Chobits Fan Fiction ❯ Chitose's Dream
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: ki_chan 
This is the story of how the series Chobits came to be. No one knows the exact story, there IS a story, but this is my own little version of it, I hope you enjoy!
Chitose's Dream: Freya
"I'm sorry ma'am, I don't see anything..." a young nurse said as she inspected a monitor showing an empty screen of Chitose Hibiya's stomach. Chitose had been trying to have a child ever since she got married, it was one of the things she had wanted, and looked forward to in life, unfortunately, she wasn't having the best of her luck.
Chitose and her husband Ichirou, loved children so dearly, they invented many toys, with the greatest technologies the ch,ildren in Japan could find, including Persocoms, Angels, and the legendary Chobits. Children were their life, they wished oh so much to have a child.
"Any news?"Ichirou, asked approaching his wife as she glumly entered the door. He gave her a loving smile, she looked up, looking let-down, but she managed to return the expression. She sighed and said "Still no luck.. I'm starting to wonder if perhaps there is something wrong with my body, or..." she sighed "perhaps we weren't mean to have a child..". She looked up at her husband, as he held her close looking down at her, and softly said "Don't worry love, we have all the time in the world to have children, we shouldn't give up yet! And in the end, if we still can't have a child... atleast we know we have brought joy to thousands of kids in Japan, and around the world, the world is our children." He smiled and kissed her forehead.
They both joined hand in hand and walked into the bedroom, where hidden in the midst of it all, was the entry to their lab, where they invented many of the top toys and computers used in modern Japan.
"The Tokyo-Compu computer store requested 20 more orders of persocoms this evening. We better get cracking dear." Ichirou, said while gazing down at a persocom he was screwing the hard-drive into. Chitose was slowing pacing down a long line of hooked up persocoms, lying lifeless along the wall. She gazed over at a certain persocom, it likely vaguely like her, except younger. She saw the image of what she thought could pass off as her daughter. She smiled at it, stroking its hair, daydreaming of it, as if it were a living child, moving, laughing, smiling, feeling. She was happy for a second, while she was off in her own dream world, then, reality shoved it aside. So far she had no such luck in having a child, she tried, and she tried, she just wasn't blessed with such a wonderful gift. She just played a small role of god, making meer images of humans, and children, who were smarter and more intelligent and beautiful, beyond all other living things. She looked at it again and smiled, she knew one day this persocom would make a family happy, and that is all that she needed for now.
She was then interrupted by her husbands request. "Chitose dear, can you test the system of persocom order 23801280? We need to ship it out before tomorrow afternoon... need to make sure its working correctly." He turned to her and smiled, and turned back. She smiled back, but the smile easily died off. She then went off to work, their daily routine. Soon her mind was set off the thought of her having problems with having children. She wasn't quite ready to give up.
"Oh, Mrs.Hibiya, you're back. What is the problem this time?"Chitose's doctor, Dr.Tanamachi asked as Chitose entered the examining room of her office. They both sat down face to face. Chitose said and said "For years now, I have been trying to have a baby, my husband and I have tried over, and over, and we have had no luck what so ever. I need to find out why." Dr.Tanamachi gazed over at her with interest and concerned and replied "Well, we'll need to do acouple tests. If you would like, we could do it now, I don't have anymore appointments for the next 3 hours." Chitose smiled and nodded, hoping perhaps her doctor could help her finally be able to have the child of her dreams.
Later that afternoon Chitose came rushing into the door, hugging her husband who conveniantly was standing right by the door, getting ready to go relax. "Whats all the excitment about?" he asked with a small giggle. She looked happier than ever. "I went to the doctors, and got some tests done, I think Dr.Tanamachi is going to help us be able to have a baby! We're finally going to be able to become parents! I'm so happy Ic-chan!" She squealed while hugging Ichirou. He smiled and looked down at her. He was happy too. They both had always wanted this. "I'm so happy too dear, we're finally going to be able to be a complete family."
For the next week, their production of persocoms was better than ever. Their happiness showed in their work. Their persocoms looked more vibrant, their systems were faster, with more memory. And the amounts had almost doubled. Chitose felt she had found the light at the end of the tunnel. She was finally going to become a mother.
One early afternoon. Chitose was relaxing at the table sipping a cup of tea with her husband, when the phone range. Chitose answered the voice, and out come the voice of her doctor. "Chitose... I would like you to come to my office please, I have news for you, but I feel you should be here to hear it, than over the phone." Chitose smiled, her heart was pounding. She replied yes, and grabbed her coat and rushed out the door. "Uh.. um. Chitose?" her husband said confusingly, he then smiled and shook his head "Oh well, must be good news."
"But how could this be??? I'm perfectly healthy!" Chitose cried out, with a face full of tears. It turned out to be bad news. "I know, I know, there's just some things the world cannot explain, these things just happen to people, no explanation why, it's like cancer, it just is, no one asks for it, or rarely even do anything to cause it." her doctor was trying to explain to her. It turned out Chitose was unable to bare children, her obulation cycle was abnormal, her body wasn't able to release eggs as often as it should have. Chitose couldn't have a baby. She was crushed. Ever since she was a child she had dreamt of becoming a mother. It was one of her life long dreams, and it could never be accomplished. She dropped to her knees crying, her life was falling apart.
