By: Spudman2798 A dark day, on July 26, 1989, A man placed a curse on 5 unfortunate children, a curse of eternal life. The curse makes one live forever, unless they pass it on to 5 other unlucky souls. They can not die of disease, or by their own hands, only by another person. Leo lives on with the pain of watching his friends pass on while he stays here. Though he may appear to be 25, he is in actuallity 548 years old. He leads a life in search of everlasting peace and love, while he notices that the other 4 eternals, including his brother, live corrupt and evil lives attempting to destroy the world because of their suffering of their forever lasting lives. He then realizes his mission is to put a stop to their evil ways. But how?
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy / Action / Supernatural | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 09.25.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1.0K | Visits: 378 | Status: Completed