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"Happily Ever After...Or Not? WITH EVEN MORE RUM!" Reviews/Comments [ 22 ]
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 Title: come backkkkk
Reviewed By: Catage  On: March 23, 2005 10:08 CST
Kimerzzzzz come backkkkk...important and exciting newsssss...o.o; I'm so not kidding! Check your damn e-mail! >.
 Title: weee...I indeed do live, sorta?
Reviewed By: Maxikinz  On: March 21, 2005 16:54 CST
Yes yes I am here! >.>; sheesh...dun freeeeek out Kimmerz! and oh yush! WRITE THE SEQUEL! XD lol I'm evil...but I shant give in...NEVAHHH! o.O; I'm out...
 Title: Hmm
Reviewed By: Kiminakinzs  On: March 21, 2005 12:39 CST
Cattttttttttttttttt*cups her hands next to her mouth, yelling* Caaaaaaatttttttt Where art thou!? How dare you dissapear on us? You...you..weirdo, that is almost close to my weirdness standards? Anyways..You better appear soon, or I shall send toilet paper and Sparrows from Canada to your house!...>.>..Lylas!
 Title: o.O; it won't work I want my reveiwsss
Reviewed By: Catalina_NekoYasha [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2005 12:37 CST
Erm...what the title says *hits her computer with a metal chair* work!!! >.
 Title: Weee
Reviewed By: Marshmellow/Sarah/Jasmine...AndMeg/Rose!  On: March 12, 2005 20:08 CST
Baha, another pointless review so we can see all the other ones! Sarah ish sleeping over tonight...the town will never know what hit it!! ...I think she's already fallen asleep though haha. Anyway, the sparrows are still making sure you all are behaving!! Bye bye!!
 Title: Hmmm
Reviewed By: Unusual screen name thats better then Meaghans  On: March 09, 2005 17:13 CST
I should make one? Hmmmmm, Interesting, I shall have to think bout it..and we got back togetherrrrrrr* Happy dance* wOOt! Dood, Im tired..O.o;; and I love leaving random reviews, because I can see the look on your face..Max's face: Omfgawd another review!!!! =P Hahah I luv ye meh bestestest friend in teh whole wide world...*scampers off to the unknown*
 Title: Usual screen name?
Reviewed By: pirate_rose  On: March 08, 2005 05:40 CST
W000t, I'm a drunk haha. And Jack knows about my character? Creepeh. Heh, I'd make Sarah review, but I don't even know if she's coming to school today, I think she had a fever yesterday afternoon. And er....yah. This review is my attempt to make my computer let me see the other reviews...I can only see up until the last one I made >.< Soooooooooooooooooooo update!! ...And that's all haha.
 Title: Mwahahahahahaha I am NOT spam!!!!! Losers!
Reviewed By: Kimmehnessagenessizakinsagealomadonaphonhiddenmessagesarefunmaxazinethougshallneverwinyoubitchihateyousonayhhhhyoushallneverwinthereviewwarofdoomandsuchbecauseishallstopmyouflatlikeapancakeupdateeeeee  On: March 06, 2005 16:54 CST
Listen here missy! I shall not be outdone by the author of all people! And yes, stalkers and sparrows! I shall also send the soldiers of the Oricalcous after you* Insert random evil Dartz laugh here* mwahahahahah O.o;;
 Title: wooo...o.O
Reviewed By: Maxineallofmynicknamesmaxmagazinecattehcatnesscatagemaxnumbah2insertevilnicknameofdoomingnesshereorwaitdonthahaiwillwinjustwatchmehwintehreveiwwarofdoooooooooom  On: March 06, 2005 13:24 CST
Yay I do love you guys indeed? .> ahem...I shall update soooooon before you guys start threatening me with stalking and sparrows! GAH THE SPARROWS! *hits them away and watches them drown in the rain storm?* Yay rain...*cough cough* Byyyyyeeeee
 Title: Hmmmmmmmm..*cough cough*
Reviewed By: Kimmnessagenessitoldyouthatsubliminalmessagesarefunbutthatsnotthepointdontmakemestartawarwithyoualso  On: March 05, 2005 11:23 CST
O.o; Magazine!, You really need to learn how to get on-line a bit more often, because you ARE better then German chocolate, and I shant stop untill you've washed!..Woooo Salad Fingers Rawks meh sawks in cereal bawkes!!!!!..Cat: Hmm, lets see if anyone reviewed my story today, Gasp! 13 reviews! No way!!!*cue happy dance here* Lets read them..Lalalala....-_-'' its just Meaghan and Kim again...how sad...*insert random sigh here*..Alas! You know you love us!!!
