Other Fan Fiction ❯ Alex Lanes and the Trophy Stealer
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By: starmoon17 Okay. This is the sixth book of the series. My fifth book isn't out yet. The fifth book is a crossover about Alexandra Lanes and Jamie Krock. Another author wrote many (halirious) stories about a homeless girl, Jamie Krock. She's like Alex--she just discovers mysteries without realizing it. Well, the author (Christina) and I decided that we should write the fourth book together, each chapter narrated by Jamie and then to Alex. I think she posted her mystery on it too...I forgot. Well, her username on this is christinax290 if you want to read it (or if you can even find it at all. just try, k?) Well, anyhow, about this book. She and Rena goes to Falling Food, in prepreation for her friend, Lila's 14th birthday. A person stole a trophey...who is it? More the likely, they're blaming HER, of course, that happens in the end. She has many trials at court, and at the lat trial, her only choice is to point out who the thief is, or else. She meets a new friend (who didn't exactly start out as a friend...) Keith, and soon found herself liking him more, but won't ever admit it. What will happen in the end of the book??? WELL??? of course, not to mention that she's met two twins, Andy 1 an Andy 2. She's going out with one of them, just to dump him later on and break his heart (since she hated him so much) but what would happen if he actually had something planned for her a well???
Month: Late December to early January
Miscellaneous: Other Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Mystery | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 03.15.2007 | Pages: 55 | Words: 52.2K | Visits: 478 | Status: Completed