Other Fan Fiction ❯ Alex Lanes and the Ring Robber
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: starmoon17 Okay. It's a good story. It is the third book out of the Alexandra Lanes series. And in each book, it gets longer. This one only has, like, 37 or something. Blame my sister. All my stories has gotten erased, and my sister only managed to save this much. And yes, I did cry. Of course, I worked months on this book and, like, SO many other books. Well, I hope you enjoy. It's really funny in the end. Alex meets a young woman (who appears to be around sixteen but is really in her late twenties), Carrie, and discovers that SHE is her original mom. Of course, she doesn't tell, depending on the kind of grudge they both have against each other. Carrie's engagement ring gets lost. Everything gets out of control, just because of a lame engagement ring.
Month in the story: November (aka Thanksgiving! Of course, Thanksgiving never actually occurs until the very end, but since the ending and the middle got cut out, you can't read it. Hah.)
Miscellaneous: Other Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Mystery | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 03.15.2007 | Pages: 13 | Words: 16.6K | Visits: 497 | Status: No Chapters