By: Doodle It?s after the wars. The GW boys are now 22 and work instead of fighting in their Gundams. Having no reason to really go back to the colonies, they all stay on earth. The perfect soldier known as Heero Yue works ?secretly? for the Japanese government?s as an assassin, Duo Maxwell discovered the rush of extreme sports and works in his extreme sports shop in Wyoming, Trowa Barton works in a circus as an entertainer and lion tamer in Italy, Quatre Raberta Winner continues to work at Winner Enterprises, and Chang WuFei owns a traditional antique weaponry shop in Beijing. They occasionally see one another on the weekends. Since Duo has limited income, they all meet at his house once a month and spend a weekend there. The little two-story house was a duplex Duo spends most of his income paying off. (Well, that and all the food he eats.) It happens to be that one weekend that they meet and it is Sunday evening.