good story so far i rrelly hope its a spikje and faye story lol :)