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"Commitments Made In Blood" Reviews/Comments [ 424 ]
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 Reviewed By: Arbor [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 27, 2005 16:16 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay! You panned it out so well! XD I'm so excited about hwats coming up next. Agnst! Guilt! More short reviews from me, because Mediaminer has killed this one three times now. e__e That, and I suck. Anyway, I'm just amazed by how well you wrote that at. Squee.
 Reviewed By: [Shabopo]  On: March 27, 2005 15:32 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ah- I found it! It wasn't all blue-y, which explains why I didn't see it. Sorry for the whine, then! [blush] Naraku is such a dolt. 'Course, he can look really attractive in the manga, but still...! He's so, well, pansy-ish!
 Reviewed By: crazy-punk-gurl [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 27, 2005 01:24 PST
Kagome's dead! Noooooo!!!! *fake faints* Just kidding! No wonder you said there was a twist about my idea, jeez, and I thought I was nuts, your brillint! *claps* Yay for cliffhangers, I can never hate anyone, well, except for a few people but your not one of them! Anyway, Youko must be fun to annoy when dealing with Lemons, I can just imagen him trying hard to control himself, hehe. It must be hard to have someone like him for a muse, especially when he wants to have Lemons with Kagome all the time. Hehe, I bet Youko would love to write a book about how many positions he wants to be in with Kagome. Now that would be funny!:D Okay, ummmm... Oh yeah! Naraku's a big jerk and deserves to die! Poor Kagome... *fake cries* I hardly know ye... *sigh* oh well! I hope Youko can get out of that mirror thingy... thing, so he can kick Kanna's butt! And Naraku's! Okay, I think I'm done now! Ja ne until next chapter! *~*crazy-punk-gurl*~*
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 27, 2005 01:01 PST
Another theory! Youko could... nah. He could, but I doubt he would. I can't remember the word... sexual orientation for dead corpses... That's disturbing. wait... this is the last time I allow myself caffiene late at night.
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 27, 2005 00:59 PST
LOL. Guess I will leave more than one review tonight. Hm, perhaps you should have kept silent on the Character death, thus making it slightly more of a shock. Then again, you'd have angry readers. I was wondering who you were going to kill. Now I'm wondering how Youko will react. My first bet on who was to die was actually Hiei, or Kuwabara. Then it switched to Yusuke, and finally to Kurama. Then it settled on Kagome when she was killed... I'm not very with it tonight. Let's see... If Kurama, Kuronue, and Hiei get ahold of her ghost, somehow, I'm pretty sure she will never be allowed out of their sight again. In fact, she violated all of their trust by doing this, which will cause serious future issues, if you revive her or have them meet her spirit in Reikai. Though, knowing you, you may not revive her and leave her dead and let everyone deal with that. In that case, Youko will probably go on a killing spree, somehow, get pissed at Kuronue for not keeping a better eye on her, and be a drastic, dramatic kitsune. And as he wouldn't be in the right frame of mind after Kagome died, I can see him going berserk and having to be killed to stop the damage. Or he might just supress all emotion and become ruthless again, so ruthless and cold it makes the edge of Hiei's katana look dull in comparison. I can review again! ^-^ Must write... I liked this chapter, personally, but I doubt I'm in the majority. 'till next time!
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 27, 2005 00:45 PST
Oh yes! Just because I suddenly recalled, I wouldn't find it too gruesome. I enjoy this story far too much. After all, all deaths can be called 'blood sacrifices for the plot'.
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 27, 2005 00:42 PST
Beginning of the end? Now you've lost me... perhaps I'll be able to make sense of it in the morning.... Actually, I feel entirely lost. I think it has to do with the fact I basically have forgotten how to review. Or the fact I'm tired, and working on the next chapter, which is almost done-don't hate me for it-... my vision is blurring. *gets caffiene* Okay! I'm (somewhat) aware now! You caught me off-guard with how Naraku handled the situation, I was expecting him to go on a killing rampage outside. Not sneak out in human garb... though I would think his long, spiderish hair would be a dead-give-away. Or maybe not, as most passer-bys in anime seem sort've... unobservant. Ah well, I'm just imagining Kurama/Hiei/Yusuke reactions when they realize that Naraku is not going to make this easy on them, and that their welcome over at my house any time. Er, heh... that was random... even for me... Okay! I gotta focus. I think Kuronue responded like he should in that situation, but is Kagome going to try and climb out the window? Is this all going to escalate into a full-scale battle as Kagome escapes, Kuronue goes after her, Shippou stubbornly clings to Kuronue, they win... or lose, depending on certain factors, then Youko gives her a 'talk'. Or something like that? That's it... it's official, I forgot how to review. Or maybe I didn't... I'm afraid there will be no massive amounts of reviews tonight... but I will have the next chapter up. ^-^ 'till next time!
