Title: Actually this is Spider_Squirrel (TT-Behind the Heros author) Reviewed By: SpiderSquirrel On: June 10, 2005 16:09 CDT Comment/Review: *screams* YES! SOMEONE FINALLY USED THE BESTEST SONG IN THE WORLD. Yeah and um..de-lovely sound track? WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG! It's from Anything Goes! You need to give credit to that because 1. Cole Porter (bows down...not literally tho) wrote it. and 2. ANYTHING GOES OWNS!______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Good story, but it needs work, like you need to rewrite it and put in alot more details, ALOT more. But it was overall very good.....exceot the "Lord" part *shutters*_________((just ignore that last comment....-_-))