By: sarang_seohaee We all know that after Sasuke left, Naruto left for two years and came back. Sakura has gotten stronger and Naruto is still in love with her. Sakura only thinks of him as a brother. But as the remaining team members of Team 7 goes through tough times together, they will form a bond strong and realize things that they thought they would never realize at first. This is all before Sai comes in and all that. As a matter of fact, there will be no Sai! sorry!! my VERY first fanfic so PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE forgive me if it isn't that good!
Anime/Manga: Naruto Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 05.30.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 986 | Visits: 910 | Status: Completed