 Reviewed By: Shabopo [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 26, 2005 23:44 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Gah...! Now that's a cliffhanger! Your writing always pulls me in, and it's a jolt to get to the end of the chapter. Final Breath... hn. cela m'interessante. Some authors put that merely to drag on the suspense, but I don't feel that that is quite the case in this situation. I wonder...is it possible that a soul strong enough- or with enough desperation, could break the mirror from inside it? After all, it did start to break when Kagome's soul began to overflow it. And with a mate's death... Hn. I'm at a loss to see how you'll deal with this. Sesshoumaru, and therefore Tensaiga, aren't exactly part of the story, after all. Regardless- I shall eagerly wait and see! Thanks for putting up two chapters in one day! I know that it takes a lot of work to write long chapters, and even longer to do it well... I'm ever grateful that you put the time and effort into such wonderful stories. They are so riveting.
 Title: Ideas, Muses, and Attitude Problems...
Reviewed By: crazy-punk-gurl [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 26, 2005 22:26 PST
Welcome back! Wow, you like my idea? Yayness! I thought you might like it! I think it's very tricky because both Shuichi and Youko have feelings for Kagome and she can't choose between them so that would be interesting. *Kurama chibi nods his head* Oh, I got the dolls from a book store... um, I think Barns and Nobles but not sure, I might have gotten them from another book store. They also had a huge doll of Kirara, it was sooo kawaii (cute)! I'll check it out for you. Youko's your muse? That's interesting, I have one but she's always cranky and lazy all the time-*gets bonked in the head with a manga* Hey! What did I tell you about self-control Holly! Damn that fearie! Anyway, hopefully she'll give me some more ideas for your story, if you need any help I'm here for you. Now to my next problem... teaching Holly how to behave herself *gets hit over the head by Holly* Why you, grrrr!!!!>.< Get back here you little varmit! *chases Holly around small cramped room* *~*crazy-punk-gurl*~*
 Reviewed By: Shabopo [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 26, 2005 20:00 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It was wonderful to see an update! I confess I didn't see this coming, but the way you dealt with the situation was delightfully unpredicted, and innovative, no less. Naraku has never really struck me as the type to stay around when there is major risk to him or his cover. I think how Kagome reacted to Kuronue was pretty dead-on. She's definitely got some self-confidence issues, and being kept away from something like this- which is somewhat stupid of them, in my book- merely exarcerbates the problem. Thank you for updating! I look forward to reading more of this and your new story! [pout] I know I reviewed your last chapter, I'm positive I did... ah well. it's all good. Heavens knows I miss a review now and then!
 Reviewed By: Person...  On: March 26, 2005 13:29 PST
Hey! Awesome chapter. I completely agree with you on the break from writing thing. I've been super busy with school work, and I've been having the same problem with my updates... oh well, I'm just so happy to see another chapter. Kuronue really should be worried about what Youko's gonna do to him because of Kagome now though... ah well, awesome chapter, update soon please! ^-^
 Reviewed By: Kin-chan Pandun [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 26, 2005 13:04 PST
Uhm, I liked the chapter even though, sadly, it was kind of a filler to set up for the big fight. I really wonder how they're going to deal with Kagome's depression reaction or if she'll set out to prove them wrong once she feels Naraku's energy. Also, you should read what you write out loud to someone before you post it. There are quite a few small errors and typos that are annoying when someone other than the author reads it. Anywho, please update soon, this is a really involving story Kin Pandun
 Reviewed By: tessie_fanfic(not signed in)  On: March 26, 2005 12:38 PST
yeah, me so happy! im glad to see ur back. course after reading ur rewrite of cirlce of souls, which blew me away(major changes), im glad to see this one having a new chappie. qestion for cirlce of souls, is hei going to play a major role like he did in the old verison? that's all i am worried bout, everything else i like. i loved heis part in old version. anyway, till the next chappie! tessie
 Reviewed By: black tigeress  On: March 20, 2005 16:02 PST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 6 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've got to say that I've been really enjoying your story. Your a very good writer although you have quite a few grammar mistakes. I would advise having someone really good with grammar go over it. It's the kind of stuff that doesn't stick out and is very easy to mess up on and miss when editing. You have been really creative, and I've certailny enjoyed your creativity. It has made reading a pleasure. You have also done an amazing job of keeping the story interesting even though you have so many different chapters. You don't overload the reader with information, but you don't allow things to get boarding either. Very good job at finding that line. Keep up with your writing, oh and one more things, I think you have done a superb job of keeping everyone in character. Even though they have gone through some bad junk, you still have them reacting what would most likely be correct. Well done.
 Reviewed By: Ariku224 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 16, 2005 09:23 PST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 6 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I think that you have a great story going...it really has me on the edge of my seat...please write more...my mind is going in circles trying to think of how you can get to the point where Kagome is ready to consummate the bond...please write more!!! i cant wait to see what you have in store.
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