The new age...everyone said the war would bring peace, that the uncounted deaths of my kind would shine on the age that lacked death, no, the war brought everything but peace, it may not be the head-to-head battles I've seen before, no, its cold, the weapons, the magic, it's all cold but we all know whats happening, we know what the other sides are thinking, we know that war is the one constant in our excistance, like gravity or food, it will never just cease. Our chancellors say that the other factions are lacking in strenght, on raw power. The Druirda, specialists in the arts of black magic, the Salvem, the priests of our world, then there is us, the ex-fighters, the ones that have seen the acts of war, the damages caused to both the body and the mind, I've seen it all, people murdered by family, whole citied destroyed, but never this, the havoc caused on a persons mind, the inner machinations of a creatures mind. This one case changed my meaningless existence, the ripples of his existence flooded the senses of all creatures. The moment his eyes opened, every living thing felt his presence. That was the start of something new to us, a war that had no been expected, a war not amongst ourselves.