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"Anything, Anytime, Anywhere, For You" Reviews/Comments [ 90 ]
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 Title: OH MY GOD.
Reviewed By: goddessruling [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 03, 2006 21:53 CST
I'm SO sorry to hear about your surgery...no wonder you haven't been around lately! Rest assured that I have missed you and your wonderful writings and I do hope that you're doing much better and don't need to surgery. But IF you do then I hope it goes very well. Anyways, onto the actual review. OF COURSE I loved every minute of it and I loved them in the dream world and Blackfire's little turn arounds (I HATE HER) and naturally I'm pissed that Slade got by and that Rose has their trust and that that little BITCH is still alive and trying to steal Beast Boy! At least he seems to have some common sense going on with him. Anyways, it was a wonderful experience and I'm thrilled that your back with us!!!
 Title: whoa (again)
Reviewed By: inuluvsu [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 02, 2006 10:12 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You took a long time to update lol.Only had time to read chapter 41. It was really good, Blackfire is weird, well in a good way I guess. Though this is all kind of confusing since it's been like 3-4 months since you updated. Still you are a fantastic author maybe one day you'll publish a book (just a thought). When I get more time I'll read the rest later. Hope you will update sooner though, Please? And by the way if it doesn't bother you to much, why did it take you so long to update? Anyway must leave this here, and pull myself away from reading fantastic author. Well get on with writing. Love Yah :)
 Title: Whoa
Reviewed By: inuluvsu [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 16, 2005 18:23 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*Is beating the crap out of computer* Ok my computer is stupid it didn't tell me you updated wahh. Anyway Great chapters they were amazing and wait its been two years and robin isn't even thinking of marraige wow he is poor but it not my say it his or in this case yours. and i like the cy/jinx/Bee stuff it funny me love, love triangles they make it funny. Terra is also funny and humorous me likey me likey me like anything Terra except when she is like against beast boy always. Anyway your story has really taken me in and locked me away I can't stop reading it is so so so good. scratch that great. It's more then good it's ggggreeeeat! Stupid Tony the Tiger. anyway don't you hate getting sick in the summer I know I do. blah blah blah I love you fan fiction. blah blah blah the story line is amazing blah blah I got to go, Love yah! :)
 Title: WHAT?!?!
Reviewed By: goddessruling [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 09, 2005 23:15 CDT
 Title: Chap 40
Reviewed By: Twitch_6  On: August 09, 2005 13:47 CDT
chap 39 was great but i didn't have anything really to say about it. chap 40 has a couple holes though and i told you i would point them out for you so you'd have reference later when you went back to fix everything. the spaceship that shady used to take them to tamaran and the one you said was given to Cy can't be the same one cause THAT ship was blown up when it was used to destroy trigon's body the first time. there was somehting else i wanted to make note of in this chapter too but i can't for the life of me remember it now... next time i won't go clean rat cages before i reply i guess. anyway i'm going to go read your other stories and seeing as i'm having great fun pointing out the missed threads i'm going to do the same for them. and because i've grown to really love this story and yur writting stlye i'll be archiving them as well so if you want a spellchecked and semi'grammer checked copy of them when they're finihed too just ask! here's my email so you can contact me: twitch @ darkcommunity . com (just take out the spaces.
 Title: corection for chap 38 review
Reviewed By: Twitch_6  On: August 09, 2005 00:43 CDT
so i went and looked up your other fics and set them up so i could read them offline tomorrow so i could at least keep myself busy with those while i wait on this one to update and i read your explanation on the joey jerihco thing. i get it now. shame person one name is the superhero name... well i think he's a superhero. i only watch the show so i don't know all the in depth stuff from the comic. anyway that jewellery box beast boy swiped back in chapter "Four Fourty Seven AM, Again" is stil swiped... it SEEMED that it might be important. is it? anyway now i'm really going to bed. NIGHT!
 Title: Where for art thou, teen titans.
Reviewed By: Random Reviewer Man  On: August 09, 2005 00:27 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Gak. when I saw that the teen titans hyperlink was gone on the main fanfic page and I almost cried since i would be unable to finish reading this wonderful piece of fanfiction. But luckly i remembered someone wrote an inuyasha/titans fanfiction, looked it up, and found all this under non-anime (which makes no sense). But anyways, this fanfiction is probabally the best teen titans fic that i've ever read and thats saying alot since I read like most people breathe. You are a master of writing my friend, and leave me (quite literally) on the edge of my comy computer chair :~P Don't ever stop writing, even after this story ends.
 Title: chap 38
Reviewed By: Twitch_6  On: August 09, 2005 00:24 CDT
you're spelling and grammer really improved dramtically in this chapter. hadly a flaw. just a one extra word two missing and a couple missed aposthes. go you! after deathstoke had killed so many of the titans before i was expecting a longer battle... stupid deathstroke giving raven ideas. but you've dine it again by the way. new torture for raven! witness a horrbile future, nearly lose bb again nearly die herself again and then future raven DID die and had to watch all her friends and her DAUGHTER die too... *sighs* pure evil... why aren't you this nasty to Cyborg? i mena you're nasty to the others too but you seem to especailly pick on raven. why? anyway i've got to go to bed. i'll leave the last 2 chapters for tomorrow. and i hope you update before i finsh the last chapter. i hate having to wait on great stories like this one. i will of course but i still hate having to wiat. the whole not knowing what's going to happen or when i'll get to find out. and now that i'm in obessive mode with this story i'm just going to be a wreck... oh! missing thread. before slade's kids names' were joey and grant last chap it was jerihco. anyway. night!