For weeks, Chitose lied in a deep state of depression. She refused to make persocoms, they reminded her of children. She refused to go outside, the sight of a family made her sick. She just sat at home, all day, moping, feeling as if the world had let her down. She felt it wasn't fair to her, she had a heart of gold, millions of dollars she was willing to give to any child, and she'd be willing to spend all the time in the world to be with it, and make it happy.
Production for persocoms had died down. Ichirou was left with all the work, he could not bare to work alone, it was just too much. He stopped production, and just rose the prices, knowing once they ran out, Chitose would come back to work, he was going to make her happy again.
'Why me...? Why did I have to be like this? There are mant women out there with a house full of children, and they couldn't care less for them. I, myself, would take in any child offered to me.' Chitose lied there in bed thinking to herself. It had been weeks since she had left her house, or even entered the lab. She felt life just wasn't worth it. She lied into the darkness of her room, tears once again began to flow down her cheeks. She heard the door creak open, she didn't care, it was just her husband again, trying to cheer her up, but nothing could cure this pain inside her. She ignored the presence and continued to slowly weep, until came the sound of a soft voice saying "Good morning mommy."
Chitose's heart began to race. She heard the voice of a young girl, calling her mommy. She turned around, and there she saw her husband standing there, of what appeared to be a young little girl. She looked as if she were 14. She was short, with long blonde hair, wearing a black dress. Except, she was no girl, she was a persocom. She stood up at her husband, her excitment died, and she asked "What is this? What are you doing?" Ichirou smiled and said. "Well, we can't produce a baby, but, we can produce a child, our own special child, in a way thats especially ours, we have a god given talent, and I used it." She looked down at the girl. The girl looked up and smiled the cutest smile and hugged her. Chitose couldn't help but smile, she instantly felt love for this little persocom. She knew she was just a persocom, but she was so life-like. She could love her just as well as she could a child.
"What is your name?" Chitose asked her. She looked up at her confused for a second, then smiled and said "You haven't given me a name yet." Chitose stood for a second thinking. She had always wanted a child, but she never thought of what she wanted to name it. Then a name came to her, she had always liked it, it was different, yet beautiful. She looked down at her new daughter and said "Your name is Freya."
Anime/Manga: Chobits Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Supernatural | Type: Self Insertion | Uploaded On: 08.24.2005 | Pages: 2 | Words: 2.7K | Visits: 433 | Status: Completed

This is the story of how the series Chobits came to be. No one knows the exact story, there IS a story, but this is my own little version of it, I hope you enjoy!
Chitose's Dream: Freya
"I'm sorry ma'am, I don't see anything..." a young nurse said as she inspected a monitor showing an empty screen of Chitose Hibiya's stomach. Chitose had been trying to have a child ever since she got married, it was one of the things she had wanted, and looked forward to in life, unfortunately, she wasn't having the best of her luck.
Chitose and her husband Ichirou, loved children so dearly, they invented many toys, with the greatest technologies the ch,ildren in Japan could find, including Persocoms, Angels, and the legendary Chobits. Children were their life, they wished oh so much to have a child.
"Any news?"Ichirou, asked approaching his wife as she glumly entered the door. He gave her a loving smile, she looked up, looking let-down, but she managed to return the expression. She sighed and said "Still no luck.. I'm starting to wonder if perhaps there is something wrong with my body, or..." she sighed "perhaps we weren't mean to have a child..". She looked up at her husband, as he held her close looking down at her, and softly said "Don't worry love, we have all the time in the world to have children, we shouldn't give up yet! And in the end, if we still can't have a child... atleast we know we have brought joy to thousands of kids in Japan, and around the world, the world is our children." He smiled and kissed her forehead.
They both joined hand in hand and walked into the bedroom, where hidden in the midst of it all, was the entry to their lab, where they invented many of the top toys and computers used in modern Japan.
"The Tokyo-Compu computer store requested 20 more orders of persocoms this evening. We better get cracking dear." Ichirou, said while gazing down at a persocom he was screwing the hard-drive into. Chitose was slowing pacing down a long line of hooked up persocoms, lying lifeless along the wall. She gazed over at a certain persocom, it likely vaguely like her, except younger. She saw the image of what she thought could pass off as her daughter. She smiled at it, stroking its hair, daydreaming of it, as if it were a living child, moving, laughing, smiling, feeling. She was happy for a second, while she was off in her own dream world, then, reality shoved it aside. So far she had no such luck in having a child, she tried, and she tried, she just wasn't blessed with such a wonderful gift. She just played a small role of god, making meer images of humans, and children, who were smarter and more intelligent and beautiful, beyond all other living things. She looked at it again and smiled, she knew one day this persocom would make a family happy, and that is all that she needed for now.
