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"LOVE POISON" Reviews/Comments [ 202 ]
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 Title: Best Plot Bunny EVAR!
Reviewed By: Trusuprise [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 03, 2005 15:03 EST
Congratulations, Jesse, I finally hit your plot bunny. "Perhaps you were hurt...your human side, that is. Perhaps it was wounded...somehow..." Now I see how the mistake with Kikyou ties in, and I commend you for completing such a difficult task, in not only writing that scene, but having as complicated a plot bunny to explain it later on. Its truly original and a great plot device. Now, we just need to work on your confidence, ne? On another note, good work with writing Shippou in the beginning of this chapter, and as always, you write him, Sango, Miroku, and Kirara very well, it feels more like you are watching an episode than reading a work of fiction. Now I just have to wait for the new moon so Inuyasha can finally talk to Kagome about his mistake. Again, good job!
 Title: Flood the Old Hag's hut!
Reviewed By: Trusuprise [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 03, 2005 10:05 EST
Ah, another great chapter down. I really like what you've done with Inuyasha's youkai side/split personality. The way he creeps into Inu's mind and makes him doubt himself, makes him crave death and destruction, is purely primal. I like the way his youkai's thought process works. Upon the detection of Miroku, it said: "Male. Human. Not mate. Didn't matter" this seems like the true essence of a youkai. What I didn't understand was his youkai's insistance that if he mated Kagome instead of the hanyou side of him, that Kagome would be honored as the mate of a full youkai. I was under the assumption that any human that mated with a youkai/hanyou was frowned upon? On a lighter note, I like Inuyasha's line to Shippou: Feh. "Youkai don't cry, whelp. Stop that, you'll flood the old hag's hut." and I like Kaede's reaction to Kagome falling on her neck. That is a great running line you have. Of course, your lemon slice at the end of the chapter was awesome. Poor Inu though... Anyway, I'm eager to read the next chapter!
 Title: Sexual Tension Abound!
Reviewed By: Trusuprise [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2005 12:49 EST
Sexual Tension, innuendo, and a driving desire for Inuyasha to come to a conclusion about his mistake with Kikyou sum up this chapter. The witty dialogue was great. I especially like Kagome's answer for her hickey, and the following response; "You fell on your neck? Your neck hit a rock?" Indeed, you really captured both Sango and Miroku in this chapter. I'm glad to see that Inuyasha is finally going to seek some answers, even if he has to push Kagome back to her time to do so. Lets just hope he doesn't screw things up.
 Title: Bravo, Bravo!
Reviewed By: Trusuprise [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2005 12:05 EST
Jesse, by far, next to your first chapter, this is the best chapter you've written yet. You really make your reader feel Inuyasha and Kagome's feelings: the needing, the longing, the raw emotions. You've kept them so well in character, and I think you're right on that Kagome, though she doesn't know exactly what it is that is bothering Inuyasha, is prepared to forgive him for whatever it is, even if it hurts her. I particuarly liked the corolation you made regarding the fact that Tessaiga is likely only to keep it's seal on Inuyasha's youkai blood only in a case where he is near death, not necessarily when he is in the throes of passion. I also liked this description of how Kagome feels after her kiss with Inuyasha: "And now he seemed so far away...and Kagome felt more empty and alone than she had ever felt in her entire life." Again, awesome job with this chapter. I felt like you could have ended the story right here had you wanted to, and left the reader wondering. Yet, I'm glad you've got more left to read.
 Title: Inu's Inner Youkai
Reviewed By: Trusuprise [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2005 09:29 EST
Very nice. Besides the build up you have in the lemon, I particuarly like Inuyasha's fight with his inner youkai. I like the way he argued within his mind, the way his youkai pointedly called him "hanyou". It really made me think that his split personality he has when he struggles on the verge of transformation could be a fic in and of itself, don't you think? Anyway, I'm anxious to see the coming angst and find out what happens between Kagome and Inuyasha.
 Title: Chapter 7
Reviewed By: xfiledino [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2005 03:12 EST
First of all let me say that I love where you are going with this story! I've only made it to Chapter 7, thus far, but don't you worry, I will be keeping up with this one!! I think you've captured exactly what goes on in InuYasha's mind on a daily basis. That guy is so confused that it's not funny. I'm not too sure what else to say besides that I'm stunned. Not to many people can write like this, or have the virtue to put it into words. Keep up the great work! Can't wait to see what happens next!