 Title: Nuuuuuuuuuu
Reviewed By: MaxinenessagenessstopitttttishallkillyounowiknowyouarereadingthiskimsonyahiluffyewthohahaweeeeeeethisISfunhaha  On: March 05, 2005 09:40 CST
=P I shall kill you now with my uber kewl catness powers! Shtop shtop shtop (that's stop o.O;) erm...get well soon Kimmerz
 Title: Oi, silly pirate lass..Damn spam thing..Im NOT SPAM!!!! *twitches*
Reviewed By: Kimness  On: March 05, 2005 00:03 CST
Hahah!, We are such losers, and yes we get her hopes up, I bet she's sitting in her chair thinking..' Gasp, I got reviews!!!" then she clicks on it and we pop up..O.o; Hmm, I wonder how many reviews we can leave before she decides to kill us..o.o; And yay my stalker is on the story!! I knew it as soon as she said.." Other pirate"..Hah, Im a smart one..but still sick..v.v;; Anyways..Im thinking about actually leaving a real review this time.......Naw, this is too much fun, keep it up Max girl I love yewwwwww, for your better then German chocolate!!!!
 Title: O.o;; Normal name?
Reviewed By: Roseness  On: March 02, 2005 19:23 CST
w00000000000000000000000000000000t!!!! Cat, shaddup. You know you love our review fights. And we love getting your hopes up and then forcing them to come crashing down when you see it's only us who reviewed. YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My crazy pal has made an entrance into the story!! Heh, I knew who she was just by reading the chapter title...I'm just that good? Heh, anyway, UPDATE SOONER THIS TIME! Or I may have to fly there for real just to kick your InuYasha obsessed butt!! Oh and uh, hugs and stuff. ^-^
 Title: I got to the end..
Reviewed By: KimmehnessagenessizakinsagealomadonaphonhiddenmessagesarefunweeweewOOtlalalalalvoteforpedrooooooooffffffthelandofcanadaspacebarsareforcompletelosersandsuchandyesroseithinkwehavereachedthelimitadgjorgj  On: March 02, 2005 18:17 CST
Heheh right Meaghan, I saw we call it a draw. And did you hear Max, she thought our reviews were pointless?! Hah, the nerve of that child..Pfffft. Anyways, we got our updates, so Im satisfied for the time being, and yes..I shall blame you..because..you leave your comp and dont log off..thus making it allll your fault..because as we all know..Blame Canada!!!..>.>*coughs* Luv yew!..ehehehe
 Title: w00t. Jibberish
Reviewed By: Rosehkinzasgihimsdvgiurmhvuigmfhisvlmgtusrmvhutsriolgdfjkshftruignfksdhgaulgvfdiagtuiraebnvfdjkalbgtruialbvfadjklhftruaidbobblesnickaflugengfdjskhgfujislherusilgbvfadjklvndsafhrdjkgrjeakvfhdkalanessss  On: March 02, 2005 14:36 CST
Pfft, I'll admit to being a bitch. And I think we've both reached the limit of how long a screen name can be haha. Not my fault I left without signing of! ...Well...it is. But still!! You love me haha. w000t, she damn well better update, or the sparrows will be showing up, and it won't be pretty haha.
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