Robotech Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Robotech Warriors: The Early Years
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By: Crossoverlover 
How exactly did Beryl get free from her prison that Queen Serenity placed her in at the end of the Silver Millennium?
Did the Sailor Scouts or Tuxedo Mask have siblings in their new lives?
Also find out what really happened in both Robotech and Sailor Moon in this AU crossover.
This is the thrid and hopefully final remake of this story. Me and my new beta-reader/partner in crime hope you like it!
Anime/Manga: Robotech Fan Fiction /
Sailor Moon Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Fantasy /
Hentai /
Adventure |
Type: Crossover |
Uploaded On: 04.30.2008 |
Pages: 6 |
Words: 10.4K |
Visits: 1.3K |
Status: No Chapters