Title: Speechless Reviewed By: Naomitinuveil [MediaMiner Member] On: March 24, 2005 09:36 CST Comment/Review: Beautiful, as always. So much emotion and pain behind it. . . so many lost memories and past stories ::sigh:: . . . ::blinks:: . . . ::smacks self:: alright, I dont' wanna go getting all depressed again. . . well, actually, I've I'm writing Pyro Mechanica I probably should stay depressed, lol -_-; anyway. . . lovely lovely exquisite job (thanks for the free advertiesment, hehe) Hope your able to find yourself in a mood of sorts to be able to write more sometimes. I know you've been busy, but keep 'em comin ^_~ well, we all love ya (and yay, I'm your first reviewer ::says in singsong voice:: good luck, happy writings (or sad, lol) cya later. . .write more ::ponders:: . . . byee ~Naomitinuveil