"Cadence" Reviews/Comments [ 69 ] |
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Reviewed By: priscel [MediaMiner Member] On: October 07, 2005 08:56 CDT Comment/Review: *laughs at the ending* i loved it! With this one I don't have the feeling that should be more to it and the ending doesn't feel permnant, especially how it brought us back to them with their differeces...haha man I didn't think that Heero would ...be in that position and then say the word perfect *snickers then huggles authoress* Keep putting that pen to paper and those fingers to keys, 'cuz you're one hell of a writer. More 'Instincts' please!!!
Reviewed By: Inulover16 (not logged in) On: September 20, 2005 17:51 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: That was a really great stroy..lol i really liked the ending and all..that was so funny with Sally's lunch..anyway i just love ur writting and wanted to let u know that i really like ur book..i ordered it off amazon..^_^
Reviewed By: Rurouni Lilouani [MediaMiner Member] On: September 07, 2005 19:28 CDT Comment/Review: *cheers* Yay!! Happy ending time!! The last few chapters were the best. *Cackles* Oh! I loved Une's reaction when they returned to preventers!! *Cackles some more* ^____^ I love ur action sequences because they're always easy to visualize. Arghh!! But the suspense just kills me!! I like these three together, and i like even more how you portray them together. I loved it, only wish that there was more! *Squeals and glomps 1x2x5* They are just too luvable!! ^__^
Title: The End? Reviewed By: nekuyasha [MediaMiner Member] On: September 07, 2005 05:35 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I Loved it! Is it really the end? I guess it should be;it's the perfect place for it. I just loved the whole thing. It was wonderfully written and I loved the plot. You wrote a slightly older version of them that was easy to see and wonderful to watch. I will enjoy looking forward to any of your future stories! ^_^ ~NekuYasha
Reviewed By: Futile Faith On: September 03, 2005 03:42 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Great!! That last scene made me laugh. Teamwork all the way ;D
Reviewed By: Maldoror [MediaMiner Member] On: September 02, 2005 19:56 CDT Comment/Review: *snicker* let's hear it for teamwork ^_~ I liked the moment Wufei realized that Heero could not have done better than he had to save Duo at the start of the fic. That was probably a growing experience for 'Fei, though it might take some time to trickle through his brain :)
Title: ^_^ Reviewed By: nekuyasha [MediaMiner Member] On: August 21, 2005 15:43 CDT Comment/Review: I apologize for the length of time between reviews;Catching up R/L things. But I took the time to catch up a few of my fave stories. I love this one! Poor Duo. Confidence and mortality...quite a mix. I can't wait to see where this goes! ^_^
Reviewed By: Bombayoni [MediaMiner Member] On: August 04, 2005 12:21 CDT Comment/Review: lol please continue.... i like the lunch theft
Title: O.o ^_^ Reviewed By: nekuyasha [MediaMiner Member] On: July 08, 2005 14:49 CDT Comment/Review: Every chapter just gets better! I love these guys together! And you have a great way of showing their little idiosyncricies and how they deal with all of it and each other. Kudos! Keep it up!! ^_^
Title: wow... Reviewed By: Bombayoni [MediaMiner Member] On: July 03, 2005 02:16 CDT Comment/Review: O my deity! it is one of te most erotic scenes ever, includin te sower scene and te bed... I LOVE IT!
Reviewed By: Maldoror [MediaMiner Member] On: June 25, 2005 19:52 CDT Comment/Review: (I'm finally catching up on my reading a bit)They're sorting out the details ^__^ It's hard enough when it's just two people, I can't imagine how three damaged guys like that can figure things out. Nice and hot when they do though! Wheee!
Reviewed By: Devil1 On: June 25, 2005 13:22 CDT Comment/Review: LOvely, I really like they in a threesome. Congratulations.
Reviewed By: DK_Joy not signed in On: June 24, 2005 17:48 CDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: That was nice (wtf? nice? anyway...) That was very good (as usual) so please keep going. I liked Quatre's reactions (and Duo's reactions to his reactions...)
Reviewed By: priscel---- On: June 09, 2005 17:14 CDT Comment/Review: *Blushes* oh wow... *speechless* I'm glad they crossed that bridge, wow wasn't expecting that though *snickers* maybe heero reconsider being seme as their relationship progresses.
Reviewed By: Nita-sama [MediaMiner Member] On: May 18, 2005 06:31 CDT Comment/Review: Well, at least Heero is open minded. This is a great story. Update soon!
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