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"Commitments Made In Blood" Reviews/Comments [ 424 ]
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 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 18:02 PST
I mean. Okay, back to your story! This chapter nearly had me on the edge of my seat in suspense as you are basically setting up a huge fighting scene. From what I can tell, this will either be the final battle or a short skirmish. I have no doubts Kagome's going to try and escape to help them, or maybe she will succeed, I don't know. But I know she is probably going to try and help them at the very least. Kagura... is no doubt close-by to where the spirit detictives are, and I have the oddest feeling Naraku is ready to 'reward' her. He is bringing in Kanna after all, and Kanna has the ability to suck out souls... even Kaguras. It almost seems as if Kagura has out-lived her usefulness to Naraku. Ah! You're going to have Kanna suck out Shuichi or Youko's soul, and that is something Kagome will know, and she will get down there, and do... something. Exactly what I don't know... You are the author. Or none of this may happen, and you could be sitting there wondering 'what the hell??? as you read it right now. Or laughing your ass off, either's possible. Hm, what's going to happen to the crowd outside? Are they all going to die? There is going to be a crowd, c'mon, they all thing he's just a normal human who has issues and is holding a girl hostage, not some half-demon from the feudal era who is intent on taking over the world and corrupting a kitsune's mate. If he walks out now, everyone in the crowd will die, they can't really run from his Miasma, and even if some do coll
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 17:53 PST
*advances on word limit with drawn knife... actually, sticks Hiei in a small room with wrod limit then runs for the hills, with internet access* Phew, as I was saying, Why can't people just appreciate a work of art like this when they see it? It is a little gruesome, true, but that adds to the realism involved in this story. Blood Sacrifices for the plot, these characters should feel honored! Even if they are emotionally scarring Kagome as they die... Anyways! I drool whenever I see a new chapter is out, it just makes me happy. Content I guess you could say. I'm odd in a way that the written word makes more sense to me then hearing something, but that's just the way it is for me. And I guess I'm practically in love with your writing style, it moves me so! I never know whats going to happen, nothing is predictable, everything makes sense. Sometimes I'll hit my head at having missed an obvious twist, but know there was no way to have predicted it... or maybe there was but I won't get bogged down on details such as those. I enjoy the review responses at the end, they brighten up my day too see one of my favorite authors interacting with me and the other reviewers. Hell, you could almost say I hero-worship you at times. But I don't want to place you on a pedastal and pressure you to try and live up to foolish expectations... I feel so idiotic writing this... I guess I'm not used to admitting things like this. I'm a beginner at confessing feelings then, but I'm sure you know what
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 17:44 PST
O.O Someone thought this was a YYH/ Gravitation x-over? *snickers slightly, okay, she's laughing... she fell out of her chair, hit her head, all because of the fact she can't see how someone can be that oblivious...* Anyways, I really can't see how someone can do that... but then again, I'm 'observant' and a near Kurama replica in mind. Heh, I do have those days, but I usually just laugh off whatever stupidity people throw my way. After all, I've basically convinced myself that 'if I don't respect someone, they are obviously inferior to me and have no idea what their saying.' That's arrogance for you. I printed the picture out and gave it to a friend for her birthday, she's a Kurama fangirl. She shoved it in random people's faces while I laughed my head off... she was trying to convince herself she didn't like it. But I cought her carrying it around in her binder later... ^-^ You got Hiei's nickname wrong, it's His Shortness, 'He' to imply he's better than the rest of us, and a capital S and H because it looks cool. I'm pretty sure Kurama would like the nickname, just not in the degrading way I would say it. Though of course, I'd have been killed by His Shortness and The Bat before I ever had a chance to meet him... so it matters not. Is it me or were you pretending to be Naraku in this chapter, and the police and Keiko's friend were the flamer's and idiot reviewers? It's probably just me... but I can't help but wonder. Why is it people can't appreciate a work of art when the
 Reviewed By: DeJaVooo [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 17:35 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Interesting, very interesting. I bet there will be one hell of a fight unless they are going to take theri location into the consideration ;) ....by the way remember thoes "dream sequences*(ah not sure how to spell that) " Kagome used to have, where InuYasha visited her...I was wondering what is going to happen to him (unless of course i missed something or it is just not important ) Anyway, another good chapter, hope you can update soon!
 Title: commitments made in blood
Reviewed By: the beauty behind the mask [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 17:34 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
so don't feel bad or offened people can be stupid no retarded for no apparent reason. one more thing my friend's computer is being evil fritzing out on her my friend themostadorkablesquashedbanana wanted to thank you for the review on her fanfic "ice isn't always a bad thing" the only reason her posted it up was for her friends could read it she wasn't expecting reviews oh well.like i mentioned people can be weird and retarded one reviewer left my friend an odd review on a oneshot lemon fic she did she didn't know what to think of it. the reviewer said *you could have waited a few months before you posted this up i was going to post up a yuyu/iy xover fic with a lemon on it* suchs a bit snobby or maybe its my imagination just because she posted a little comment on the top before the chapter began saying she did it because there are no yuusuke.kagome lemon fics out there. she laughed it off if i were her i would have abit offened or puzzled. well keep up the good work its a cool fic can't wait for the nexst update!
