By: narutolover1212 {chapter1 the portal}
One day Jay-Jay and Taz were walking to a public bathroom and Taz was about to walk into he stall. As she opened the door abig spiraly portal just apeared and covered the whole stall. she thought it was her boyfriend Sean."Or what if it was Jay-Jay's boyfriend,Corey." she thought "They do hang out a lot." So she called Jay-Jay to look at the thing.She was just coming put of her stall."I think it's your boyfriend" said Jay-Jay "I think it's your boyfriend" said Taz "Hey!I got an idea lets go in" said Jay-Jay "How do we even know its real" said Taz "By going in.Duh!"said Jay-Jay"You SCARED!" "NO!Lets go."taz said bravely.And they went in.