By: Shadow Mask 
A continuation of the OVA seris. In my seris, we look at Ryoko's past a lot. And also her possiable future!
Also we encounter "The Brotherhood Of Assassins" who have something to do with Ryoko...Partically Darkside...
But it is pretty hard to continue, since I am doing loads of fanfics, and comics, and exams, so I made a little preview done by Washu...
But, to give you a taster of things to come... Here's Washu!
(cutrains pull back to reveal Washu, in fortune telling outfit, sitting in front of a crystal ball)
Washu:"Hiya Tenchi Fans! Chibi Washu here, to tell you the future, now I see...
Ryoko getting a job!?!? Well I wouldn't of predicted that in a million year, oh wait, I just did!
Now I see a shadowy figuare... Wait, it can't be, he's...dead? But it is, and he seems to be watching us! That can't be good, or can it?
Shadows from Ryoko's past, not only this Darkside chap, *hey anyone know the deal with him? I do* but someone very important to Ryoko... The one who "gave her life"... *sigh* him...
Ah... I see Ryoko losing her job, well that was easy to predict, but now I see her on other worlds, and her fighting many evil people. Kicking most of their asses, but there are a couple which will pose a bit of a problem... One being the Mighty, and Powerful, Virron Khan! But there is something else about her encounter with him....
...Wait, who is this little girl? Ryoko is holding her as though she was her own child? But she looks around 6?!?! Something strange going on here...
Now one final bit, I see Tenchi... In a jewlers... Buying... A RING?!?!?!? Can it be true? Tenchi is going to pop the question to one of the girls?!?!?! I had better start on my acceptence speach!
Well that's enough for now, see you all when the Kagato Muyo get his bloody disc back! Or rewrites what became corrupted!
Anime/Manga: Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Drama /
Comedy /
Action |
Type: Continuation |
Uploaded On: 04.20.2002 |
Pages: 6 |
Words: 5.4K |
Visits: 863 |
Status: No Chapters