 Title: chap 37
Reviewed By: Twitch_6  On: August 08, 2005 23:15 CDT
i so did not like that future! specailly with the whole death of raven and bb. they're my fav chars and then i get to read them die. sent chills right through me. though bb's last words were exactly what i would imagine he would've said. but when slade stabbed raven you said it was in the stomach but he pulled his hand out of her chest. slade does die EVENTUALLY right? and stay that way? stupid superheroes and their no kill policy. i'd say slade and luthor are a bit to dangerous to be allowed that. and it's been proven that prisons can't hold the buggers so death should be the logical choice. they can't break any more laws or try to kill/rule the planet or it's people if they're dead...and then stya that way of course. raven needs to shrink her powers over slade and crush him or bb should eat him... well not eat i suppose there's the whole no meat thing with him but at least bite of the head next time. i'm getting so close to the end of your updates then i'll have to wait along with everyone else... *sighs* just don't drpo the story without warning ok? i read a fic once that had 66 chapters, each of them massive chapters too, and then he just stopped writting it and he left it on a cliffhanger too! please don't do that kai?! i'll make you cookies if promise that you won't!! kai!?? PLEASE!!
 Title: chap 36
Reviewed By: Twitch_6  On: August 08, 2005 21:46 CDT
kai. i think i figured out the time line for your second saga. but it's more then what you say in this chapter. it was 4:47 when babs showed up and morning light when they left but dark once they got to the prison. then the morning light was coming in when the assassian attacked. then the girls were almost killed at midnight and by the time all was said and done at wayne's it must have been geting onto early morning, then by the time they were finally able to sleep at the temp base it must have been getting on into daylight again. so at least 2 days without food or sleep and all action, battle, near-deaths and freaky ass possessions for the whole family! seems rather short amount of time for all that to happen so my theroy of raven going nutso is even stronger now. that's A LOT for anyone to go through. but at least you let them get a LITTLE sleep finally... you're so evil to your characters!! DUDE! anyway off to the next chapter!
 Title: chap 35
Reviewed By: Twitch_6  On: August 08, 2005 16:56 CDT
see! i just KNEW you were going to pick on Raven some mre. agian you nearly kill her by both nearly drowning and burning, yu beat the snot out of her, take her powers and then, THEN you have a bloody mouth BB kiss her with TONGUE!! just EWWWWWWwwwwww! BB is damn lucky Raven didn't have her powers at the time otherwise he may have be thrown right into the water. i wonder if any of those spellbooks of Raven's are replacable too...?
 Title: chap 34
Reviewed By: Twitch_6  On: August 08, 2005 14:23 CDT
there's not much for me to say about that chapter other then, when was the last time anyone ate anything? and i'm still unsure ofhow much time as passed as you keep making the outside dark all the time. so how long have they been in gotham? when was the last time anyone who wasn't about die able to sleep? and when was the last time they ate? seeing as most stories never really talk about the bathroom breaks wny character makes unless they get attacked or somethign during it i won't mention it. but the whole lack of food and sleep not only messes up a reader's sense of timing but if used right it can affect the abilites and minds of the characters. it can also show their emotional state depending on how little sleep of food they are able to get. so i was wondering if this a writting ploy or if you just forgot about it. i remeber you using it back when they were on tamaran and was wondering if you were doing the same now.
 Title: Chap 33
Reviewed By: Twitch_6  On: August 08, 2005 13:07 CDT
DUDE!!! you really have something in for Raven don't you. first you have everyone trying to kill her including her boyfriend, who you also have almost die. then her own MOTHER ends up killing herself(i know a mother's scariface and all that. i don't disaggree with Arella's choice) in front of her. now you're aboutto try to kill her AGAIN! why isn't Raven nuts yet? that mental breakdown must be just a hairline away. Raven has been attacked, nearly killed, possesed, sleep deprived for at least what...3-4 days now?, her boyfriend attacked her (yes i know she understands that he was being controled but the images would still be there) who she had to fight and hurt back (and i know that affected her, you said she felt like puking from the stress of it), her best friend nearly died twice in that time and if it weren't for miraclous intervention would have, then she feels the guilt for everything and all the lives lost and nearly lost since the whole thing started and now you kill off her mother and yet you're still not done with her! serious nutso raven just around th corner i'll tell ya! even with all her learned control that is a LOT to absorb so quickly. something more serious then just her crying on BB is bound to happen. dude you are some evil to your characters. poor Raven. but i'm loving reading all their torture so i guess i'm just as bad. all us reviewers encouraging you and all... but you're still eviller. it's your mind all this iscoming from after all.
 Reviewed By: TheLastIkari [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 08, 2005 04:52 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've read the whole thing through these last couple of days, and it is AMAZING. Nothing else compares to it. The storyline manages to stay original and interesting, and it is just overall enjoyable to read. I am a huge Slade fan, and I am glad that he has a major role (duh, he's tried to kill the titans at least 5 times). I also want to know if we will see BB's beast form. You know, like if that demon or Blackfire or someone tries to do in Raven (as you said they would), then BB could kick their arse. If I say anymore I'll just be rambling, so all I have left to say is; keep up the good work!
 Title: chap 32
Reviewed By: Twitch_6  On: August 08, 2005 04:23 CDT
i really should have expected that... and slade's loose AGAIN!!! i wonder what bb's reaction will be to being used to attack and harm raven when things cool down again (if they ever get the chance anyway). and a doubt robin is going to be very pleased with himself over the crack he have star... *yawn* bloody need to sleep... conscienous slipping... visoin blurring... concentration and ablity to type failing... grah! *passes out on keyboard* igukjlbhk mb
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