Fan Fiction ❯ Can You Spell . s . u . i . c . i . d . e . ?
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: aZn.pRiDe.FoReVa didn't have a poetry section in here, so I decided to put it in the original's. My sister, Yuka, wrote this, and was too lazy to get a pen name so I put it up for her. This is a poem about suicide (obviously). My friend, Jessie, said it was really graphic, but I kinda disagree. This other guy that sorta bugs me said that it was really good and stole the copy I had taken to school that day. So read it if you wish. You don't have to. If you are kind enough, please review it though. Thanks!!
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Angst | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 05.08.2002 | Pages: 1 | Words: 232 | Visits: 586 | Status: Completed