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"Purity 3: Forever" Reviews/Comments [ 1105 ]
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 Reviewed By: trinigirl524 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2005 16:38 CDT
OMG!!! that SUX for ryo...WOW wut a turn of events....!!!! i cant believe the luck for him....rape n murder?! and it looks like nez believes it....uh-oh....
 Reviewed By: machallFREAK  On: April 13, 2005 16:31 CDT
ha, sucks for ryo.
 Title: Voices?
Reviewed By: tachi_fossae [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2005 16:20 CDT
Is the voice in Ryo's head his youki? At first I thought he was just arguing with himself, but now the voice seems to be a separate entity. A part of him, to be sure, but separate none the less.
 Reviewed By: Aitu--not signed in  On: April 13, 2005 15:38 CDT
Where to start? I'm sorry but I am currently laughing hysterically. "Asking for 'lemons' is now constructive critisism..." HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! I think that I am more laughing over the fact that people are actally suggesting that it the most hysterical part. Oh Sue. I really do feel bad for all of the shit that you must have to deal with. You really should hire a PR agent so that you do not have to directly deal with this. I'd glady do it if I had more time. haha. I can see it now. "blah blah blah, I want lemons, blah blah blah" Me: Dear complainer, eat shit and die. (I swear, that's what they taught us in public relations, hehehehe... okay, maybe I lied a little..) Back to the current chapter of this fabulous story--- Ut oh spaghettios! What happens now that Ryo has been caught?! Lucy! You have some essssssssssssplaining to do! Hopefully Ryo comes clean to nez. It just kills me when he doesn't-- but it's what makes part of the story, and if it wasn't there-- it wouldn't be the same story. It's kinda like you're damned if ya go, damned if ya don't. Oh well. Terrific job!! Cannot wait to see what happens next!!! Good luck with the complianers. Hasta Luego! --Aitu
 Title: WOW...
Reviewed By: Realangel (on FF.Net & MM.org)  On: April 13, 2005 15:03 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG!!....Ryo arrested!! FOR RAPE & MURDER!...And how can he be cleared?...the only living victim is in surgery and probably won't remember clearly who attacked her(Come on it was dark alley and she was scared)...and Ryo can't let them test his sperm cuz he's a hanyou and I doubt that fact can be overlooked. Ryo is facing a life sentence, seriously. Craziness...Pure Craziness!!...and what is Nez gonna do?...I'm pretty sure she knows that he didn't do it....but, the reason he was there that's another story..he's gonna catch hell for that one...if he ever gets outta jail...This really can't be good for the relationship...Wow...I'm still in shock...Fantastic job on this chapter, Sue!! I'm amazed at ur "mad writing skillz"! LOL...I can't wait to find out what happens next!! Always a fan, ~*~Realangel~*~
 Reviewed By: Turtle Dreamer [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2005 14:53 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It's too bad that some silly puckers think that they have to yank the author's chain. They obviously have no literary sense whatsoever. On to greater things! I love your stories! The "Purity" series is incredible. I look forward to your updates. Have a great day!
 Reviewed By: D.V.  On: April 13, 2005 14:31 CDT
Poor Sue. You're writing some of the best, most enjoyable stuff I've ever come across, and people just keep picking at you. I'll be really sad if they make you stop writing. I admit, I DO like the occaisional, well-written Lemon, but it does give me the creeps to see so many people just blatantly insisting on them, or becoming threatening over them. That's just sad. I know it's gotta be incredibly hard, but please know that there are SOME normal people out here (well, maybe not quite 'normal', but close, LOL) who are appreciating your efforts, and thinking fondly of you for all your hard work. We don't really know you, but you've left a definite impression on a lot of us, I'm sure, with your characters, and your obvious love for your stories. I think you've also inspired a lot of people, too. Anyway, blah, blah, bliddy-blah, I loved this chapter - as if I'm ever dissapointed - and am eagerly awaiting the next. Feel better, K? D.V.
 Reviewed By: Ultima X  On: April 13, 2005 13:55 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
First I wanted to say that you are an awesome writer. I've read all of your Inuyasha stories and I've enjoyed everyone. But why didn't Ryo try to escape? I think he would have been fast enough. But it's your story and you decide in which direction it goes. Don't let some idiots who beg for lemons and flame get to you. Your the best and fastest writer I have seen until now. I'll wait for your next update.
 Reviewed By: thebigguy  On: April 13, 2005 13:15 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Okay this just gets better abd better. I wait for updates impatiantly every day. I check for updates every few hours and when one comes up it is like getting a christmas gift. I understand it takes time to create greatness i am just a little impatiant when I read a really good story. I LOVE the purity series. I reread Purity 1 just too pass the time and the heartfelt emotions and longing that was there the first time were still there and even more intense, and they have been weaved just as intensly in this story. Can't wait for the next chapter. BTW Man do you have it in for Ryo or what Hahaha that was a cruel thing to do but all will come out a-okay but maybe your teaching him a lesson that will make him a better man. Thank you The Bigguy
 Reviewed By: foamyfan15010 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2005 13:07 CDT
First off, Ryo and Nez arguing with themselves? Hilarious. It seems like sometimes they have more interaction with themselves than they do with each other!!! lol :o) Second, UH OH!!! Ryo's really got himself into a mess now. I hope Nez realizes quickly that he didn't do it or this could be really detramental to their already very fragile relationship. As for people asking for lemons, good god. How insulting... Just ignore them Sue.
 Reviewed By: Decoy  On: April 13, 2005 13:03 CDT
Damn all of you awful people who keep asking Sueric for meaningless lemons.... Get a life.. Get 9 of them! On a lighter note, why didn't Ryo simply use his super-duper hanyou powers to escape from the cops when they were bringing him in.
 Title: adamile
Reviewed By: adamile [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2005 03:44 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well this was a cute chapter. I love how you went from the apt to them moved into the house. didnt get what nez bought. was it a nicer scent of perfume or hopefully some flattering clothes?. Why does ryo have to be the ONLY one to fight nasty demons? Doesn't sessy hire anyone to help him. I don't get it. its almost as if sess just drops it in ryo's lap and then he's got to deal with it all alone???. Okay and did uou say that Kag wanted Inu to have a talk with ryo about the finding the mate birds and the bees???. cant wait for that talk!!! lol okay great chapter.
 Reviewed By: EAP  On: April 13, 2005 01:13 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay! Another chapter! Oh, thought I would die when Ryomaru walked in on her! I know why he didnt put in sower curtains, the sly dog. I loved her reaction and the "You drop your towel" line was hilarious. Fantastic chapter, the whole way through. Keep 'em comin'!!
 Title: =)
Reviewed By: Inuyashas_wishing_star [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 12, 2005 22:58 CDT
Once again another great chapter! Cant wait to read the next one!
 Reviewed By: OROsan7706 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 12, 2005 22:50 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sorry about not reviewing yesterday, I've been sick and didn't get the chance to come on...Went to the doctor's, I have bronchitus (sp?) and an ear infection. Poor Ryo, having to deal with a cat, what next? I hope he tells Nez about his job soon; the sooner the better.
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