She was then interrupted by her husbands request. "Chitose dear, can you test the system of persocom order 23801280? We need to ship it out before tomorrow afternoon... need to make sure its working correctly." He turned to her and smiled, and turned back. She smiled back, but the smile easily died off. She then went off to work, their daily routine. Soon her mind was set off the thought of her having problems with having children. She wasn't quite ready to give up.
"Oh, Mrs.Hibiya, you're back. What is the problem this time?"Chitose's doctor, Dr.Tanamachi asked as Chitose entered the examining room of her office. They both sat down face to face. Chitose said and said "For years now, I have been trying to have a baby, my husband and I have tried over, and over, and we have had no luck what so ever. I need to find out why." Dr.Tanamachi gazed over at her with interest and concerned and replied "Well, we'll need to do acouple tests. If you would like, we could do it now, I don't have anymore appointments for the next 3 hours." Chitose smiled and nodded, hoping perhaps her doctor could help her finally be able to have the child of her dreams.
Later that afternoon Chitose came rushing into the door, hugging her husband who conveniantly was standing right by the door, getting ready to go relax. "Whats all the excitment about?" he asked with a small giggle. She looked happier than ever. "I went to the doctors, and got some tests done, I think Dr.Tanamachi is going to help us be able to have a baby! We're finally going to be able to become parents! I'm so happy Ic-chan!" She squealed while hugging Ichirou. He smiled and looked down at her. He was happy too. They both had always wanted this. "I'm so happy too dear, we're finally going to be able to be a complete family."
For the next week, their production of persocoms was better than ever. Their happiness showed in their work. Their persocoms looked more vibrant, their systems were faster, with more memory. And the amounts had almost doubled. Chitose felt she had found the light at the end of the tunnel. She was finally going to become a mother.
One early afternoon. Chitose was relaxing at the table sipping a cup of tea with her husband, when the phone range. Chitose answered the voice, and out come the voice of her doctor. "Chitose... I would like you to come to my office please, I have news for you, but I feel you should be here to hear it, than over the phone." Chitose smiled, her heart was pounding. She replied yes, and grabbed her coat and rushed out the door. "Uh.. um. Chitose?" her husband said confusingly, he then smiled and shook his head "Oh well, must be good news."
"But how could this be??? I'm perfectly healthy!" Chitose cried out, with a face full of tears. It turned out to be bad news. "I know, I know, there's just some things the world cannot explain, these things just happen to people, no explanation why, it's like cancer, it just is, no one asks for it, or rarely even do anything to cause it." her doctor was trying to explain to her. It turned out Chitose was unable to bare children, her obulation cycle was abnormal, her body wasn't able to release eggs as often as it should have. Chitose couldn't have a baby. She was crushed. Ever since she was a child she had dreamt of becoming a mother. It was one of her life long dreams, and it could never be accomplished. She dropped to her knees crying, her life was falling apart.
For weeks, Chitose lied in a deep state of depression. She refused to make persocoms, they reminded her of children. She refused to go outside, the sight of a family made her sick. She just sat at home, all day, moping, feeling as if the world had let her down. She felt it wasn't fair to her, she had a heart of gold, millions of dollars she was willing to give to any child, and she'd be willing to spend all the time in the world to be with it, and make it happy.
Production for persocoms had died down. Ichirou was left with all the work, he could not bare to work alone, it was just too much. He stopped production, and just rose the prices, knowing once they ran out, Chitose would come back to work, he was going to make her happy again.
'Why me...? Why did I have to be like this? There are mant women out there with a house full of children, and they couldn't care less for them. I, myself, would take in any child offered to me.' Chitose lied there in bed thinking to herself. It had been weeks since she had left her house, or even entered the lab. She felt life just wasn't worth it. She lied into the darkness of her room, tears once again began to flow down her cheeks. She heard the door creak open, she didn't care, it was just her husband again, trying to cheer her up, but nothing could cure this pain inside her. She ignored the presence and continued to slowly weep, until came the sound of a soft voice saying "Good morning mommy."
Chitose's heart began to race. She heard the voice of a young girl, calling her mommy. She turned around, and there she saw her husband standing there, of what appeared to be a young little girl. She looked as if she were 14. She was short, with long blonde hair, wearing a black dress. Except, she was no girl, she was a persocom. She stood up at her husband, her excitment died, and she asked "What is this? What are you doing?" Ichirou smiled and said. "Well, we can't produce a baby, but, we can produce a child, our own special child, in a way thats especially ours, we have a god given talent, and I used it." She looked down at the girl. The girl looked up and smiled the cutest smile and hugged her. Chitose couldn't help but smile, she instantly felt love for this little persocom. She knew she was just a persocom, but she was so life-like. She could love her just as well as she could a child.
"What is your name?" Chitose asked her. She looked up at her confused for a second, then smiled and said "You haven't given me a name yet." Chitose stood for a second thinking. She had always wanted a child, but she never thought of what she wanted to name it. Then a name came to her, she had always liked it, it was different, yet beautiful. She looked down at her new daughter and said "Your name is Freya."
Anime/Manga: Chobits Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Supernatural | Type: Self Insertion | Uploaded On: 08.24.2005 | Pages: 2 | Words: 2.7K | Visits: 433 | Status: Completed
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