Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dancing into the Dawn
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Gie 
Story #5 in my Songfic Series.
'You are hereby invited to the Mating Ceremony of the Saiya-jiin no Oujo and her consort, Son Goten, son of Kakarotto, son of Bardocku.'
It's a G/B tale, but in Yamucha's POV...so that makes it a B/V as well. Confused? Maybe...but it'll be made alll better if you read it!
Song featured: 'The Dance' by Garth Brooks
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance |
Type: Songfic |
Uploaded On: 04.10.2002 |
Pages: 11 |
Words: 8.8K |
Visits: 1.0K |
Status: Completed