 Title: great fic
Reviewed By: Miroku_girl [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 31, 2005 19:07 EST
wow. this awsome. how can you posible think that you're not? so what happens next? please update soon!!!
 Reviewed By: Zelix [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 30, 2005 15:19 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So it's here as well now, one of the best fics i've ever read, good to see you here too, i have no doubts this fic will be a huge success here as well, it's is just not possible for it not to be a success.
 Reviewed By: cynbad146  On: January 29, 2005 21:09 EST
I really like the chemistry, that you write, between Inu Yasha and Kagome. I am definitely checking in on this story as you write it. I can tell from this chapter that it is going to get even more interesting, shortly. Do you plan your storyline out, or, do you have an idea how many chapters you might want to write? Keep up the good work. Thank You. Cynbad146
 Title: Chapter 4
Reviewed By: Trusuprise [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 28, 2005 12:56 EST
Another very good chapter. Your portrayal of Inuyasha as he tries to sort his feelings out is exactly how I picture what goes on in his mind: a jumbled mess of warring emotions. Your writing as always is emotional and hits you with a punch, really making you feel what the characters are going through. I also really like the way you portray Inuyasha as naieve in the ways of physical acts such as kissing and the like, seeing as he is very inexperienced. I'm glad that Inuyasha has finally told Kagome his feelings for her, yet I hope you have him tell Kagome what happened with Kikyou. I expect that his consciouness will bear on him heavily until he tells her what happened.
 Title: Review for 2 & 3
Reviewed By: Trusuprise [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 27, 2005 12:13 EST
Two more great chapters. I like Inuyasha's reaction to seeing Kikyou's shinidamachuu, the fact that Kikyou makes him feel like nothing, and his reaction to being around Kikyou, unable to control himself even though his mind tells him otherwise. I also like the way you write Inuyasha's thoughts the way a real person thinks, a steady stream of conciousness that leaps from one thought to another, and yet sometimes swings right back around full circle. I thought Kikyou going down on Inuyasha was a little strange and a bit out of character, but not wholly uncalled for. I finally warmed up to the idea when Inuyasha saw Kagome instead of Kikyou going down on him. That was a great plot device. I'm interested to see where you take this in the next chapter, if Kagome will find out, what Kikyou's reaction will be, and how Inuyasha deals with his feelings of self-loathing.
 Title: Beautiful
Reviewed By: Trusuprise [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 27, 2005 11:43 EST
Without a doubt, your style of writing is beautiful, poetic even, and it is a pleasure to read your words. Beyond your flowing style and gramatical correctness, your characters are completely in-character and beyond believeable. Your explainations for Inuyasha's feelings for Kikyou versus his feelings for Kagome are well thought out and well written. Your lemon scenes are hot and steamy, and not marred by cliche. I can't believe you don't have many more reviews. I look forward to seeing where you are taking this fic, and I look forwards to reading the next chapters!
 Reviewed By: ~Darkflameangel~  On: January 22, 2005 02:04 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
your story is so awesome...you are a great writer, and dont you forget it! you have a great way of describing their thoughts and feelings along with moving the story along. honestly keep up the great work that you do, and if you get any flames...id beat thosed bakas up for you!lol. if you ever get the idea to write another Inuyasha fanfic, might i suggest an alternate pairing such as a Sango/Sesshoumaru or something with Kouga? Ive read one Sango/Sesshoumaru fic and loved it, so with your writing style and wonderful ideas...i think you could write one really awesome story...well shoot....i have alot more comments, but im running out of space to compliment you in, and its getting to late to write a "novel" of compliments, so i shall take me leave...keep up the AWESOME work!{hehehee, id like to chain atleast one of the inu-brothers to my bed too!, either one, but making sesshoumaru show some "emotion"(*snicker) would sure be fun!!!;) )
 Reviewed By: cynbad146  On: January 20, 2005 21:04 EST
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I think you have a really good story/plot going. I am really enjoying it. You are definitely keeping my attention. Lots of angst, fluff, and excitement. Thank You, Cynbad146
 Reviewed By: inu fan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 20, 2005 20:25 EST
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!! Love it!!! Kikyo must die!! Please update soon!!!!!
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