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"Purity 4: Justification" Reviews/Comments [ 2208 ]
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 Reviewed By: nerwenfaelvirin [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2005 08:15 EDT
Beautiful chapter.
 Reviewed By: OROsan0677 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2005 06:17 EDT
Ah..more angst...what could be better? Oh the aftermath of course...although I do love seeing what you have up your sleeve and always always guessing wrong at the conclusion. Got a question, I remember reading one of your stories and it said something on how you liked J.K. Rowling; I'm curious, do you like her Harry Potter books?
 Reviewed By: Noriku Kitsune  On: August 05, 2005 05:27 EDT
Angst? *tear* okay fine, but i love what you are doing with Cain and Gin. this fic has a different feel than the other 3 purity fics, and you are going more in depth. i love this fanfiction, and ALL of your fics. you are amazing keeping up with these fics, helping on MM.org, having a life, kids, a husband, so yeah, you rock and are my current hero! lol!
 Title: Ch56
Reviewed By: forechunkukee (nsi)  On: August 05, 2005 00:56 EDT
Oh dear...well, i can't really say anything 'cept for that Kich really, really screwed up. Yea. I found the section where he goes back to Ryo and Nezumi's place for a little chat about the 'grabby-wench' quite amusing (I loved how you added in that tidbit about the cracker catching. I don't know why, but I found myself laughing my head off the first time I read about it in P3, and again in this chapter!). Back on topic though, Kich is gonna have to do something drastic to get back in good graces with Belle. ^^; I can't believe he acted the way he did, putting his reputation and image above Belle. With Gin and Cain, I can't help but wonder what would involve a full meeting of a tai-youkai and his generals. You'd almost think they were getting ready to go to war... o_O Well, in the meantime, things seem to be getting pretty crazy with both relationships, so we're just gonna have to wait and see how this all plays out. Awesome chapter! The amount of, well, everything (i.e romance, drama, action, etc...) you have in your stories never ceases to amaze me. Peace, have a great weekend! (Oh wait, its thursday...meh.) d('')b
 Reviewed By: amandachristine06@sbcglobal.net  On: August 05, 2005 00:42 EDT
Yay! You updated on my birthday! I know, I've never reviewed previous to this, I just feel stupid reviewing on past chapters. So, I've spent all week reading the Purity saga. Well, you keep me glued to the computer, and I blame you for distracting me from my stories on ff.net! (But what a wonderful way to shirk your responsibilities, huh?) You are so talented. Also, I just love your homepage! Kocoum and Duckie are so talented! And tell your betas that they are wonderful too! I've never enjoyed stories so much. I've been trying my hand at drawing a few fanart pics of the characters, but I'm no where near as good as your featured fan-artists. Unfortunately, my computer is screwy and I can't get it to upload pictures. Whatever. Well, I can't wait to read more, and please compliment all your betas and artists for me, because you are ALL so awesome!!! -ac06
 Reviewed By: kappei_lover [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2005 23:16 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Kich, so smart but so silly! Way to get the readers involved in the story, everyone sees the mistakes Kich is making, everyone except himself of course. LOL! This chapter really makes the readers (like me) just want to scream at Kich because he made so much progress and now he's back-sliding. Silly boy! But what's a romance without some hardship eh? Gotta love your characters, the good, the bad, and the baka!
 Reviewed By: Inuyasha Fan311 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2005 20:52 EDT
It's been a while since I reviewed. I must say that the plot has thickened with the new couples finally together. Is there any thing behind Cain's word ' you're trying to kill me', because he seems to say it a lot? Maybe I'm just trying to squeeze out some foreshadowing. Anyway, great chapters, great story, thanks for sharing. I did see any new chapter inuyashaloverr was asking about, maybe I have the same computer malfunction. Oh well I'm looking forward to the rest.
 Title: inuyashaloverr
Reviewed By: inuyashaloverr [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2005 19:04 EDT
OK, I take it from the reveiws the next chapter is up. But, why am I not getting it? Cant seem to get it to come up at all now. Ideas anyone?
 Reviewed By: NekoKamiFL [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2005 17:17 EDT
Absolutely lovely. ^_^ Perfect job, as always.
 Reviewed By: anonymouss  On: August 04, 2005 14:44 EDT
Oohhhh...someone's in trooouubbbblleeee~ So the adults do say swear words in front of Toga's children...and he or Sierra doesn't have a problem with it?
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2005 14:20 EDT
That would be the "baka" gene in its full glory, inherited (and copyrighted) as it were from father to son-or so we thought not in this case, we assumed the "smart one" (the real one) had managed to skip its influence… we assumed wrong. I'd recommend extreme action to be taken immediately; stand straight, head high! One, two, three and…submit, grovel like no tomorrow, whine as if your life depended on it! You may come out of this alive…you may not, hang in there Kich are you a man..umm hanyou or a mouse?!
 Title: That darn auto-notifier is still not working. No new alerts from mmorg.
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2005 12:24 EDT
Belle's blow-up it completely understandable. Kich's turn-about in behavior was confusing and very wrong. That's no way to act during the fragile beginnings of a relationship. I hope he knows how to grovel because he hurt her, badly...again. -- Could it be that Cain is grumbly because of frustration? Holding the lovely Miss Gin as she squirmed all night, and because of her upset tummy, she obviously wouldn't be in the mood to cuddle in a more romantic way...leaving Cain understandably uncomfortable. *chuckle* Poor baby. And Gin, she's still innocent and clueless. *sigh* It's difficult to live with someone and having to deal with all facets of their personality. It can't be "rainbows & sunshine" all the time. Moods, disagreements, venting...it's all part of the territory. You can be angry at someone and still love them. As a matter of fact, a good arguement or fight (as long as it doesn't degrade into personal insults) is actually a healthy thing, because even though you are one-half of a couple, you are still two very different individuals. The trick is to never do anything you have to apologize for...and if you do slip up (nobody's perfect) don't hesitate to give that apology. Pride is a lousy bedmate. -- Umm...where did all that come from? LOL
 Reviewed By: vaker86  On: August 04, 2005 11:55 EDT
well at least you know kich really cares for Belle...he is making a complete ass of himself! I do not envy the guy who has to apologize to an emotional, angry hanyou...scary!Kich is going to have so much fun de -assing himself....poor guy. I hope cain doesn't find out that kich upset his daughter...AGAIN!
 Reviewed By: EAP  On: August 04, 2005 07:19 EDT
Oh, Kichiro. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Bad dog! No! It is so much fun reading your characters mess up their lives. I dont know why that is, but it is. It really, really is. I liked this chapter, you have to love all the drama. And I cant wait to see how he dig himself out, either. And Gin was squirming all night...Poor Cain. And then she was watching him in the shower, that was really cute. Excellent all around, I look forward to the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: kolohe (not signed in)  On: August 04, 2005 05:23 EDT
YES! someone who does her research on culture. i'm currently IN Japan right now, and YES, PDA is actually a pretty big no-no here. oodles of kudos to you.
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