By: NozomiTwili 
Prologue – Of Shadow and Light
Once upon a time, in the mystical land known as Hyrule, the earth was brilliant and new. The three ancient goddesses had just finished constructing the world with their powers, and were pondering about something that was missing. They finally concluded that the world would need balance and harmony to keep it alive. They created two separate and sacred realms. Only Ancient sages, the rightful peoples of these worlds, and the ones named “guardians” could enter into these sacred realms. These lands were of darkness and light, mystery and awakening, peace and hope. These lands were the Ethereal Land (land of the living) and Twilight Realm (land of the peaceful). Both were equally important to mankind’s balance, without one, the other would grow too powerful and its aura would overrun the world, causing it to be unbalanced. When these lands were at peace, the entire world was, too. When they were finished creating these sacred realms, the goddesses put special types of creatures in the worlds to watch over and protect them, the twilight and ethereal people. They lived happily in balance with nature and themselves for many years, unnoticed by average creatures. One horrid and tragic evening, an evil ruler from the west known as Ganondorf who had heard about the sacred realms broke his way into the worlds using black magic, and tried to steal the thrones of the royal Twilight and Ethereal families, and rule the balance of the world himself. Breaking into the Twilight Palace and Ethereal Cathedral, he drained the royal families of power, causing them to make the last dying move of turning into light spirits. This was the only way they would be able to banish him back into the desert temporarily. With their Light powers, they chased him away and sealed him into the darkness of desert Colossus for twelve years. After the twelve years were up, they knew he would be back to take over the sacred realms once more. Now, almost powerless, the royal families did what they had to do. They sent the only impervious members of the royal family to a place of innocence, Kokiri Forest. One was a newborn of the Twilight and one a newborn of the Ethereal. Both with royal blood, they were the future sovereign of the realms. These two infants were destined now to be the Guardians of these worlds when they grew of age. Their true selves would be hidden from them, shrouded in mystery until they could defeat the Dark Ruler and go back to their rightful places, along with the help of the heroes of time. Their families, parents, and friends as spirits, would guide them along the way along with the help of a brave princess, her powerful sister, two young heroes, and a mysterious young man. The Twilight and Ethereal people lived on along with the rest of Hyrule, passing down legends of the moment they would be saved, the moment the world would live in peace once more.
Non Anime: Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Fantasy /
Comedy /
Adventure /
Action |
Type: Crossover |
Uploaded On: 11.17.2007 |
Pages: 37 |
Words: 46.9K |
Visits: 1.5K |
Status: Completed