"Blood Love" Reviews/Comments [ 38 ] |
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Reviewed By: anubiset [MediaMiner Member] On: February 23, 2005 13:24 CST Comment/Review: I just came across this and read it. It is great and is now on my watch list. I don`t usually like the vampire fics. They do screwy things with the vampires. I like this one though. Great job. Keep up the great work. Hope to see more soon.
Reviewed By: Crystal56 [MediaMiner Member] On: February 22, 2005 17:55 CST Comment/Review: Good chapter! I can't wait to read more!
Reviewed By: cas On: February 22, 2005 16:47 CST Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: so juicy and awesome! that lemon was real hott. u go! hurry up and do more!
Reviewed By: Nobodynow On: February 22, 2005 16:43 CST Comment/Review: We wouldn't hate you! Just hunt you down and sick a vampire bunny on you! HE HE HE! Yes I'm very funny. You're one of the fastest updaters here so thank you so much! Thank You. DK;)
Reviewed By: Motje (i'm lazy) On: February 22, 2005 15:28 CST Comment/Review: *puts up lookout* (translation: I still love it, please do continue)
Title: Awww, so cute! Reviewed By: nekuyasha [MediaMiner Member] On: February 22, 2005 13:51 CST Comment/Review: I REALLY liked that chapter! Very explicit, KUDOS! I didn't really know what to expect, but I definately like! And yes, I DO wonder what ms. Motou will say, not to mention Officer Barf. Sorry, don't like vamp hunters! Very pro-vamp, especially Yami! Can't wait for more! :)
Reviewed By: Motje (as lazy as ever) On: February 20, 2005 09:09 CST Comment/Review: Poor Yuugi *jumps up and down* Why stop there :| Nice ;) Very good writting again.
Reviewed By: RedConvoy1 On: February 20, 2005 07:00 CST Comment/Review: I like this fic. I bet he is going to turn Yuugi into what he is. You better write more soon!
Reviewed By: Sarahfreak On: February 20, 2005 04:26 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: NOoooooo u trying to kill Yugi? Yay new chapter! Boo for that police officer dude. Yay for Yami and Yugi! Please update soon
Reviewed By: Crystal56 [MediaMiner Member] On: February 19, 2005 21:48 CST Comment/Review: WOW! Good chapter! I feel bad for YUGI! NOOOO! He can't die! I won't let him die! No! He won't die!
Title: darkangelzero Reviewed By: Ailisa On: February 19, 2005 19:54 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: more more more more more more more more more
Reviewed By: Nobodynow On: February 19, 2005 16:46 CST Comment/Review: Thankies for the wonderful update! Evil police man, they always turn out to be the control freaks who murder people in their sleep, like their wives for information or money or revenge. Poor Yami and I was so looking forward to him bitting equally poor Yugi and making him a vampire. That kind've would have ruined the current plot though so I'll bit my tounge. OW! Note to self never do that again! Why did Yugi call his father a quote 'jackass'? Maybe I forgot and you explained it already. You probably have and I'm too lazy to re-read the story. Great story and just love the vampire fics, even if they are cliche. They always turn out different some how though. So now that I've started repeating myself I'll stop before I get reported or something. Sorry for bugging you and leaving a review every chapter but I really enjoyed this and I won't threaten you to update(Yes I will! Update or off with your head, burn all your virtual plushies of the cute bishies! That's just too hard to watch*cries*). Once again thanks for taking time out of you important life to write for little old us(who ever 'us' are). Okay Nobodynow will leave(when did I start refering to myself in the third person?) Thank You. DK;) P.S. Sorry for the long review!
Reviewed By: Crystal56 [MediaMiner Member] On: February 17, 2005 16:58 CST Comment/Review: God...you better write more soon! This is soooooo good!
Reviewed By: Motje (to lazy to log in) On: February 17, 2005 14:06 CST Comment/Review: *stares shocked* that was.. it was.. well I think... you know..it was just.. Bloody briliant! Incredible. Awesome. Let's just say I'm hanging on every word. Keep going please. :) And if you take it slow, i don't care. It's worth the wait..
Reviewed By: Nobodynow On: February 16, 2005 19:30 CST Comment/Review: Dito to what I said before this is awsome and completely original and I can't wait for the lemon scenes especially if they're this nervous just holding hands and kissing. Wow this is going to be a great fic. Can't wait for the update. Yugioh's coming on gotta go! Praise Yugioh! Thank You. DK;)
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