 Title: commitments made in blood
Reviewed By: the beauty behind the mask [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 17:22 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow my my nearly going for the 400 cool its nice that most of your reviewers are so deep invovled in the story neat! first i want to say is that your story is wonderful its very intertaining and fun to read containing my favorite xover pairing kurama/youko/kagome yay! you didn't make the characters go o.o.c which is good i hate it when people make the characters sound weird like for example in bad yaoi fics some authors portray males as silly prissy pansys just because their gay incase thier forgeting there still men. men are men no matter what and plus your plot of the story is very creative. oh yes and i want to comment on the flamers DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! god just don't over stupid unhelpful things if its constructive critizism ok i understand but for a no good bash its just wrong and stupid clearly a waste of time its good you put them in their place. try not to get pissed they are just pricks because 1 it can be over jealously they can't come up with good fics on their own, and you manage to satisfly your readers everyday so just tell those flamers off. reason 2 they just have nothing else better to do. people tend to forget the authors here are not paided or obliged to write its just a hobby can't they get that straight into they're dense heads god the stupidiy of people these days.oh yeah one last thing its good you told off black whatever the fuck its was because if he or she is that cruel and stupid deserves to be put on the spot.
 Reviewed By: Shabopo [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 17:20 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You know, that's a phrase I've never understood. "Hentai closet". I mean, "Hentai" means "Strange one", or something close to that effect, according to every Japanese person I've asked. I think that since the anime turns "hentai!" into "pervert!", people use it like that... but that's really not what it means, I've been told. Hell, even this site uses to indicate "perverted", but...[shrug] However, I have to say that Hiei is so incredibly wahumina [ie, so hot that your mouth drops open and you can only get out nonsense syllables like wa..hum...ina!] In the shonen jump chapters 11, 16, and 24. especially in #11, when he's standing on a fence, side profile...drool... http://www.shonenjump.com/onlinemanga/yyh-hi-chapter-11.html I swear he, sesshoumaru, and youko are the cutest anime guys in existence. And then I have to wonder just what's wrong with me that I find anime guys attractive... and then I look at the guys I know, and I understand!
 Reviewed By: Shabopo [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 16:59 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sorry I wasn't able to review the previous chapter. [rolls eyes] What an idiot. You've got some of the more impressively obnoxious and stupid flamers I've ever heard of! As for the eye color, to the best of my knowledge, Takahashi, in colored pictures, drew Kagome with blue eyes. The company that turned the manga into anime changed them to brown. As the author has the final say over canonical details, Kagome Has Blue Eyes. (I think it's a manga trend to give Japanese characters impossible eye and hair colors. Logic and genetics do not enter the picture!) It's like people who rant over Sesshoumaru's poofy thing. Takahashi has stated that it's a pelt, not a tail, but if you put that in your story, tons of people blast you because they "know" it's a tail. I had this thought of Kagome seeing Kanna and rushing off to help; though to the best of my knowledge the mirror only sucks in human souls. I don't recall Inu-Yasha, Shippou, or Kirara having problems with it. It merely reflected their attacks. So it could be concluded only Kuwabara is truly in danger of being soul-sucked. The weird thought that came to me while reading these last two chapters was of a modern Naraku, in Hawaiian board shorts and a beater. I really need to start getting more sleep before reviewing! This was lovely. I can't wait for more! [grin] I was reviewer #100, and reviewer #300. I was *this close* to being reviewer #200, though none of this has been intentional. sort of cool, though.
 Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 16:55 PST
who else would be brave enough to grope you? ME! Heehee! Sometimes I think I'm way too brave for my own good... I go around groping random people at school all day! It's sooo much fun!
 Title: lol
Reviewed By: inuyuyu_15 (not logged in i guess)  On: March 04, 2005 15:36 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yes I can tell, so evil yet so brilliant *cries and claps* I am so proud of you! Very nice job might I add with the tension and all. lol So They're off to see Naraku, the most horrible demon of all >.> *hums the rest to the background music from "We're off to see the Wizard" from The Wizard of Oz* Keiko is staying behind with Kagome, wonder how that goes and what they might end up talking about. Ohh yes and I cannot forget, Kagura left Naraku like that in the mall, if and when he gets free, we shall see what he has planned for her. Now I'm going to wait for the next chapter so I can see what all you have planned!
 Title: woah!
Reviewed By: katiepatie [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 15:11 PST
Okay, so here I am, minding my own business, when I see that you've updated once again....I keep telling myself that I'll read your story, but then I get sidetracked and before I know it, my time is up at the library and I have to go home...-_-,...so today, I made your story a priority and when I saw how many chappies you had already, I nearly screamed: "Holy pink panties Batman!", which would have resulted in me being kicked out for being loud....anyways! I absolutely love your story and am delighted that you made more than a one-shot...^_^...I've said it once, and I'll say it again...you're an extremely talented author and I love every story you've put up so far...keep up the great work! ^_~
 Reviewed By: Person...  On: March 04, 2005 15:05 PST
Lol, now Kagome's Helous too! Cool. Though I would feel so frustrated if I was Kagome. I mean, not being able to be alone at all, not being able to have any male friends, and not being able to fight someone who was my enemy before there's... I would be really mad. Oh well, at least she has the patience I greatly lack. Well, I can't wait to read the next chapter. Update soon! Later! ^-^
 Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 14:47 PST
Oh! The person who groped you? That was me! And about 20 other people that have yet to be named! But it sure is fun over here! I can't wait till tonight! Party at my house!
 Reviewed By: ArcticKitsune  On: March 04, 2005 14:18 PST
There is a section of conversation that sticks out in my mind. You wrote the scene between Hiei and Kurama and used the line: "It would be a constant fight over penetration rights and I don't submit to anyone." Now... the only two people I've ever seen use that particular term are Ookami-chan and Deviation. Whether you're reading Ookami's journal, or Deviation's story, it's just far too similar to think you didn't see it and decide you liked it enough to use for yourself. And really, the feel of the comments Youko is making are remarkably similar to a part in Deviation's story. That's probably flattering or something, but seriously... if you're going to make it that obvious, you need to give credit where it's due.
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2005 12:35 PST
Woo hoo! Ok since we feel like glomping people...lets go glomp Youko! He he. Well Your progress is amazing. I was in school reading this chapter so I had to keep minimizing it. I still read all though and...I didn't get caught!
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